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Chief Risk Officer
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Everything posted by wolstech

  1. Yeah, Johnny's been the one with spam reports...has always been common for him sadly since he allows more accounts per day and more resources per user before they busted for load...he's just easier for spam and phishing to set up shop on. I've definitely suspended several Tommy accounts for phishing though, and I suspect a few were likely sending mail even if we never got reports. I remember looking at a few of them in more detail before I suspended them...they had a mass-mail script in the root alongside a phishing site in its own folder...
  2. This happened to someone else today as well. The accounts seem to be half-unsuspending for some reason. I manually suspended and unsuspended you again and it didn't help Escalating.
  3. It's been sending a lot of spam lately, so I'm not surprised. We had several spambots set up shop on our servers in the past week (my mailbox has been full of abuse reports lately...). Escalating.
  4. Please wait for this to be looked at. You're not allowed to have two accounts, so trying to sign up again will get you suspended for multiple accounts in addition to whatever this issue is.
  5. It shows as active in the system despite being clearly suspended when visited...I tried manually suspending/unsuspending but it didn't help. Escalating.
  6. Not sure why. We have many others who use it without issue...
  7. Are you able to use cpanel on the PC even though the site itself doesn't work?
  8. @alein: He removed Cloudflare, so yes his site works now.
  9. You need to change your domains nameservers to ns1.heliohost.org and ns2.heliohost.org. All Stevie accounts have already been cleaned up.
  10. This support request is being escalated to our root admin.
  11. @Krydos: Tommy is the same way. I was using it heavily Friday and was waiting a minute or more at times for it to open, or for simple actions like deleting rows to process. Is it possible to check that one too?
  12. Seeing the servers have been rebuilt since then, its probably not even on Johnny anymore. I'm not sure if it can be installed or not. Escalating.
  13. This support request is being escalated to our root admin.
  14. You have 24 hours from now to remove all nulled/cracked software, videos, and other copyrighted content from your account. If you have not removed the content after 24 hours has passed, your account will be permanently suspended.
  15. I completely missed the fact that the link you posted earlier is for Tommy...use this one: https://johnny.heliohost.org:2083/frontend/paper_lantern/java/index.live.php
  16. You're suspended for copyright infringement. Nulled (pirated) scripts and the like are not permitted here.
  17. Your main domain was invalid (had no TLD or anything), so your account was going to work right. That's now fixed: http://academicmanager.heliohost.org/ That link is correct for requesting Java. As of now, you do not have it on your account. Are you not able to sign into cPanel?
  18. I do the same. Pretty much everyone who does any meaningful amount of web development does it this way. Some of the higher-end editors like Dreamweaver can do decent visual editing, but there's a lot of limitations, especially if you want any sort of interactive/scripted content. You're better off getting a template online and editing the code directly to make it fit your content. The nicer editors have a preview area so you can see your results as you work, though your browser will do just fine too. I personally use Notepad++ or SciTe, but like Krydos' vim, they're text editors for working directly with the tags. I don't know of many visual editors that are both decently capable and free.
  19. Just sign up again. We've already removed all the Stevie accounts. If a backup is available, you can retrieve it from https://heliohost.org/backup/ (if you get a file not found error or a 45 byte file, it indicates no backup is available).
  20. 840MB/sec...dang, though that's a small DDoS from my understanding. No wonder everything goes down. Network's clogged with all the junk packets being lobbed at us... Seems the server has no issue recovering when the traffic flood stops though. I'm guessing the firewall is taking the heat on Tommy?
  21. Been noticing this a lot over the past 24 hours (and am surprised nobody else has posted about it). I thought DNS issues initially, but they don't ping by IP either during downtime. http://heliohost.grd.net.pl/monitor/ I'm guessing all these reds are an HE issue since all of our servers go down at once?
  22. This support request is being escalated to our root admin.
  23. ...I hate timezones. I'm guessing cron honors the local timezone settings since the server clock is UTC...
  24. Output is sent to the default cpanel mail account (username@server.heliohost.org). You can check that mailbox via the webmail to see the results.
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