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Chief Risk Officer
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Everything posted by wolstech

  1. We don't support CAA records because cPanel doesn't support them. In fact, even CloudFlare doesn't support them just yet (and they're a big DNS provider). The RFC is too new and hasn't been widely adopted. It also doesn't help that most DNS software out there doesnt support them yet either. For those who are interested: What is a CAA record? https://support.dnsimple.com/articles/caa-record/ And a cPanel feature request: https://features.cpanel.net/topic/add-support-for-caa-dns-records-type-257
  2. I apologize for the difficulty communicating. The admins here are only fluent in English, so I'm using Google Translate to understand you. No. We do not have any backups for your account (our attempts to back it up failed due to hard disk damage), so there is nothing to recover. You will need to sign up at http://heliohost.org/signup/ then restore your site using any backup you may have. If you wish to use Tommy, our stable server, you will need to sign up at midnight UTC when registrations open (or donate if you do not wish to wait, donors receive an email that lets you register for Tommy any time). If you wish to use the Johnny server, you can sign up at any time.
  3. @bdistler: Yeah, he typed it wrong. His actual site works fine.
  4. You need to sign up again first, then re-upload your files.
  5. That doesn't do what everyone thinks it does. Please see my response here (and the links in Krydos' post below mine) about why we can't use it: http://www.helionet.org/index/topic/27746-letsencrypt-support/?do=findComment&comment=126727
  6. You were suspended for creating 19 accounts. You're allowed only one. Javier83 has been unsuspended. The the other 18 will be left suspended. If you need a different one, please let us know and we'll suspend javier83 and unsuspend another account.
  7. That account was on Stevie, which crashed in December. You need to sign up again and rebuild your website. Since you need stability, I highly recommend using Tommy. Registration opens at midnight UTC and fills quickly. Alternately, you can donate and get an invite that works even when registration is full for the day. No backup is available for that account.
  8. You were suspended for high load. I noticed you are running a proxy...they're famous for getting accounts suspended because they're too heavy to run here. I recommend removing the proxy. Unsuspended,
  9. wolstech

    Forum Lag

    Tommy registration opens at midnight UTC every night and fills quickly for the day. If you do not wish to wait, you can donate $1 or more and get an invitation email that works even when the server is full. https://heliohost.org/donate/
  10. The regular mysqli library doesn't do that, it gives an error that doesn't include the actual line of code...can't speak to PDO, but if it really dos that, that's some poor design of PDO's errors.
  11. I've never viewed it, so I don't know. The TOS and Wiki didn't even exist when I first came around back in 2009. I was here for a few months, left, came back in 2011 and been here since. The TOS Wiki page was written right around the time I got my 2011 Stevie account. I wouldn't be surprised if it was though. In other news, looking at the history, I thought the examples under what won't be tolerated in this TOS rev were a bit funny: http://wiki.helionet.org/index.php?title=Terms&oldid=284
  12. I actually checked in that backup already. The whole directory tree where that content should be is there but empty (except for a license for a font). No luck there (guessing the files failed to back up). Wayback Machine and the like don't have it either (robots.txt told them to not archive it). The only thing I've found that's a "Support FAQ" was this old forum post: http://www.helionet.org/index/topic/5055-support-faq-read-this-first-updated-050111/ (most of this is already on the Wiki now).
  13. That's what I figured on the Terms. Otherwise random person would come along and add a clause allowing phishing or something. The main page is probably just to prevent defacing... Either way, it works now. Thanks again @bdistler: The support FAQ link has been removed from the Terms. If anyone manages to find that content, let me know and I'll stick it on Area52 and put the link back
  14. Nope. Still says I don't have permission. The two pages I can't edit are the two on this list: http://wiki.helionet...:ProtectedPages (and it won't allow me to unprotect them). It looks like you might need to either remove the protection or give me the ability to edit protected pages...
  15. I don't even see the Edit tab. I see "View Source" instead when I look at those pages. If I click that it says:
  16. You have to create a database called barcode in cPanel first. You cannot create databases through PhpMyAdmin.
  17. wolstech

    Forum Lag

    If you're on Johnny, that's normal. Johnny server is not very fast and can also be unstable at times. Johnny is meant for testing/experimentation. We allow unlimited registration on that server, but this also makes it prone to overloading and being abused. Notice the load and response times of Johnny vs. Tommy on this chart: http://heliohost.grd.net.pl/monitor/ Johnny has suffered 3 different high load events today. If you need fast and reliable service, you should sign up on Tommy instead. Tommy doesn't typically see such events because we limit the number of users that register per day, limit the number of load-inducing features available (ASP.NET is request only, no Rails support) and more tightly control how many resources can be used before accounts get suspended. The server is also significantly more powerful (Tommy runs on much newer hardware than Johnny).
  18. If that's the concern, just put @ in front of the connect statement line (e.g. @mysql_connect. (An @ prevents a single line from producing errors). I run numerous websites in production (several of which are hosted here), all have their errors publicly visible, and have never had an issue. Also, I've never seen a password appear publicly as a result of a crashed/erroring DB server, something which, back when we had Stevie, was a very common occurrence. The errors just show usernames, usually dbuser@localhost. We do not consider usernames to be sensitive information (we ask people to post them all the time).
  19. There's probably no way to do it, but you can test to see if the log still generates with this option set: See if an error_log file appears in your script's folder after there's an error. Then delete the log, add the error_reporting(0); and try it again. Many of us prefer the errors shown anyway (you're actually the first in a long time to ask to turn them off), since it helps users report bugs in applications. Would you rather get an email saying "It doesn't work when I try to log in" or an email saying "I tried to log in but it gave me an error about some unexpected ')' on line 37"? The latter is much a more useful report than the former in my opinion...
  20. Accounts on Tommy can take up to 24 hours to start working again once they're unsuspended (Apache has to restart, which generally happens around midnight UTC when registrations open, or when any user adds or removes a domain).
  21. That account is not actually suspended, but it probably needs an apache restart to get rid of the suspended page. Did you just renew it? Give it 24 hours, if it's still showing suspended after that, I'll escalate it for you.
  22. Add this to the top of your PHP files (I recommend doing it in an include that's used by everything in your application, like a DB config file, so it only has to be done once): <?php error_reporting(0); ?>
  23. Users are still getting the server crash message when they attempt to renew Johnny accounts that have gone inactive. http://www.helionet.org/index/topic/27899-suspended-fjjodor/
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