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Chief Risk Officer
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Everything posted by wolstech

  1. Just add the new domain as another addon domain and set the document root to the same folder as the old one.
  2. The uptime of Tommy is similar to what used to be offered by Stevie. In addition, we'll be releasing a new server named Ricky soon as well. This will be the "real" Stevie replacement (he's a VM that lives on Stevie's hardware).
  3. It got hacked again already. I'm seeing a "hacked by rapozof" banner at the top of your page. Please remove everything including your store software from your site ASAP. It has a backdoor or security hole. Also, please change your password. I've already given you 2 chances to fix this malware/hacking issue, this is your last chance. If this is not fixed within the next 12 hours, you will be permanently suspended.
  4. Glad to hear. The server is severely overloaded though...http://heliohost.grd.net.pl/monitor/ It's been down most of the past day. This is normal for Johnny though...it's intended to be used for testing/experimentation, not a production website. For better up time, I recommend moving to Tommy.
  5. It's an old server and is overloaded because we allow unlimited sign ups and more resource use per user. Johnny is intended as an experimental server, so this downtime is normal. If you need something stable, you should move to Tommy. Tommy has much better performance and up time and can run everything that Johnny can except for Rails applications.
  6. That account has been unsuspended. You have 24 hours from now to remove the hacked website and all malware from your account.
  7. That's why...the ending of .html means it won't count. Only pages ending in .phpcp will count for inactivity tracking. The Heliohost.org login is supposed to count it before it reaches cPanel, but it apparently doesn't always work, you're not the first to mention this... Use https://tommy.heliohost.org:2083/ and it will always count.
  8. What link are you using to log in? There are a few that wont count your login...
  9. He generally does not bother with checking PMs unless you're already working with him on the boards (he's the root admin). He'll likely respond to your post here when he sees it. He usually checks once or twice a day.
  10. That looks like "CloudFlare Origin Certificate" was accidentally listed as a domain name instead of as a description. It doesn't appear to have actually installed either. I get a self-signed cert and relevant warning when I visit your domain. Krydos will know more about this.
  11. Escalating. @bdistler: The domain that appears in the config file errors do not necessarily reflect the user whose domain is not working properly. cPanel builds an Apache config from the data for all users on the server. Any of them being damaged/missing will cause this.
  12. Your account is suspended because it got hacked. You likely didn't completely remove the malware that caused your earlier suspension. I can give you 24 hours to fix it. I recommend you delete everything in your public_html folder and start over, since something in there contains a back door (probably an infected CMS theme or plugin). Please note that if you fail to fix it, your account will be permanently suspended and you will need to sign up again. Are you're ready to fix the issue?
  13. It's now suspended for being hacked. You probably didn't remove the malware completely, and they used it to take over your account. Our recommendation for removing malware is to delete the software entirely and reinstall it using only reputable sources and components. For example, Themes and extensions for popular CMS products offered on dubious websites for "free" are commonly just disguised malware...
  14. It's because of your forum account having the same username. I renamed you to Olego2 so you can reuse Olego. Let us know once you sign up and we'll change it back. You're probably going to want a Tommy account since you were on Stevie before. Registration opens in ~2 hours (5PM PDT).
  15. That account was on Stevie, but there is no backup available for that account (it failed because the files were unreadable due to disk damage, the archive is empty).
  16. The nameservers are ns1.heliohost.org and ns2.heliohost.org.
  17. Correct. That command makes windows forget all the looked up addresses in its cache. If you run that, the next time you visit the domain, it will have to ask a DNS server instead (typically one run by your ISP unless you've changed your settings manually). A DNS server can either be the one that holds the records about the domain (the "authoritative" server), have the answer cached already from previous lookup, or look up another server that might know and pass on the request. Eventually it'll reach the authoritative server and get the address it needs. A complete look up from end to end for domain.com would be something like this. In reality, these servers will have caches of their own and may not actually need to ask the next one in line because they remember from before (this was your problem...either your PC or the servers remembered from before, not realizing the answer had changed in the meantime). The below is simplified quite a bit, but explains the general process. PC checks if its cached. If yes, use the data in the cache.PC asks the configured DNS server to for information for domain.comDNS server doesn't know where it is, so it starts working down the chain, starting with ".", also known as root. This is to the right of the .com, but that period is generally not written. The internet root servers are asked where the servers for ".com" are (most servers will generally have such information already and not actually need to ask the root servers).DNS server then asks the servers for ".com" (of which there are VERY many) where domain is.The ".com" DNS servers return NS records pointed to ns1.heliohost.org and ns2.heliohost.org. NS records basically say "these servers are the ones responsible for the answer for domain.com. Ask them."If an A record was found here instead of the NS records, the IP listed in the A record would be returned as the answer and the lookup would be complete.This step is one of the reasons you have to wait for DNS propagation when you change your nameservers. Because there's many DNS servers that handle answers for stuff under .com, they all need to know the answer to this question. Lookups can fail if you get one that hasn't been informed of the answer yet.Assuming an NS record was returned, ask the name servers listed, and they respond with an IP for domain.com. The response is passed back to your PC.PC connects to the IP given and asks for content.
  18. Do you know what the username or email address was?
  19. It's not suspended for me...I see the 500 error, which could be caused by many things. Broken code, invalid .htaccess files, or incorrect file permissions are most common. Check that your permissions on your index file are 644 (not 664, which they upload with if you use SFTP). Rename your htaccess to disable it. If none of those help, your code is probably broken. If that's the case, you can try renaming your index file so it doesn't run and verify that your account shows a directory listing.
  20. The account ragua070 has been unsuspended.
  21. Unsuspended. Please delete the file listed above immediately and fix your wordpress issue within 24 hours.
  22. Your WordPress theme has malware...WordPress is infamous for its security. We recommend not using themes and extensions for random websites because many of them contain backdoors or other malware. We recommend that you delete your entire wordpress installation and reinstall using up to date components from reputable sources only. Also be sure to keep everything updated after you reinstall, as WP itself and its extensions receive security fixes regularly. My personal recommendation is to just not use WordPress at all (WP is a leading cause of malware suspensions here at HelioHost, and is probably the most poorly written CMS available in terms of security). Whatever you do, do not use your theme again. Are you ready to fix the problem?
  23. That account is permanently suspended for phishing.
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