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Everything posted by wolstech

  1. wolstech

    Last I was told, there is no cPanel plugin for Lets Encrypt, only a WHM plugin. There's a major difference. A WHM plugin is managed by root admins, and is global to everybody on the server. The WHM plugin issues a certificate for every single account and domain on the server. It has a stupidly low limit of I believe 20 certs a week that we'd go over in a single day...we have way too many new accounts per day for it. In addition, SSL adds extra load to our (and LE's, for issuing the certs) servers, and many domains hosted here probably wouldn't use SSL even if we made it standard on all accounts. As of right now, due to the lack of available software and LE's restrictions, there is no way for normal users to properly automate Lets Encrypt on our service. You can however manually generate a certificate for your domain every 90 days and install it. See this guide for that: http://wiki.helionet.org/Installing_an_SSL_Certificate_with_ZeroSSL
  2. The domain wildsidedivers.tk is correct already: http://bybyron.net/php/tools/dns_records.php?domain=wildsidedivers.tk&rec=NS Have you tried adding it? The domain iot-sa.tk is incorrectly configured though. You need to select Custom DNS and enter the nameservers ns1.heliohost.org and ns2.heliohost.org. Your domain's NS records: http://bybyron.net/php/tools/dns_records.php?domain=iot-sa.tk&rec=NS (We do not support using an A record with Tommy's IP address, which is what it appears you've done).
  3. That's actually not bad...especially for the free price. Here's an example of a PHP mail package that should work with it: https://github.com/PHPMailer/PHPMailer/ They have an example for doing SMTP with it right in the readme.
  4. All Stevie and Johnny domains should have already been released. You should just be able to add them. Is there an error you're getting?
  5. You can't use the pear mail() because we don't support pear. That error is normal. If you really want to use an external mail server, you should download any of the large number of smtp classes available for PHP that implement the protocol via sockets and use that. Is there a reason you can't use our mail service though (you're the only user we have that has done this)?
  6. Last I checked, we didn't support PEAR. I'll escalate this because of your odd mail configuration...as far as I'm aware, you're the only one who's trying to use an external mail server for their domain's email.
  7. Our server prioritizes delivering mail locally when possible. If mail is sent to a domain hosted here, it never leaves our server by design. I'm not sure if you can change this...Krydos or Byron would know.
  8. You're trying to host a single subdomain of a domain that's hosted elsewhere...cPanel's official answer is that this is not supported. However, we can make it work. You need to use the subdomain in question as your main domain. If you do this, http://rk4.heliohost.org will no longer function. You can't have both. You should be able to change your main domain yourself by signing into www.heliohost.org (note that the option for this is NOT in cPanel, but in the "Heliohost tools" section). If you have trouble, let me know and I can change it for you.
  9. 1. Midnight UTC every day. 2. You can still delete your account, but you need to sign into www.heliohost.org to do so. The old one on the classic site is no longer supported. Please note that if you're trying to delete an old Stevie or Johnny account, they've already been deleted since the servers crashed. 3. It's still supported. Support@heliohost.org
  10. That account failed to create, though the error message is "Account creation OK"? Not sure what happened here. Escalating so the cause can be investigated.
  11. Cron again. There's a section in cpanel for crons. I recommend that you check them and assuming you only have 1 job, make sure it's not set to run more often than once every 12 hours. One of your programs probably created a cron set for a few minutes or something. A lot of software will do it when it's installed, and some do not tell you.
  12. Your account was suspended for running too many cron jobs. To help keep load low, we limit accounts to two (2) cron executions in a 24 hour period. This means that, if you only have a single job, it can run no more frequently than once every 12 hours, with two jobs, they can each only run once a day, and so on. Your account has been unsuspended. To add to this for your specific case, there are a lot of programs in Softaculous that create crons during installation. Because we limit the number of crons per day, we recommend that when installing programs from Softaculous, you should disable the cron installation and create it manually so you can keep your account within the limit.
  13. Glad to see you got it working Let us know if you need anything else.
  14. This should be closer to correct, though I didn't test it and there may be syntax errors. Your issues were both the SQL syntax described above, and also your IF statement was wrong. mysqli::query() doesn't return a boolean TRUE when you run a SELECT, it returns a mysqli_result object instead. Your IF was explicitly looking for a Boolean true, but since the function doesn't return true when a SELECT succeeds, the else section always runs (there's no database error, hence why $db->error was empty). The quick way to check if a mysqli::query() was successful is to check if the returned value is empty(). Boolean TRUE (the result of an INSERT, UPDATE, etc.), mysqli_result objects (the result of SELECT), etc. are considered to be non-empty. Boolean false from a failed query is always considered empty. <?php $db = new mysqli("localhost", "root", "", "default_db"); if ($db->connect_error) { die("Connection error"); } else { $sql = "SELECT * FROM users WHERE `nick` = '$u'"; $result = $db->query($sql); if (!empty($result)) //Check that it's not empty. Non-empty queries are successful. { $data = $result->fetch_array(MYSQLI_ASSOC); echo $data['email']; } else { echo "Query error: " . $db->error; } } ?>
  15. SELECT * FROM 'users' WHERE 'nick' = '$u' Should be: SELECT * FROM users WHERE `nick` = '$u' You used the wrong type of quotes. You need the ` symbol (the one to the left of the number 1, above the tab key), not the ' (apostrophe). around the field names. If you want something around the table names, you should use these there too, though the code will work without anything around the table name.
  16. You're indeed suspended too many cron jobs. The limit is 2 per day. Unsuspended.
  17. It's already suspended for the second time. Escalating so Krydos can check on the file causing this.
  18. Your account was suspended for causing high server load. I have unsuspended your account, but please try to limit the load you put on our servers as it slows down not only your site, but the sites of all other HelioHost users sharing your server. If you still see the suspended page, please clear your cache.
  19. A 503 Service Unavailable is indeed because you didn't request ASP.NET. Escalating to have this installed for you.
  20. I bought a .com back in 2014 when i lost that .tk, so I have a domain...was on a road trip at the time and seeing it needed to be fixed asap, i had to buy it, set it up, and reconfigure a whole boatload of things using only an iPad and Bluetooth keyboard on free wifi at hotels and coffee shops...I still hate freenom for that. Do I actually qualify for the free domain promo? I was under the impression that being an admin meant I didn't (kind of like how employees of a company holding a contest can't enter). Because if I can, I have almost 10 years worth sitting there and I easily make 400 posts a year.
  21. They cancelled a domain of mine back in 2014 for no reason...not surprising. Took me 2 years of constantly trying to reach them to find out why it wouldn't let me re-register it. They fixed that, then banned my account the same day for abuse despite having zero domains registered (and of course, were of no help when I asked why, just pointed to an FAQ saying what I already knew). Did get the domain back eventually...2.5 years later (lost in June 2014, got it back Dec 2016). Needed it since I have PCs across the country with software that expected to find my site there. Once they connected again, updates immediately got shipped to reconfigure them to my .com. I hate Freenom.
  22. I'm not sure. It should work assuming the cert is installed correctly. Escalating.
  23. It means your SSL is incorrectly or incompletely configured. Mine shows the same random site since I don't use SSL: https://www.raxsoft.com Our system currently shows that random website when a domain is not associated with an account, or when you visit a non-SSL domain over SSL...it's a bug we've had since Tommy was built and is related to the fact we currently don't have things like queued pages.
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