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Everything posted by wolstech

  1. It's because you're using WordPress. WordPress is badly written and extremely inefficient. Most users on our service that try WordPress have this issue (and if they don't, they usually end up suspended for high load instead). You can try removing a bunch of extensions from your WordPress installation (some such as elementor, wordfence, and woocommerce are especially known for their performance impact), but the best solution is to use something other than WordPress.
  2. Setting is intentionally set to prevent you from accessing files outside of your home folder. As said above, if you need this to be set to none, you'll need to buy a VPS instead.
  3. Looks like it probably hasn't propagated yet then. Give it until tomorrow and try the test again.
  4. Recheck name servers, still showing domain.com: https://bybyron.net/php/tools/dns_records.php?domain=ppblk.space&rec=NS also, the best you can possibly do is going to be about 7.5 until you get a different domain. -0.499 FROM_SUSPICIOUS_NTLD From abused NTLD -0.001 FROM_SUSPICIOUS_NTLD_FP From abused NTLD -1.725 PDS_OTHER_BAD_TLD Untrustworthy TLDs URI: ppblk.space (space)
  5. It's because WP is badly coded software. This 504 error is one thing that can happen when the software is so bloated that PHP times out before it can finish running the Wordpress code. It can also occur during an Apache restart, but that usually goes away on its own within a few minutes. A stock installation is usually not too bad, but if you add any extensions to it, it becomes so bloated and slow that it usually won't run well if at all. Some extensions are worse than others, but Elementor, WooCommerce, and Wordfence are three that are well known to cause this. If you do get it to run with extensions, odds are you'll end up suspended for high load, which is what usually happens to people who use WP. People use it because its a well known name, but literally anything else is a better choice. As for the vulnerabilities showing on a new install, you probably need to update it after installing, especially if you install through Plesk since Plesk tends to have older versions in its software installer. Also, forgetting to update it regularly will usually result in a hacked account (and a subsequent ban when the hacker sets up phishing or sends spam).
  6. Yes SPF and DKIM can be fixed for any domain since they’re just DNS entries, but the fact that that the domain ends in .space is in itself a problem (major providers have blacklisted a lot of these “vanity” TLDs like .space, .zip, .page, .xyz, etc. because that are prone to abuse). That can’t be fixed without buying a different domain that doesn’t end in one of those.
  7. Still exists, but they only have a few TLD's now. The .ml and I think .ga are no longer offered.
  8. You need to be using our name servers (ns1.heliohost.org and ns2.heliohost.org) for the records that Krydos set up to do anything. Also, one of the issues on that report is that the domain TLD .space is considered less than reputable. There is no fix for that besides buying a normal domain like a .com or .net and using that instead.
  9. Working for me as well. I see a scheduled maintenance message from your site, not the default web page.
  10. Yeah that's the missing SPF and DKIM. Krydos can set this up for you.
  11. Fixed. The DNS zone was missing. The domain appears to already be alive, but it will take up to 2 hours for the SSL to start working.
  12. High CPU usage. 10479 CPU This time it's for high load. You may need to see about optimizing your Joomla installation, or perhaps consider using Cloudflare's proxy function if you don't already. This topic has some information: https://helionet.org/index/topic/57606-handling-cpu-load-spikes-or-high-load-using-cloudflare/ (note that while some of it pertains to WP, the Cloudflare stuff should work on Joomla as well). Unsuspended. It may take a few minutes to start working.
  13. A 344MB error_log and as well as a processed access_ssl_log for forum.mupdvig.tk have been removed. The messages were basically a flood of access denied errors from the IP of an abusive indexing bot. You can set up log rotation to prevent this. I've set it for you to no more than five 10MB files, but you may want to change it. To do that, in Plesk under the affected domain you can go to Logs->Manage Log Files->Log Rotation and set a max file size and number of logs to keep.
  14. Why not just host both websites in your account? A single account can have up to 10 sites, and each can have separate content and act independently of the other. You just need to ask for an extra domain (or in this case, we could move the existing domain from jeanine to webmast1), then you see both sites as options in your account. Since you build and manage both sites (and I assume she never logs into her own account since she doesn't know much about computers), it would likely actually be more convenient for you to have them both in one account. I'll let Krydos decide on the multiple accounts thing.
  15. Krydos can cancel this for you.
  16. Unblocked again. Also, Plesk should be working on the bijurs account at the moment since it looks to be below 1000MB (showing 992 at the moment). If the password isn't working for the mailbox, try resetting it in Plesk.
  17. For hosting accounts, there are keywords and other criteria we report on in order to prevent abuse. We explicitly don't say what they are for security reasons. For the forum, prohibited discussion would include illegal activity (e.g. how to set up phishing websites or pirate software), content that is offensive, incites violence, or is otherwise in poor taste (e.g. racism, advocating violence against someone or some group, etc.), porn or other adult content, and profanity.
  18. Your test script was invalid. You didn't send any headers (at minimum you must send a Content-type header when Python prints to a browser), and the line endings were of type none (must be unix). I fixed the test file for you and its working now.
  19. The webmail subdomain doesn't work because your DNS is incorrect. Since you use external DNS, make sure there is only a single A record called "webmail", and that it's pointed to In addition, for the root domain ppblk.space, you'll need to delete the A record with the IP of for the site to work properly. As for the additional subdomains, there is still something wrong that prevents them from being added at this time. Krydos is going to look into it again.
  20. One of us will take a look at this later on today. I’m on mobile at the moment…
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