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Chief Risk Officer
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Everything posted by wolstech

  1. Yeah, he saw a bit of a load spike. You can see the oranges fading away on the load bars right after he came back up. If you're curious, it was an abusive user who caused 4153% (!!!) more load than the second heaviest user. He got suspended for it. We apologize for the inconvenience.
  2. ASP.NET should be compatible with .NET 4.5 on Tommy. Be aware that it's Mono though. There might be a few differences.
  3. Cron is limited to 2 executions a day, so no. The most you could do is a single job every 12 hours. If you put the script somewhere accessible by browser, we can set up a call to the URL that runs every 4 minutes though.
  4. You shouldn't need to since the root admin gets an email when you donate so he knows to send the invite. If the invite never arrives due to spam filters though, you can post your transaction ID and it can be resent.
  5. https://heliohost.org/donate/ Once you donate, you'll get an email within 24 hours containing a link to create a tommy account (the root admin sends them manually, so they're not instant). Minimum is $1 USD. Anything smaller and we lose it all in fees (you'll get a refund if this happens).
  6. It fills very quickly (within 30 minutes typically). It goes by number of accounts, not time, so some days fill quicker than others. It was actually open for an hour tonight. On Sunday it was open for 6 hours. On Thursday last week, it lasted <15 minutes. Our record is 9 seconds ("everybody mashed F5 at once"). You can see the periods of time when it was open here: http://heliohost.grd.net.pl/monitor/ If staying up to midnight and trying repeatedly isn't viable for you, you can also donate $1 and get an account that way.
  7. Yes. It resets every night at midnight UTC. For you, it should be right at midnight since you're in the UK.
  8. Krydos hasn't been around to take a look at it, likely due to the weekend. Hopefully he'll stop by in the next 24 hours. Also, while this DNS issue might be our problem, Freenom is having some sort of problem lately. We had another 2 users with the "NS records were missing despite being set" issue for freenom domains earlier.
  9. I've renamed your forum account to fuzmic2 so you can reuse your username when you register. Please note though that you won't be able to register until you receive the invite email. You have to use the special link contained in that email to register on Tommy since the free registrations are not open.
  10. WAR files usually get deployed with the username in front of them, so it'll likely be at http://infotecq.heliohost.org/infotecq_lab5/ Deployment can only be done by one person (Krydos), so you have to wait for him to do it. He usually works the Escalated bin once or twice a day.
  11. Have you already donated? If so, please post: Your transaction IDThe username of your existing Johnny account so we can move it (or make the username reusable if you've deleted the account).If not, you should donate through PayPal or Skrill using the buttons on the page at http://heliohost.org/tommy/. If you've deleted your account, be aware that it can take up to 24 hours for the email with the link to create the new Tommy account to arrive.
  12. Actually, if you use http://heliohost.org/tommy/, you should NOT delete your account. We'll just move it for you. Be aware that getting a Tommy account this way is not free though (a donation of $1 USD or more is required). If you decide to donate, please let us know your Johnny account's username and your Paypal/Skrill Transaction ID and I can have it moved. If you want to move for free, you'll need to delete your account. This will delete all of your data, so back up anything you want save first. Deleting your hosting account does not delete your forum account. After deleting your account, wait several hours, then go to https://heliohost.org/signup/ and register when Tommy registrations are open. They open at midnight UTC every day and fill quickly. Please note you will not be able to reuse your username without an admin's assistance. If you want to reuse your username, let us know and we can rename your forum account so the username can be reused for the Tommy account.
  13. Do some research on "SQL injection". Basically, the issue is that you allow your users to enter data that's then directly sent to MySQL without being checked for MySQL's reserved characters/commands. There's nothing stopping someone from putting SQL commands in one of those inputs. Once someone does that, PHP just happily inserts their code into yours, MySQL runs it, and all sorts of things can happen. For example, lets assume a simple search. In the below, $query is whatever a user types in a search box: SELECT * FROM data WHERE `text` LIKE ('%$query%'); In normal cases, this is fine. If "code" was searched, you'd get queries like this after the variable is filled in: SELECT * FROM data WHERE `text` LIKE ('%code%'); The above returns every result where `text` contains "code". This is what's supposed to happen, and a site with this code would work as expected. Now, let's be evil...I type this in the search box: '); DROP TABLE users; -- This results in the query becoming the following: SELECT * FROM data WHERE `text` LIKE ('%'); DROP TABLE users; --%'); That query gets sent to the server, and the server happily runs each of the queries listed, in order. The server will return everything in data where `text` is % (wildcard meaning "anything"), then drop the users table. You then come back later and wonder where your users table went...
  14. I'm fairly certain that Cpanel doesn't support it. Krydos will know for sure, but you may end up needing to use CloudFlare or similar to do this.
  15. There's probably an issue on our end too, especially seeing you're on Johnny (which is known for domain setup failures due to load). Escalating.
  16. These are malformed: mysqli_query($connection,"DELETE FROM $materia WHERE id=$id") They need ` around the field names, and the values need single quotes. It should be something like this (assuming $materia is a valid table name): mysqli_query($connection,"DELETE FROM $materia WHERE `id`='$id';") Also, your code is full of security holes. While I suppose I could assume they weren't added because the code doesn't even work yet, it's good practice to add this sort of stuff as you go. These are things like escaping and sanitization data being passed into SQL queries (look up "SQL injection" for more details)
  17. It's archived. Escalating to have it restored...
  18. That's because you probably have an IP block, which is not a suspension. You aren't suspended. I'd unblock you, but I'm on mobile at the moment so another admin will need to do it.
  19. Freedom doesn't block us, we have thousands of their domains hosted with us. I'm seeing the name servers there now, so it looks like the changes worked. The issue now appears to be missing DNS entries on our end. Unsolving this so Krydos sees it again.
  20. You have to do it right at midnight UTC. Registrations open at that time and fill quickly. The only other option is to donate. When you do you her an invite within 24 hours that let's you create a tommy account.
  21. I don't see any DNS records for that domain...either the domain isn't registered or there's something wrong on Freenom's end. I should at least see our name servers when I query that: https://bybyron.net/php/tools/dns_records.php?domain=bailey.cf&rec=NS It returns nothing at all. You should make sure you set your nameservers correctly on Freenom's website. They need to be set to ns1.heliohost.org and ns2.heliohost.org.
  22. Jenkins can theoretically run here (see Krydos' link), but I don't know why you'd want to run it here. We don't offer shell access, and you'll probably still need another server to actually process jobs / compile the code for the software you're developing.
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