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Everything posted by wolstech

  1. wolstech

    Ns Settings

    Name servers are changed at your registrar, not here. You need to set them to ns1.heliohost.org and ns2.heliohost.org to use our services.
  2. The DNS settings are correct and I see a website at that domain now that appears to work.
  3. This support request is being escalated to our root admin.
  4. Unblocked. In the future, if you use https://heliohost.org/login/ you won't get blocked for incorrect passwords.
  5. This support request is being escalated to our root admin.
  6. This support request is being escalated to our root admin.
  7. It failed then. Thats pretty common on Johnny... Escalating so that can be corrected.
  8. Did you add that domain to your account as an alias or addon domain? Domains always show queued if they're not attached to an account.
  9. Both of those aren't free if you want certain (somewhat common) functionality or need more than the very basics. I've never seen a form processor that was completely free honestly, short of writing it myself. A large part of the reason WP is so popular in the first place is because a lot of the functionality of all these integration services that try to upsell you, is available in WP as extensions for free.
  10. WordPress is one of if not the worst written, bug and vulnerability-filled CMS software out there. Abject junk. Seriously, just about any other CMS or website generator out there is going to do a better job. All of us here highly recommend you just replace your WP install instead of trying to fix it. You won't have to deal with these errors anymore, the site will be faster, and it will be more secure too. That'd be quite useful. A lot of the WP sites I've seen on here are indeed in this category. Rarely updated static content. Definitely no need for the bloat and risks of WP. The ones that don't are usually either crude stores built with a WP plugin (a proper ecommerce system would be better suited for that), or content/news aggregation sites of some form. Can Hugo do basic interactive elements like a contact form? I haven't had time to look into it more...
  11. wolstech


    Composer itself is not supported, but the programs it puts together usually are. It's basically just a package manager, so you can technically run it on your local PC to put the program together, then upload the resulting file structure, adjust the config files if needed and the program should run. EDIT: Beaten to it.
  12. Unblocked. It was for too many failed FTP logins. Do you have the wrong password saved in your FTP client?
  13. You can avoid the block for cPanel logins by logging using https://heliohost.org/login (this link won't block you). For FTP and others, as long as you don't use invalid credentials, you won't get blocked. If you want to use a VPN for security, yes you can. We allow VPN use. It's still possible to get blocked though (you'll just get the VPN blocked instead of your own IP). Also, when you are blocked, your site is still up for everybody but yourself, so if you're concerned about your block causing downtime for your site visitors, getting blocked won't affect them at all.
  14. There is no difference between HTTPS and HTTPS www. The www is a fake subdomain the system creates so a user who types "www.dropprob.heliohost.org" will still see your site. All sites do this now since some users still www, and others don't. Yes you can upload your theme and start working now
  15. PDO for postgres is not installed on Johnny. It's available on Tommy and Ricky. It may be possible to enable this though. Escalating.
  16. Did you add the mytopjob.in domain in cPanel? It needs to be added as either an alias (shows same content as life.heliohost.org) or an addon domain (gets its own root folder so it can show different content). I don't see it in our system at all. A domain will always show queued if it's not associated with an account. Please note that domains cannot be added to your account until after the name servers have been changed (cPanel requires this to prove you control the domain). Ricky domains are more or less instant setup though (usually within minutes), so once you add it, it should work within the hour at most (you may need to clear your cache each time you check until it starts working, or you can check it with an incognito/private browser window) The life.heliohost.org domain works properly.
  17. That promotall.heliohost.org folder is useless. You can ignore it or even delete it since it doesn't point to anything anymore. Your domain dropprob.heliohost.org points to public_html, and not that promotall.heliohost.org folder. Your WordPress install is broken though. The easiest way to set up your site considering everything is broken would be to start over. Delete everything inside public_html except cgi-bin (do not delete cgi-bin or the public_html folder itself, just the files inside the folders). If you don't want to delete everything, make a new folder and move all the files in there.Use Softaculous to install WordPress in the public_html folder. After it's installed, you should be able to access it at http://dropprob.heliohost.orgLog into WordPress and build your site.
  18. Thank you for the donation. It's much appreciated. When Krydos sees your post, he will move your account to Tommy. In the meantime, if you receive a Tommy invite, you can ignore it as you will not need it to have an account moved. Split and escalated.
  19. @Raouday1: I've moved your request here: https://www.helionet.org/index/topic/30169-server-move-request-raouday1/
  20. Donate a minimum of $1, then post the transaction ID and username of your Johnny account so we process your move request. We can move your existing account to tommy if you wish. If you wish to do this, do NOT delete your account. Moved to customer service.
  21. I wonder if it being a Java application has something to do with it. I know theres a way to do this since Ive seen it done with non-Java software. Escalating so Krydos can take a deeper look.
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