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Everything posted by wolstech

  1. Are you or your software modifying your .htaccess file? The MultiPHP settings are in your .htaccess file for the subdomain (which will be in the subdomain's root folder).
  2. Its archived. Escalating to have it restored.
  3. wolstech

    Add Domain

    Sure. You can add any domain you own to an account here. Set your nameservers to ns1.heliohost.org and ns2.heliohost.org at your domain registrar, then add the domain under either Aliases (same content as your main domain) or addon domains (different content) in cPanel.
  4. It's possible the DNS entry didn't update for some reason or a path got messed up during the move. Try removing and recreating the subdomain. That will force it to recreate all the relevant entries. If it still doesn't work, let me know and I'll move it so Krydos looks at it again for you.
  5. You're on Johnny, which is famous for this. Normally fixing this would be a matter of just creating a missing subdomain to complete the addon domain installation (addon domains are a two step process internally, and step 2 usually times out on Johnny due to load), but because you tried deleting things, our root admin Krydos probably needs to fix it now. Escalating. In the meantime, what domain did you try to add?
  6. You're on Johnny. Escalating to have this restored.
  7. You were actually blocked for failed SFTP logins. Do you have the wrong password saved in your FTP client? As for remote mysql, did you add your IP address to the Remote MySQL page in cPanel? Unblocked.
  8. Just to clarify Krydos, our definition of "several hours" can be a day or more. I've seen it need over 24 hours before for one other person...
  9. Check in the tmp folder. The statistics software loves to eat data since there's 3 apps to choose from and they're all on by default. You can turn off the ones you don't use in cPanel (Metrics editor). If you use FTP, you can see the hidden files (flies starting with period). Odds are it's going to be python modules, mail, and similar things that you actually need to keep...
  10. This support request is being escalated to our root admin.
  11. @Byron: The domain arter.ga is not suspended. There is what appears to be a Facebook bot on that domain though. We don’t recommend running those here since they cause high load and are sometimes also phishing.
  12. This support request is being escalated to our root admin.
  13. Unblocked. It wa for failed ftp logins. Did you save the wrong password in your ftp client?
  14. I’ve already removed the domain from it. You can just ignore the old account at this point.
  15. It's the other way around, you do want to move to Tommy if you do not need Rails. Tommy is much faster.
  16. The account with that domain still exists. It has a username of chinahua. I've sent an email to the address on that account to verify you own it. Please reply to it confirming you want to delete the account and I'll remove it for you.
  17. I've manually renewed the account for you. Go ahead and try deleting it now. http://www.heliohost.org/classic/support/scripts/delete If you don't remember the password, use https://johnny.heliohost.org:2083/resetpass?start=1 to reset it, then try deleting it again.
  18. Since the Johnny account still exists, first, go here: https://heliohost.org/renew/ to renew your inactive Johnny account. Once it's renewed, go here: http://www.heliohost.org/classic/support/scripts/delete and delete the Johnny account. After that, wait several hours, then try adding the domain again.
  19. I don't see that domain in our system. Did you add the domain to cPanel as an Alias or Addon Domain? You need to do that to associate it with your account, then wait the 24 hours before it will work. If it gives an error about a process timing out, please let me know (Johnny is prone to it).
  20. A root admin needs to delete the DNS entry for you. Escalating. That domain can't be added because it's attached to another account.
  21. It's archived. Escalating to have it restored for you.
  22. That's a generic database error. The database settings in the wp-config.php file are probably incorrect. Make sure the database, database user, and password are correct, and that the database user is assigned to the database. The database host should be localhost. By the way, we don't recommend using WordPress. It's full of bugs and security holes and is a leading cause of hacked websites here...
  23. Global.asax is not a file you're supposed to be able to access in a browser. The server intentionally refuses to serve it for security reasons. I don't see an aspx file, probably because you didn't create a page and put code in it. You said you uploaded an empty project, so there's no pages to even view.
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