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Chief Risk Officer
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Everything posted by wolstech

  1. It was blocked for failed IMAP logins. Did you save the wrong password in a mail client? Unblocked.
  2. Escalating. On second thought, that account was created today and is still queued. There's no way it has Java enabled. You need to request Java in cPanel and wait for it to become active for your account. Last I checked, the wait for 2-3 months for it. You might want to move to Tommy where the wait is only a few hours.
  3. Did you try the SFTP settings (not to be confused with FTPS, with the S at the end, which does not work for most)? You may need a different client based on your pictures...I don't see an option for SFTP. Most people here use FileZilla with SFTP and it works. The FileZilla settings for Johnny look like this: https://i.imgur.com/U5p0HL9.png You'll enter your username and password when asked.
  4. wolstech

    Time Zones

    Ah, time. I always get this confused...if I remember correctly: The servers actual clock is set to UTC. The time zone setting is PDT since the servers are physically in California. I live in EDT, and last I heard Krydos and Ashoat also both live in EDT (were all in the northeast USA). Not sure on Byron, but for some reason I think he may be CDT.
  5. The restriction should be satisfied since the components folder and its contents are in fact inside one of the approved paths (public_html). They just didn't code the path to that file correctly, so its looking for an unapproved folder called "public_htmlcomponents" instead of a folder called "components" inside of the approved folder "public_html" If the error shown is accurate, it's missing a /: /home/xxxxx/public_htmlcomponents/ There should be a / between the public_html and components: /home/xxxxx/public_html/components/
  6. This support request is being escalated to our root admin.
  7. The domain mieayam57.com is working properly. We don't support those subdomains. You should be using: cPanel: https://heliohost.org/login/ (or https://johnny.heliohost.org:2083/ for direct login) FTP: use johnny.heliohost.org as the host name, protocol is SFTP, port is 1373.Webmail: https://johnny.heliohost.org:2096/
  8. It should be valid for that. It's possible since your account is so new that it hasn't issued yet though. Give it another day, if it still doesn't work tomorrow, let me know and I'll escalate it.
  9. I wonder if this is related to yesterday's outage, which was caused by /var filling up due to an apache log growing too large. Escalating.
  10. Pretty likely. A lot of our user have "first of their kind" development projects and configurations. We see a lot of interesting configurations and projects here That's why we install modules when asked, and why we sometimes have to ask a lot of questions when things don't work. Odds are we've simply never seen it before ourselves.
  11. It should be johnny.heliohost.org on port 5432.
  12. Unblocked. What settings are you using for FTP?
  13. You don't have much content right now, but it seems to run fast to me.
  14. That error just means the file shown in the error (/compat.php) is missing. Make sure the file exists. Seeing its path is just "/", the file compat.php needs to be in your public_html folder.
  15. I'll make a random one and send it to the email address on the account. Once you can log in, you can change it in cPanel to whatever you want.
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