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Chief Risk Officer
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Everything posted by wolstech

  1. It was for high load. I noticed you have a proxy script on your account, which is one of the top reasons this happens. Delete the proxy and you probably won't have this issue. Unsuspended.
  2. Unblocked. Yeah, caps lock will do it.
  3. Unblocked. You were blocked for failed SFTP logins. Make sure your password is correct in your FTP client.
  4. Ricky is what used to be Stevie. Hard disk 1 (10 years old) died in the server. When we rebuilt it, we switched to a virtual machine model, meaning Stevie is the hardware, but the VM that does the hosting needed a name, so we called it Ricky. Then the remaining disk (also 10 years old...) went bad after 3 months, so we re-disked the server and rebuilt it again, keeping the Ricky name. It's the same hardware with new hard disks and much newer software. Stevie (hardware) contains Ricky (VM).Charlie (hardware) contains Johnny (VM).Eddie (hardware) contains Cody (VM) and Tommy (VM). (Cody is the server that holds the hosting management system, this forum, our wiki, and our website).I would recommend moving to Ricky or Tommy if you can. You can move by deleting your Johnny account and signing up again at midnight UTC. Registrations for Ricky are usually open for several hours every day. Tommy fills within minutes. Or, if you donate (we could use it, we're over $100 short to cover the costs of operating for October), we can just move your Johnny account for you without deleting and signing up again.
  5. It did fix it when you created the subdomain, you just had to wait for apache to restart. It's working now. I see a template for a facebook bot at that domain...for what it's worth, those bots tend to get suspended a lot, usually for high load or phishing. Be careful how it's implemented if that's what you're building.
  6. Unblocked. The FTP settings shown in cPanel don't always work for some reason. We usually recommend SFTP instead, and it's more secure anyway. Try these settings: https://imgur.com/a/2G2bm (Enter your cPanel username and password when prompted).
  7. On Johnny...pretty much. A significant portion of (i.e. most) domain adds fail on Johnny in my experience. It's caused by the server being severely overcrowded. Ricky and Tommy don't have this issue. Both of those servers will add a domain correctly without assistance.
  8. Is it possible to edit the cPanel page to show the information we always end up posting? What do you plan to use this for? Also, can the server at the other end be reconfigured to use a more standard port like 80, 443, or 8080?
  9. The two of you should now see an empty forum at the bottom down near "Contact HelioNet".
  10. First, thank you for the donation. A donation gets you an account on Tommy, or if you already have an account, you can request a server move as a thank you gift for your donation. We currently do not have any logic in place to remove advertising (or adblock nags) from our websites in response to a donation, and implementing such a function would be a challenge considering the way our website is designed. I'm not sure if it's ever even been requested as a suggestion either, but I could see it being a viable possibility if we offered a recurring donation option in the future. I do know we have (or at least had, not sure on status) some enhancements to the donation system planned, but I do not know whether these enhancements would allow us to implement such an offering. I personally find the adblock nag annoying myself because I occasionally post from one of my jobs where the ads are blocked by a content filter that's beyond my control. The suggestion and the donation are much appreciated.
  11. What max file size do you think would be best for Tommy? For reference, Johnny is at 8MB.
  12. You can't. You need to move to Tommy, or develop for 2.7 on Ricky. From the wiki (http://wiki.helionet.org/Flask):
  13. It would be mods, admins, and you two. I should be able to set it up sometime later tonight.
  14. You can always let a mod or admin know and we can post it in the News forum for you (who can create new topics in that forum is restricted because it broadcasts on our social media). You can also put the warning on the front page of the wiki a few days ahead of time.
  15. If you guys want your own hidden board for wiki dev stuff, I can do that for you so we don't need to cram all of this in one topic, especially considering this will be an ongoing project. Not sure about the other 2. I'd probably just rename the existing forum to "Wiki Access Requests and Questions" as one board to keep it simple. We've never really had enough content for a separate "Wiki questions/other" forum to be warranted.
  16. This one sounds like a CF issue honestly. Krydos can verify there's nothing going on here, but we've had a few people whose sites just would not work when they tried to run CF with the website. We'll see what Krydos says, but you may end up needing to contact CloudFlare and ask the question there.
  17. In that case, it's possible something else caused it. The limit is supposed to be 50 emails per day. Usually being able to send 1 email is a sign of throttling due to overuse, which shouldn't be the case here. Our root admin Krydos can check and see why you aren't able to send mail. Have you checked the result of mail()? It should return true if it's sending/thinks it sent mail. Also I'm assuming you've tried sending to a different recipient address and checked the spam bin (email from us has been known to erroneously flag as spam)?
  18. You probably got throttled for sending too many emails. There's a few reasons for this happening, the most common being sending too many emails. Escalating.
  19. The URLS are just inline links to the images, so this is probably the cause. We came from an ancient version where it was enabled by default. It might be easiest to just turn this setting back on...it hasn't been an issue for the past 5 years since we restrict editing to approved users anyway.
  20. I assume you mean "need to be embedded"...some of those can't be embedded/stored as part of the wiki since they're actually PHP scripts that output image data (or might be image files regularly regenerated by a PHP script vs. generated on-demand). Is there a reason we can't just link to an external image like we can now? Can the domain restriction be removed entirely so we can use third party images without re-hosting them?
  21. It's possible (or at least in the past it was) to get suspended for "High MySQL Load" just like it is for "High Server Load" (CPU/RAM). Abuse generally weeds itself out quite quickly on the production servers (unlike Johnny, who just bogs down from the abuse and takes forever to find resources for suspending it...)
  22. https://www.helionet.org/index/topic/30202-increase-maximum-php-file-size-71/ I'm sure he can increase that...it's 8MB on Johnny, so I don't see why Tommy couldn't be increased as well.
  23. Looking good Any idea why I can't get external images to embed? I'm trying to fix https://wiki-dev.bailey.cf/Template:Server_load The pictures are also broken on https://wiki-dev.bailey.cf/Installing_a_Let%27s_Encrypt_SSL_Certificate
  24. @Krydos: His username is pipe0482, on Tommy.
  25. It was Sunday yesterday, so it's fairly common for none of us to be around. Krydos usually checks this forum either around mid-day or late at night (EDT) from past experience, so he should look at this today sometime.
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