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Chief Risk Officer
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Everything posted by wolstech

  1. That account got suspended during a bulk phishing cleanup I did this morning. It very closely resembles an account that was actually phishing (username and IP address are nearly identical to a Mobile Legends phishing site). I actually checked account content and don't see any phishing files on your account, and we haven't received any reports for the account. The domain and index.html do content suggest dubious content might be offered on the site. Please be advised that discussing illegal activity, offering hacking tools, and similar topics are NOT permitted and will result in a permanent ban. Also, be aware that we do not offer email services to users in your country. Since there's nothing on there that's illegal right now, you've been unsuspended. Finally, your DNS is incorrect on your domain. Please delete the A and CNAME records and add NS records pointed to NS1.heliohost.org and NS2.heliohost.org if you want that domain to function correctly. https://bybyron.net/php/tools/dns_records.php?domain=fsc-cyberteam.tk&rec=ALL
  2. Unblocked. It may take up to 10 minutes to take effect. You were blocked for failed FTP logins. Make sure your password is correct in the FTP client, and that you're using the recommended settings (if your account is on Johnny, FTP over TLS is not supported).
  3. The donation is required to get an account on Tommy at all. When you donate, you get sent a link to create an account on the server. The regular signup page just says the server is always full for the day. We used to offer free accounts on that server, but we had to stop doing so due to lack of disk space. They'll be offered again in the future once that new storage hardware we had the fundraiser for is installed. Ricky is still free though. Sign ups for that server open every day at midnight UTC and fill quickly.
  4. Source: https://tommy.heliohost.org:2083/frontend/paper_lantern/java/index.live.php Having java enabled on an account raises the server load and memory usage regardless of whether the servlet is getting any traffic. If you don't use the java it is removed to make room for other people who are actually using it. He had a WAR deployed that's receiving traffic...if that doesn't count as using Java, what does?
  5. If you're deleting your account to move to Tommy you can just make a donation and we'll move your existing account for you. To add to this, there is also no way to move to Tommy for free at this time, so deleting your account will just cause more work for you. A donation is currently required for Tommy, so the only difference is whether you get an invite and new account, or have the existing account moved.
  6. I noticed you also created additional accounts. Please be aware that our Terms of Service only allows you to have one account. I've suspended the new account you tried to create today, as well as tppsocia and tppnow. Please do not create additional accounts or all of your accounts will be suspended.
  7. The malware I'm referring to would be on your PC, not the website. If the website was infected, all of us would be seeing it. Try another device and even another internet connection (e.g. cell phone on data plan) and see if it helps. The dummy WP install you put in there is working fine for me and Bailey.
  8. That account cannot be restored because it's on Tommy and was deleted for disk space. An invite has been sent to your registered email address so you can create a new account. We apologize for the inconvenience. @Byron: Tommy accounts became unrestorable when the second disk died around new years and we needed the space. The only fix for these is to delete them from ACP and send an invite.
  9. Your URLs are incorrect. It's http://pikhee.heliohost.org/content.htm The slash goes after the .org and before the file names. I renamed your .htaccess file in public_html so it's ignored and that fixes it. Your .htaccess file is just invalid.
  10. Yep, that's the way to do it Let us know if you need anything else.
  11. You've met your requirements...your login date is current, and you're actually using the Java (deployed WAR), so not sure why this happened. If it happens again, Krydos will need to take a deeper look. To verify, I just checked and your login date is yesterday, so the soonest you could go inactive is March 21, and that's if you don't log in at all between now and then.
  12. Your computer likely has malware. I see a default page for a WordPress blog when I visit your site. Clearing my cache doesn't seem to make any difference. I see this: https://imgur.com/a/3TRSk
  13. Be sure to log in at https://heliohost.org/login/ so the logins count. Also, I'm not sure it matters, but do you have traffic to the website produced by the war? Java can fall off an account simply for not being used.
  14. HelioHost does not offer email services in your country by default due to a history of abuse originating from the region. I've unsuspended you. Do not use any of the email functions or you'll be suspended again. If you think you need an exception, please post an example of the emails that you'll be sending and I'll pass it on for approval.
  15. WordPress is infamous for causing high load because its so badly written, and yes, plugins are usually one of the causes. Krydos can probably point to a specific file, but it usually ends up being something like index.php or wp-cron.php, which won't tell you which plugin. We usually recommend people get rid of WordPress entirely because it's full of bugs and security holes, and is a leading cause of high load suspensions here at HelioHost. Moving so Krydos can tell you which file it was.
  16. Your account was suspended for causing high server load. I have unsuspended your account, but please try to limit the load you put on our servers as it slows down not only your site, but the sites of all other HelioHost users sharing your server. If you still see the suspended page, please clear your cache. If you need help figuring out why your site is causing such high load let us know and we can try to help. If the high load is simply because your site is getting a lot of traffic you might consider trying paid hosting from our partner starting at only a cent for the first month. https://www.heliohost.org/partners/hostgator
  17. The site works properly for me. Can you try another browser or another computer?
  18. Anchor tags generally don't need special treatment. A title attribute might be helpful, but other than that, you don't need to do much of anything.
  19. Done. You should now be able to log in and your website should start working within 12 hours.
  20. Your account was archived because you haven't logged in for quite a while. We have a limited amount of space on our servers, and occasionally we have to remove the unused accounts to make space for new users. To prevent your account from becoming archived again please remember to log in at https://www.heliohost.org/login/ at least once every 30 days. Unarchiving...
  21. Where is the actual site files that will include the header.php be going, in the mobile folder? If you use the same directory structure on the local test server, and relative paths throughout, you won't have to edit much of anything except database info. I have a massive amount of interconnected code and applications on my account, and there are very few places where absolute paths were required.
  22. Use relative paths and this won't happen. If you have a file in public_html and want to include something in a folder called include, instead of saying: include('/home/username/public_html/include/myinclude.php'); Use: include('include/myinclude.php');
  23. Because Apache cannot run ASP.NET code through real Microsoft .NET. The issue is that ASP.NET code is by design made for IIS and .NET. Apache behaves differently from IIS in many respects, and only supports Mono (an open source .NET clone that's not fully compatible), which is what we're trying to get away from.
  24. You got blocked again...your FTP client has the wrong password in it. Unblocked.
  25. The whole point of having the Windows server is to use IIS. We will not be installing Apache on it.
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