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Chief Risk Officer
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Everything posted by wolstech

  1. You can't. Johnny only supports 5.6. Ricky and tommy offer multiple versions of php. Ricky offers free accounts at midnight UTC every day if you want to move servers. Tommy requires a donation. http://wiki.helionet.org/Moving_your_account
  2. That's why. We have tomcat 7 on Johnny, so that app won't run. You'll need to rebuild it for tomcat 7 if you want to run it on Johnny.
  3. Deployed. http://bfpsw.heliohost.org/JAW/
  4. Deployment did not succeed (hung while starting). Moving so Krydos can take a look at it...
  5. Your message is blank and the IP you posted from is not blocked.
  6. It's worth noting that the donation is required for a Tommy account. We currently do not offer free Tommy accounts due to lack of disk space.
  7. You can't log in by visiting the name server address. Those are only for attaching a domain to our system. You should log in at https://heliohost.org/login/
  8. Unblocked. It was for failed cPanel logins. If you use https://heliohost.org/login/ this won't happen.
  9. Its worth noting that at this time, a donation is required for a Tommy account due to low disk space. If you do not wish to donate, your only alternative is to wait in line for Java on Johnny.
  10. The names themselves are just made up. There's no significance to them, the mods and admins just vote on the names. There is a naming convention though: Physical hardware has a name ending in 'ie', hence Stevie, Charlie, and Eddie. There's also one called Katie, but it's only for internal use (runs a personal project for the company founder).The VMs on the hardware end in 'y', hence, Ricky, Johnny, Tommy, Cody, (and soon Lily).
  11. You can't, unless you want to try modifying the installer. Usually there's a folder of .sql files that the installer imports. You could edit these to change the engine flag to MyISAM and see if the program will work. Some applications require the functionality of InnoDB though and won't work if you convert their tables. If you don't want to wait until this is fixed, you can move to Ricky (http://wiki.helionet.org/Moving_your_account, free registrations open at midnight UTC every day) or Tommy (https://heliohost.org/tommy/, no free sign ups, donation required) where we have working InnoDB support.
  12. The domain isn't the problem. The .htaccess for the django application in the folder above that document root is conflicting and breaking the domain. I renamed the .htaccess in ~/public_html/the925 to htaccess.old and your domain is now working, however your django application will not work now. To correct your issue, you need to either add an exception to exclude the oauth folder from the URL Rewrite in the .htaccess file, or just change the doc root of the addon domain so it is not inside a folder that contains a django application.
  13. Back the database up, then make a copy of the backup. Alter the copied .sql file in a text editor to change the engine to MyISAM, and import the altered copy into a new database. In read only mode, you cannot drop your existing database, convert it, or edit it in any way.
  14. Something from the IPs you're using is sending a ton of requests to SSH and/or SFTP on our servers and getting blocked for failed logins. We don't allow SSH, and SFTP is not going to be the issue if you're not even using an FTP client. I unblocked the IP right next to the one you're posting from (ending in .18, you posted from .17). Once again shows as failed SFTP logins. I'll move this to see if another admin has any ideas on why this is happening to you.
  15. We'd still get the emails, but I'm not sure if you'll still get the replies. Krydos would be the one to know that. You can definitely always post on our forums though. That's what most of our users do anyway
  16. I was planning on ASP.NET and (due to demand) PHP. I've been looking into whether RoR can run on there too. It seems like it can, but may take some effort. Everything else will be done through a cPanel account (mail, DNS, etc.) that will be needed alongside the Windows account (Krydos: Does our system support having more than one "plan" [account feature set] in cPanel or would our custom stuff break)? Even I don't know a ton about IIS (my Window Server knowledge focuses more on enterprise stuff like Active Directory). I've done Windows web servers, but they were WAMP or WIMP stacks. I have never done "WIMA", which is what the goal here is.
  17. Google Fetch is just a tool to let you view a page the same way Google's bots see it so you can verify that what you want seen is what is being seen. https://www.google.com/webmasters/tools/googlebot-fetch You do realize that most SEO stuff out there is snake oil though right? Other than some basic keyword and tag work, a site map, and owning a proper domain (search engines learn about many new websites from WHOIS data), everything these days happens organically. I know for a fact that I did absolutely zero SEO for several websites I've built (both mine and for others), and have never had an issue with Google and others not finding them. In my experience, the most important thing outside keywords and owning a domain is to make sure you get traffic to your site from other sources (e.g. advertising it, if you offer a service having it listed on directory for the services you offer, etc.). All of my sites get traffic naturally from things like links in software help files or documents, and if you google my sites, they show up just fine. Also, why don't you just Google this stuff? There's tons of sites on this topic out there. We don't have terribly much experience with this stuff...I just googled the answer myself...
  18. It was for failed SFTP logins. Make sure your password is correct in your FTP client. Unblocked.
  19. You have to build it with composer on your local computer then upload the resulting file structure. Composer itself won't work here, but the built applications should run.
  20. Bingo. cPanel's session hijack protection requires the IP address stay the same for the duration of the session. Using a load balancer with more than one public IP will break the system. Users on a mobile phone see the same issue. The fix is to use a VPN or proxy so the IP our server sees stays the same. Unblocked.
  21. Unblocked. Also, if you use https://heliohost.org/login/ this won't happen. Only the normal cPanel login form can get you blocked for invalid cPanel logins.
  22. You were suspended for creating more than one account. Because all 3 accounts are currently suspended, I've unsuspended this account for you.
  23. InnoDB support is broken on Johnny: https://www.helionet.org/index/topic/31947-innodb-is-in-read-only-mode/ To add a new domain, use the name servers ns1.heliohost.org and ns2.heliohost.org.
  24. When moving servers, if you donate and we actually move the account, the forum account does not need to be renamed at all. If you wanted to move to Ricky for free, we'd just rename it to newrepub2 then rename it back after you sign up again. If you want it to be renamed to something that's not newrepub, just post it here and I'll rename it.
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