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Chief Risk Officer
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Everything posted by wolstech

  1. Now that's some high load... Since this is probably related to the Perl issue you're having over here https://www.helionet.org/index/topic/32248-installation-of-perl-module-cryptrandom/ I'll leave this suspended until the cause and a fix can be identified by Krydos. If it was that Perl module, he'll need to fix that too. We don't want to cause any more downtime on Tommy due to this sort of load again. If you would like your account back sooner, let me know and I'll just disable all your scripts (add .old extensions to the end of their names) and unsuspend you. Please note that it may take some time since Krydos has been busy with non-HelioHost stuff lately. All of us are volunteers, so none of us get paid for what we do here. As a result, we have a real life and job to tend to at times
  2. @mrj: That's the issue he's having. The system is ignoring the custom mail headers (specifically the FROM and REPLY-TO) for some reason so he can't fix the headers...
  3. What IPs should be allowed (or do you want any IP)? Escalating so Krydos can enable this for you. Please be aware though that Krydos has been busy with non-HelioHost stuff lately, so there may be a delay in getting this set up for you. All of us are volunteers, and none of us get paid for what we do here, so we all have a real life and a job to tend to at times.
  4. @Sagnik: The access denied error he's getting will always make $conn false. I would try changing the password on the mysql user next. Also, this line would never be valid: //$mysql_username = "remcon"; Except for the cPanel default mysql user (the one that's the same as your cpanel username), all MySQL users will be prefixed with cpanelusername_, so it should be It should be hazak_remcon, assuming hazak is your cPanel username.
  5. It will not since there's likely a forum account by the same name. I have to rename the forum account if you want to reuse it. What's the old username?
  6. The main domain is working. Please clear your cache. As for the addon domain, please remove cloudflare and change your name servers to ns1.heliohost.org and ns2.heliohost.org. After that, verify the domain appears in the addon domains list in cpanel. If it does not, add it and wait 12 hours. If you receive an error adding the domain, please let us know and we can assist further.
  7. Unblocked. It may take up to 10 minutes to be effective.
  8. I will leave this open for Krydos to see. He's the one who handles advanced requests such as this. Please be advised that Krydos has been busy with non-HelioHost stuff lately, so your request may take several days to be completed. We're all volunteers who don't receive any sort of pay for what we do here, so we all have a life and job to tend to as well
  9. Your account has been unarchived and moved to Tommy. You should now be able to log in.
  10. That account is suspended for Phishing. HelioHost does not tolerate phishing activity of any kind, and for security reasons will not unsuspend, back up, or delete an account that was involved in phishing. You will need to create a new account and restore any backup you may have. Please be aware that you will not be able to reuse any domains on your suspended account, and will need to pick a new username. We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused.
  11. I've answered in your other topic and unsolved it for you. My response is copied below for reference:
  12. I'll answer here since you posted it. For #1, we don't support HTTPS for Java by default because it uses a lot of resources and means your account would up 2 Java slots instead of one if supported both HTTP and HTTPS. It can be enabled for you, but regular HTTP won't work anymore if you want us to do this. For #2, this is a limitation of how we handle WAR files. It occurs because we deploy into a username prefixed folder. If we didn't, nobody else on the server would be able to have a WAR called "blog". We recommend naming your WAR file with the username_ in front of it (e.g username_blog) so the deployment path and the URL are the same. There is no fix other than to either rename the WAR, or develop your code to make the assumption that the username will appear in front when searching for its files.
  13. You're not blocked on our end...
  14. The 68 you're seeing is the total open connections for all accounts on the server. MySQL Connections are limited to 4 concurrent connections per account on Johnny and Ricky. Tommy has a limit of 6.
  15. It's probably a stale DNS cache. If you're on windows, open a command prompt and run: ipconfig /flushdns To clear out the stale Ricky DNS entries
  16. Unblocked. Make sure you're using the right password in your FTP client. It may take up to 10 minutes to go into effect.
  17. If you follow this topic here on the forum, yes you will. Krydos will post in this topic when it has been configured for you
  18. OK. I'll move this so he sees it. Please note though that there's been a delay in getting escalated requests like these handled lately though. The admin who handles these, Krydos, has been busy with non-HelioHost stuff recently. We're all volunteers and don't get paid for what we do here, so we do have a real life and a job to tend to at times
  19. That account cannot be restored because it was deleted for disk space. An invitation has been sent to the email address on file so you can create a new account. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.
  20. Microsoft is a known issue. They blocked our IP, hence why Outlook/Hotmail always spams our mail. There's another user on here who's been talking about it, and unfortunately MS's delisting page for the blacklist doesn't work, so there's no way to get that one unblocked. They did recently start allowing it through again (it used to just come back undelivered), but now it goes to spam. As for Google, they just have a good filter. It depends on the email. If you send too many of the same/very similar email to the same address, they will start going to spam on their own. My test emails the other day did this after the 4th or 5th one. I just "Not spam" one of them and they haven't done it since. As for major block lists, we're not blocked, so it's the providers not liking your content or directly blocking us: https://mxtoolbox.com/SuperTool.aspx?action=mx%3atommy.heliohost.org&run=toolpage# Krydos has been busy with non-HelioHost stuff lately, so I apologize for the delay on getting the FROM/ REPLY-TO issue fixed. All of us are volunteers, and none of us get paid for what we do here. As such we do have a real life and a job to tend to at times...
  21. There is no need to request a WAR file be undeployed. When we deploy your new one, your old one will undeploy on its own so it can be replaced. Just let us know what the new one is called and I'll deploy it for you
  22. That .war file could not be deployed because java is not enabled on your account. To request java and then check the status of your request go to the java button in your cPanel. Please be aware that since you picked the Johnny server the wait to receive java access is quite long due to high demand. The wait to receive java on Tommy is generally just a few hours. If you're in a hurry we recommend moving your account to Tommy. If you want to save yourself some work an admin can move your account for you if you're a donor. Just let us know the transaction ID.
  23. The primary admin who handles this sort of request (Krydos) has been very busy with other non-HelioHost things recently. There's currently nobody around who knows how to do this. As soon as he sees this he'll activate it for you.
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