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Chief Risk Officer
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Everything posted by wolstech

  1. Yeah, if it was Hotmail it would not surprise me if it does that, same goes for outlook.com. Microsoft owns both of them. I can't speak to Johnny, but I do know that users on tommy cannot send email to any outlook or Hotmail address because the server is banned.
  2. Krydos can fix that. It's because the residual crap from the old damaged tables is still there (though you can't see it). If you're in a hurry, you can just create a new DB with a different name and import the backup into that instead.
  3. I have a home server with ESX that started doing that recently. I suspect a SATA controller issue since it keeps producing warnings about all 4 disks being in an unknown state every half hour in its logs. The fact it's all 4 disks, and the fact the disks themselves are perfectly fine based on testing makes me think that box needs a new MoBo in the near future... When it hangs, the thing goes dead to the outside world with no network connectivity to ESX or any VMs, not even the local console works to reboot it (lugged a monitor over to it, no video)...but you can tell the VMs keep working. The disks are happily flashing away despite no way to interact, and once you reboot, it's obvious that it was business as usual for the VMs when you look at their logs and see things logged during the time ESX was frozen.
  4. Krydos can probably remove it manually. It just won't drop when I tell mysql to drop it. And yes, I would recommend converting to MyISAM if your software doesn't require it. Assuming the database is restored and working, you can change the engine by altering the InnoDB tables in PhpMyAdmin. There's an option to specify the storage engine used.
  5. That's odd. It's not listed as suspended despite showing a suspended page. I manually suspended and unsuspended it, but it might take a few hours for it to take effect. If it hasn't unsuspended in a few hours after Apache restarts, I'll have Krydos look at it for you.
  6. Yep, best way to fix wordpress indeed. I only have that one install left, and I could probably do away with it at this point if I wanted to. I never finished the website and ended up advertising the minecraft server on reddit instead.
  7. Won't even throw errors in many cases...it just freezes or blue screens. Linux has a much higher tolerance for having its boot volume yanked out of under it. Some OSes (like ESXi) can actually run perfectly fine without their boot disk present, so long as it doesn't expect to do something like use the disk for swap (when one of our disks died a while back, it was a boot drive...the server kept running for quite some time, and only packed up when it finally tried to swap something due to load and couldn't find the swap file...)
  8. That's already there: https://tommy.heliohost.org:2083/frontend/paper_lantern/home/status.html (towards the bottom).
  9. It won't drop for some reason (gives me error 39 when I try to drop it). I'd suggest you just create a new database with a different name, then go into phpmyadmin and import the backup.
  10. The NAS itself probably won't get a name since it's not a server in the conventional sense, it's a storage appliance. The network switch in the rack lacks a name too... If the NAS were to fail entirely, we'd lose access to the accounts on Tommy's extended disk (the NAS disk usually appear as a partition like any other, odds are these accounts will get stored in /home1 or something similar). For Lily, fi it ends up being built how I imagine, Lily won't boot if the NAS is down. Tommy's cPanel would still let them log in, but their site would be down (likely giving a 503 Service Unavailable or some similar error because Apache would respond, but can't connect to IIS to pass the requests through) and their files and any DBs stored on would be inaccessible. Mail/DNS/etc. would still work, and provided their account is on the non-NAS half of Tommy, it could be converted to a Tommy account at the expense of their data.
  11. What program is producing that message? Also, how are you trying to send mail? I've never seen that message before. Also, can you provide the entire, un-edited message (including the addresses and IPs)?
  12. To be honest, we don't show individual load sort of on purpose. Part of that is because there's no way to provide a meaningful number because high load is "high relative to other users", not "high relative to idle". For example, if the server happens to be rather quiet, your account can cause quite a bit of load without anything happening. If the server's busy though.... The other issue is that if users know where their upper limit is, they'll stay right below it, hogging as much as they can without getting suspended. By moving the limits dynamically and not telling you where they are, it makes it close to impossible to defeat. The limits are high enough though that reasonable software will run just fine. I've been here 7 years with numerous applications and sites on my account, and have never managed to suspend myself for load (on the other hand, I did manage to get suspended for malware at one point after an un-updated WP install for my minecraft server got hacked). As for free registrations, yes we'll offer them again once we have the space to do so, and yes, it would be reasonable to assume that as the server becomes more crowded again from free accounts, the tolerance for load suspensions will probably be decreased to reduce load-related lag and downtime. They may or may not both happen at the same time though.
  13. Create the subdomain kliklampung.kliklampung.heliohost.org in cPanel, then check if the domain shows up in Aliases (or possibly in Addon Domains if you tried adding it there in the past). Once it shows up, wait 12 hours and clear your cache. If you can't get it to show up, let me know and I'll have someone look at it for you. This is a known issue on Johnny with addon and alias domains.
  14. Pretty much. A visitor to a website would never see it. They'll visit yourdomain.heliohost.org like they always have. We actually already own the server. What we had to buy was a NAS to make the server useful. The actual server is a unit named Katie. The owner donated it late last year because he needed half of it for personal projects. The other half is what will become Lily. The problem is that it has like 30GB of space, which isn't even enough to install Windows (Server 2016 wants 25GB, and the ISO is 8GB...). The GoFundMe was held so we could purchase a NAS to get the additional space we need to actually use it. Some of the space from the NAS will also be used for Tommy so we can offer free accounts again. Right now, the Lily half just runs a tiny CentOS VM with the linux version of HelioMine 24/7 since its useless for anything else until we install the storage. The storage hardware has been ordered and shipped to the data center, hopefully it'll get installed in the next few weeks so I can actually start building this.
  15. Did they check in spam? Johnny email tends to go to spam a lot due to the amount of spam and phishing that originates from the server. Try writing a very basic script that uses mail() to send yourself something, and see if you receive the test email. Also, please be aware that if the recipient is using outlook.com/hotmail.com, they may not be able to receive emails from HelioHost. As of now this should only affect Tommy users, but there is a known issue with HelioHost and Microsoft services.
  16. Did you make sure to set your file permissions correctly? They need to be 644, but often upload as 664 and need to be changed (Apache does not like files writable by the group). Also, try renaming your .htaccess file so it's ignored and see if your site works without it. Invalid .htaccess files will cause a 500 error. If you're running Python/Perl/etc., scripts, be sure the shebang line is correct and that the file is in the cgi-bin folder. @Bailey: 99% of the time it's not the script. Nearly all 500 errors we see are permissions or htaccess related.
  17. What is your account's username and what server are you on?
  18. If you're going to find a mail service, consider that a dedicated IP address may work for you as well ($12/year). I'm pretty sure mail will come from the dedicated IP if you have one, so it won't look like it's coming from tommy...Krydos can confirm that if you're interested.
  19. He'll email it to you if he has one, and usually posts in here saying it was emailed.
  20. If you're not sure whether we might receive a spam report (or whether your users will get your mail), this is a useful tool for making sure your mail doesn't look like spam to a filter: https://www.mail-tester.com/ (It can take a few revisions to find something that's friendly to both users and filters )
  21. And if it wasn't obvious from Krydos' response, your website violates our TOS and cannot be unsuspended: http://wiki.helionet.org/Terms I hate these social media bots...
  22. One of our other root admins. He's the one who maintains the servers. I mostly do customer support and abuse prevention.
  23. Please clear your cache. If you've done this and it's still showing Queued only when on your computer, the issue may be caused by your ISP caching websites. Unfortunately, there is nothing we can do about that except suggest you wait until their cache expires.
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