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Chief Risk Officer
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Everything posted by wolstech

  1. Unsuspended. It may take a few minutes to work. To clarify the policy for others who may read this, users are allowed one Plesk account total , not one account per server. Users cannot have an account on both Plesk servers at the same time. Also, the multiple account policy does not apply to VPSes.
  2. You're suspended for having more than one account. Which account do you want to keep?
  3. Domain added. It may take up to 2 hours to work. For the certificate, uncheck the wildcard box and try again. The wildcard option is not supported.
  4. In fairness other users, we were unable to waive the registration wait or the “lottery” required to get an account for free. When I got my account back as a regular user, I had to get up at 3 AM for it. This is a known pain point for users in certain areas of the world (eastern half of Europe and west Asia notably). There have been discussions about potential solutions such as offering a second round of registrations at times that aren’t in the middle of the night for these regions, but nothing has been implemented to date. If you do not wish to or unable to wait and hope you can get a free account, you can donate $1 anytime and receive a Tommy invite within minutes that works whenever. https://heliohost.org/tommy/ (If there’s a specific reason you want to be on Johnny, we can also offer you a Johnny invite in place of Tommy for the donation).
  5. This user is no longer with heliohost (which is kind of sad, because he was an awesome moderator). You can find the same info here for Johnny: https://krydos2.heliohost.org/pyinfo/info3.10.py https://krydos2.heliohost.org/pyinfo/info3.6.py https://krydos2.heliohost.org/pyinfo/info2.7.py For Tommy, remove the 2 after krydos.
  6. The NS records are invalid at your registrar, or the registrar cancelled your domain on you. sgnetworks.in.eu.org Server: one.one.one.one Address: *** one.one.one.one can't find sgnetworks.in.eu.org: Non-existent domain Our DNS is configured and working fine for this domain. nslookup sgnetworks.in.eu.org ns1.heliohost.org Server: UnKnown Address: Name: sgnetworks.in.eu.org Address: nslookup sgnetworks.in.eu.org ns2.heliohost.org Server: UnKnown Address: Name: sgnetworks.in.eu.org Address:
  7. Changed. It may take up to 2 hours to start working.
  8. Lets see if Krydos knows...there's very few (if any) ruby users on here, so you're unlikely to get much of a response from the general userbase.
  9. They aren't missing since the account is only inactive (they get deleted only when archived, not for inactivity). I did renew the account for you but it may take a few minutes since load is up at the moment. Also, Krydos has since enhanced the archive process such that even if the account were fully archived, they should restore themselves now when you unarchive it.
  10. Glad to see you figured it out. I saw this yesterday afternoon and was going to ask Krydos about it but then got distracted since I was at work at the time. Please let us know if you need anything else.
  11. Krydos can answer this. I would imagine this is possible...
  12. Your cgi-bin folder's permissions were incorrect (should be 750, yours were 744), your x.py file had incorrect line endings (must be unix line endings, your file was of type none), and your .htaccess was invalid (Options +Indexes is not supported). The script is working now: http://rovida.helioho.st/cgi-bin/x.py
  13. Krydos can cancel your VPS for you.
  14. Marking solved because user appears to have created a new account with a Gmail address.
  15. You're suspended for three reasons: Having more than one account. Having pirated software on at least one of your accounts. Annoying staff and other users on discord when we answered your questions, and repeatedly asking them because you were unhappy with the answer. (for which you also already earned a ban from discord). Users get 3 strikes here. You managed to use up all 3 and are now permanently banned from HelioHost.
  16. Please check your PMs for information regarding your Lily account.
  17. You're suspended for using a temporary email address. Per our Terms of Service, temporary email addresses are prohibited. Please provide a real email address for your account (you can send it by PM if you prefer), and we can unsuspend you.
  18. Just went to kill these for you and found you're suspended for high load due to them being stuck running (which killed them for you). I've unsuspended you and disabled node so it won't restart until you fix it. Please watch your load (you can do that here: https://heliohost.org/dashboard/load/ ). I can't tell what you were running, but it looks like it may have been a Node proxy, which is both notorious for causing this issue, and likely won't work right here in its current configuration (the configs in your account suggest it needs ports that are definitely not open on our servers, we don't allow traffic in or out on nonstandard ports, your script looks like it's supposed to proxy something from another IP that's hosted via a connection on port 13401, which is blocked).
  19. Added. Please be sure to configure DNS if you haven't already. The domains may take up to 2 hours to start working.
  20. Domains removed. The webmail and mail subdomains are reserved names used for your domain's email service. It is possible to add the webmail one I believe if you want to override its purpose, but its not generally good practice as it breaks access to Plesk's webmail.
  21. That's pretty normal for Wordpress sadly. Poorly written, slow, and also prone to being hacked. Adding extensions tends to make this even worse (Wordfence, Elementor and its clones, and WooCommerce being 3 major offenders). Cloudflare can sometimes help if you get creative with the rules. Another option is converting the site to static HTML with an extension (though interactive content isn't an option that way), or of course you can replace WP entirely.
  22. Quoting myself here, but for others who read this, it turns out this case was settled 3 weeks ago (Feb 2024). Alongside a settlement announcement agreeing to honor Facebook/Meta's abuse reports going forward, Freenom announced they will also exit the domain registration business...
  23. It looks like you found the email as the account has been created.
  24. Also, Freenom is notorious for cancelling domains for having too much traffic. Their entire business model was based on extorting their users. They didn't say it up front, but that "free" domain was only free until its popular, then they cancel it and demand you pay exorbitant fees to get it back. A bunch of countries walked away from letting them manage their TLD, ICANN has punished them at least twice, and Facebook is suing them over their history of ignoring complaints and abuse reports (filed March 2023, case is still pending, and several places expect them to go bankrupt as a result). If you need new domains, eu.org is the current recommendation, but wait times can be months to get approved because all domains are human verified over there (partially to prevent exactly what Freenom did).
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