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Chief Risk Officer
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Everything posted by wolstech

  1. Try it now. The DNS entries for the domain were missing.
  2. Will be sent shortly Waiting on your old account to remove its domain... EDIT: Sent
  3. With respect to the SAML issue, there's no way to make cpanel itself a saml data consumer. You can make a saml IDP though that verifies against the mail server (this would let users use their email credentials to sign into various applications). If you want the reverse (log into webmail client using saml), just install your own webmail client that supports consumption of saml auth data... Look up simplesamlphp. This is totally doable, just a pain since you need to code an auth module for it and set up an IDP so you have a saml identity source that authenticates against the mail server, and then install a webmail client that consumes the identity source's data.
  4. There's a PHP function you can use right before the session_start to change the domain the session cookie gets assigned to, and it can be set for "all subdomains". I can't remember it off the top of my head, but when I get to a pc I'll add it to this post. I ran into this exact issue when building an SSO system for my website... EDIT: This is what I used: session_set_cookie_params(0, '/', ".raxsoft.com",false, false); Place before the session_start() command in all documents that should be affected. Change the domain name to yours and make sure you keep the leading period.
  5. DNS entries for relatosdefantasia.com have been cleaned up. Go ahead and try again. It should work now.
  6. The hack is not caused by something you did, there's just a major security hole in the Wordpress core. The only known fix right now is to not use Wordpress. People around the world from nearly every web host out there were reporting having fully updated WP with no extensions get hacked last week, so it was likely done through an unidentified zero day exploit of some kind. We cannot restore access to the old account due to the presence of stolen information (the hacker was setting up phishing sites on the compromised accounts), so there is nothing to investigate in that regard. Please sign up as soon as possible as the invites do expire 48 hours after being sent.
  7. All support requests can take up to 24 hours. Please don't bump your posts after an hour and a half. I can't move this right now because Johnny currently inaccessible due to load and a ddos attack (SSH took nearly 3 minutes to give me a login prompt...I'm not even going to try moving this with that kind of load). We'll do this for you when we are able.
  8. Rename the htaccess so its ignored and see if it goes away. An htaccess with invalid statements/syntax errors/etc. will cause a 500 error.
  9. That was a trial product. As far as I know, it saw virtually no demand considering you're the first to ask about it. Krydos would know more about this, but I suspect the answer is "it's not".
  10. That explains it...AMD A-series Most of those are junk for mining, also explains why the "video card" didn't really produce anything...it's not really a video card, just the APU representing itself as both an CPU and GPU (aside from a few compute cores, they share the internal resources of the chip, so mining on one half starves the other). You'll be better off just donating due to electric costs. HelioMine's minimum requirements are the same as those of its parent product RGS shown below: We usually recommend mining on gaming rigs and enthusiasts PCs with tons of RAM, dedicated CPU and GPU, etc.
  11. Failed web page login. Did you password protect a folder by chance, then use the wrong password? Unblocked.
  12. Krydos is the only one who can fix Java issues. Moving so he sees it.
  13. It's mail servers are elsewhere, so hopefully it still delivered: https://bybyron.net/php/tools/dns_records.php?domain=Heaton-UK.Net&rec=MX There is indeed no actual web content on that domain though.
  14. @Byron: Heaton-uk.net is not hosted here, so I don't see why not. Also, there's a second email address on his account if we need it. You can see it in WHM. The ACP system can only show the first email address on an account.
  15. wolstech


  16. Yes you should have... Resent. Be aware they go to spam, so you'll need to check in there. It was sent to the gmail address listed on your old user account.
  17. It failed due to DNS records already existing for that domain. DNS records for relatosdefantasia.heliohost.org have been cleaned up. Check your email for a new invitation.
  18. An orphaned DNS zone for kakure.ga has been removed from Ricky. Try it again now.
  19. The NVIDIA message is normal, it's because you don't have one. If you were using NVIDIA stuff, you'd have an AMD device missing error instead It's configured to use both, and the one that you don't have errors out by design. I've also switched you back to the other assignment because the one I moved you to is producing zero anyway though. What kind of processor does your PC have? PCs older than about 2012 won't produce anything meaningful simply because they're too slow. Servers can go back a little further, but are so inefficient that donating is a better route. We have another user who's been trying to run this on his older PC with very limited success as well.
  20. Does it work if you use IMAP? POP is horribly obsolete anyway. I don't see anything obviously wrong like DNS, so if IMAP doesn't work for you, let me know and I'll have Krydos look at it.
  21. The scoreboards are not in real-time (they're refreshed across a 6 hour interval), and won't show anything until you've earned a measurable amount anyway. I do see the shares submitted on my end, however they weren't enough to earn anything. Your PC is putting up about 54H/s right now, which isn't much in the grand scheme of things. Have you rebooted your computer after mining for the first time? Doing so usually greatly improves your computer's output. I've also changed your assignment to use a different miner (Stak, vs. XMRIG you were using). You have a Radeon 8280, so I'm going to put that to work for you.
  22. @yashrs: Sometime before May 1...his account was deleted during the Johnny rebuild. @edicmeet: Please sign up again. Your old account's contents are available at https://heliohost.org/backup/
  23. This account has moved to Tommy and should start working properly in the next few minutes.
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