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Chief Risk Officer
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Everything posted by wolstech

  1. Done. You should now be able to log in and your website should be working again.
  2. All Johnny accounts are intentionally disabled due to maintenance. Please see https://www.helionet.org/index/topic/33812-johnny-maintenance/
  3. Your account was archived because you haven't logged in for quite a while. We have a limited amount of space on our servers, and occasionally we have to remove the unused accounts to make space for new users. To prevent your account from becoming archived again please remember to log in at https://www.heliohost.org/login/ at least once every 30 days. Unarchiving...
  4. The account calbet has been merged with zavyerr, and the email address has been updated.
  5. The other username is already taken by what appears to be an older account of yours (it's from December 2016 and has the same profile picture). If that's yours, please post from that account to confirm you own it and I'll merge everything together into one.
  6. You have to unpack the backup and manually restore everything anyway. You can't upload the backup and have the server automatically restore it. The major change will be your database users and database names, because the main account's username is different.
  7. They don't care about us They just get upset because they aren't allowed to phish here.
  8. It counted. The 2FA is just incompatible with our login tracking system. Not sure whether Krydos can fix that or not...
  9. There is no local network. All of our equipment faces the internet directly, a lot of things just so happen to have consecutive IPs because we bought the IPs as a group. Every single IP we have is publicly routable.
  10. Have you tried this? I need to know if this works or not. If it does, 2FA is to blame. If it does not, our website is just broken.
  11. That account cannot be unsuspended because it was involved in a hacking attempt. Normally I'd send you an invite, but we can't create new accounts right now because of this issue: https://www.helionet.org/index/topic/33857-home1-unavailable-on-tommy/ Once that's fixed, I can send you an invite for a new account.
  12. It's caused by this: https://www.helionet.org/index/topic/33857-home1-unavailable-on-tommy/ When that issue gets fixed, this will be too. Everyone with an account created after mid-April is likely seeing this, which is basically everyone who had to deal with AnonymousFox, and all the new users since that time.
  13. You weren't blocked when you made your request so I couldn't unblock you.
  14. @sagnik: Nope. The /home1 volume (which contains his home folder) isn't mounted for some reason. He wouldn't even be able to get to an htaccess file because as far as the server is concerned, his home folder is missing. Most users with an account created on or after April 19th 2018 probably have an account with their home folder on /home1...the /home1 was the added space from our NAS purchase. It probably dropped offline due to the DDoS traffic or the null routing yesterday and just needs to be remounted. The bad news is I don't know how to do that, which is why we're waiting for Krydos...
  15. It counted that time. Try logging in using the https://heliohost.org/login/ page now, leaving 2FA disabled. If it works, the 2FA is incompatible with our system.
  16. Didn't count...which did you use? https://heliohost.org/login/ or https://tommy.heliohost.org:2083/ ? Did the main cPanel page you ended up at end with .html or .phpcp? Also, can you remove the 2FA from your account and log in again?
  17. All of that is caused by the DDoS. Specifically, the attack caused /home1 to unmount (it's a network volume, so most likely the traffic and subsequent null routing caused the NAS to disappear from under it and the server dropped the volume). Krydos needs to determine if that's the case and remount it. That issue is open over here: https://www.helionet.org/index/topic/33857-home1-unavailable-on-tommy/ While that's broken, any account whose home folder is on /home1 is effectively useless. In addition, it's impossible to create a new account on Tommy since all new accounts currently go on /home1.
  18. It's the anonymousfox hack that many others were impacted by. I can't fix it at the moment though since /home1 isn't working and your invite will just fail if I send it. Once that issue is fixed, you'll receive an invite for a new account.
  19. I can't check because your login date is set to the future and the script will never move it backwards. Let me set it back a few days... EDIT: Go ahead and log in again now. Leave your 2FA on. I moved your date to 7/30, and it should move to today if its working. Let me know when you're done and I'll check it.
  20. The Johnny attack we believe was done as retaliation for ruining a phisher's opportunity to mass-phish on a brand new TLD. It started right after a week or two that involved banning 150+ very similar paypal phishing sites that kept being registered on the new .ooo TLD. We were getting 10+ new ones per day and I was banning them within hours of them being set up. We have no motive for Tommy at the moment, though it could be retaliation for the very quick cleanup of AnonymousFox. We thought initially that it was the same attacker as Johnny, just moving targets after Johnny went out for maintenance, but the actual type of attack is different, so that's unlikely. In addition, the Tommy attack subsided, whereas Johnny's was nearly continuous for 3 weeks and ended with the server being put out for maintenance... My last post on the first page of this topic is a good read: https://www.helionet.org/index/topic/33824-tommy-server-down/ (note that this was written during the attack, the Tommy attack has since subsided)
  21. I figured this out...it's related to /home1 being unavailable. /home1 is the home folders stored on our NAS. I picked several sites, and all of them kept on /home1/<username> are affected. Krydos needs to fix it.
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