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Chief Risk Officer
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Everything posted by wolstech

  1. You have to unpack it and get the files out, then upload them. If you have windows, use 7-zip to extract the archive. You'll see a folder In the extracted output (I think it's called homedir) that contains your public html and other files, and a MySQL folder with databases in it. Once you have the files just upload the files back to where they go. The databases can be restored using the MySQL databases page in cpanel by using the import feature to import the .sql files. After that, create your database users, and edit wp-config.php to specify the new database settings (username, database name, and password will have changed). The archive cannot be uploaded and imported automatically for security reasons.
  2. Correct. No shell access. No exec() or related functions in PHP. All of them are disabled and will throw an error if you try. Python may still be able to run it though...I've never tried. Also, I'm not sure if ffmpeg is even installed on Ricky. I only know its on Tommy...
  3. It's actually already installed if you're on Tommy, there's just no good way to use it since we don't allow shell access or exec(). Python and the like may be able to use it, but I'm not familiar with those languages.
  4. It's archived due to scheduled maintenance and cannot be unarchived at this time. https://www.helionet.org/index/topic/33812-johnny-maintenance/ If you're a donor, it can be moved to another server, otherwise, you can download the content from here for free: https://heliohost.org/backup/ and sign up for free at midnight UTC on another server. Be aware that free registrations on our other servers fill quickly (within minutes) each day.
  5. I wouldn't recommend it because it usually results in you ending up suspended for high load. Our servers don't really have the resources to be doing video conversions.
  6. Resent. It'll probably be in your spam bin since Gmail thinks our invites are spam.
  7. The domain javidigital.com.ve has been unparked and cleaned up. Try it now.
  8. That account cannot be unsuspended. Please check your PMs for the reason.
  9. Correct. Technically, there is no solution aside from not using Wordpress because there’s an unfixed vulnerability in Wordpress, hence our recommendation to not use it, but until you can build the joomla site keeping it up to date is the best way to secure it.
  10. You'd have to entirely rebuild it to change software programs, so I'd restore the WP site for now just so it's working, then work on building a new site in joomla or the like alongside it. There's a few extensions for WP like Wordfence that supposedly improve security, but I'm not terribly familiar with how well they actually work. The issue with the WP hack is that it appears to affect the actual Wordpress core. Be sure to keep everything it fully up to date at all times and use as few extensions as possible. Use only extensions from reputable websites like WPs own. When a hacker gets in, they don't use the password, but rather bugs in the software, so difficult passwords are only going to keep people from guessing it.
  11. No they wouldn't impact it. Do you have a robots.txt file that denies indexing? Also, google can take months to list pages once they're indexed...
  12. Sent. I'm sending it to the teo01...@gmail.com address on your old account, so check that mailbox for the invite. It is likely in spam.
  13. The hosting account or the forum account? The hosting account is archived, so there's nothing to remove. It will permanently delete itself in time if not restored. If you want the forum account removed, let me know and I can do that.
  14. Done. You should now be able to log in and your website should be working again.
  15. You forgot the .heliohost.org on the end of the domain. I added it for you. Give it a few hours and it should start working.
  16. The domain palmerrant.net has been cleaned up. Try it now.
  17. If your account is on Johnny and archived for maintenance, it won't be deleted for inactivity. Also, you can download the content from here if you wish: https://heliohost.org/backup/
  18. Someone mass-hacked just about every WordPress installation on Tommy, then dropped a bunch of malware. Some of the accounts also had a spambot or phishing set up on them. The name of the hack comes from the username of the admin account the hacker created in the WordPress database on compromised accounts. We ended up just mass-banning almost every WP user on Tommy (without backups due to malware and phishing), then giving them new accounts. The interesting part is that whatever hack they used works on fully up to date, extension-free WordPress installs, meaning there's a severe security hole in WP's core. People around the world were reporting this hack on different hosts too around the same time. WP themselves...they spent their time deleting people's complaints, closing hack reports as no issue found, and denying the hack exists despite the obvious evidence to the contrary. Just another reason to never use WordPress...
  19. This maintenance is indefinite with no scheduled end date, so no it's not, and likely won't be for quite some time. It has a severe memory leak that we don't know the cause of, and it's quite possible it will need to be rebuilt again. If that's the case, I wouldn't expect it back until mid or late September at the earliest. Krydos is the one who has to fix it, and he's been busy with personal stuff the past several weeks. We took it offline primarily so users could get their data, and not create accounts on it which causes it to keep crashing due to lack of memory. That would only cause corruption and eventually lead to data loss.
  20. It's archived due to scheduled maintenance: https://www.helionet.org/index/topic/33812-johnny-maintenance/ Since you just want your data backed up, you can download that from here: https://heliohost.org/backup/
  21. You need to pick a different username. I released the domain and email address so you can reuse those.
  22. So I got this from zavyerr today... The original News post here https://www.helionet.org/index/topic/23515-phone-number/ lists it as 802-88-HELIO, but the link on our home page at the bottom and apparently a few places on social media refer to an 802-84... number. Also, is this still even in service? I can't imagine there's much demand for it considering it's one of those things that exists but is almost never mentioned.
  23. Krydos is the one you're looking for. Escalating so he can take a look for you.
  24. Pretty much. It faces DDoS on occasion, but rarely has anything actually go wrong with the server itself. Users who've moved there often end up wondering why they didn't move sooner. The difference between Johnny and Tommy is night and day in terms of performance. You can get an account there for free at midnight UTC (the free sign ups on Tommy usually fill in under a minute every day), then use the backup to manually set everything back up. Alternately, in exchange for a $1 donation, we just move your archive and restore it, then your new Tommy account will have all your data exactly like your Johnny one did, no effort on your part needed.
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