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Chief Risk Officer
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Everything posted by wolstech

  1. Failed IMAP logins...you have a misconfigured mail client somewhere that got you blocked. Make sure all your mail clients are configured correctly. More often than not, the issue ends up being that a password is incorrect. Unblocked.
  2. The space meters you see are "shared" in the sense that using capacity from any of them makes all of them go down. Postgres doesn't actually consume any space unless you use it. Unfortunately it is our policy to not increase space for free users. We only offer this service upon request to donors who have contributed $5 or more and are on Tommy.
  3. Exactly. There's a few admin pages for editing it. The actual content is just sitting in a mysql database, so anything that can edit the table can serve as an editor for it. If you prefer desktop programming, it's completely possible to code a desktop app to edit the site instead. Here's a screenshot of the main page of the backend, it's just a regular page with a bunch of subpages for various things: https://imgur.com/a/4JlJ58c (the statistics options were never finished and don't work). One of my big motivators at the time was WP's security and the fact that none of the common alternatives could do a "software download center" section easily (that's since changed and there's now plugins for software sites for most CMSes, though WP security obviously hasn't changed much at all )
  4. You definitely don't need to code from scratch. Grab a plain HTML template that you like the look of, and develop your code around it. That's how I built mine. I basically wrote a bunch of PHP that populated the content in various areas of the page using a database. The site itself is this (not really updated any longer, but left up because I use the domain for a ton of things): https://raxsoft.com/ Once I had that working, I developed a backend to modify that content without editing the DB directly. My code is aging at this point (2011...) but still works like the day it was written. For someone who doesn't edit their site often, it works just fine and has a near-zero hack risk due to being proprietary.
  5. Nope, and likely never will be considering they actively denied the issue exists. WordPress is our (and many other hosts') leading cause of hacked accounts, high load, phishing, and spam. It's not the install process, they hack the actual installed product. The extensions are even worse when it comes to security. The product is just so poorly written that there's no good way to actually fix the security issues with it without just throwing it out and starting over. WP has been around forever and has AFAIK never seen a full rewrite. As a result, it's a pile of really ugly legacy procedural code that just keeps getting tweaked, extended, and patched over and over again. Most other CMSes of this age have been fully rewritten at least once, if not twice or more. Drupal had a massive overhaul between v7, 8, and 9. Joomla did the same between v2 and v3. Seriously, there's zero good reason to be using WordPress at this point. It's almost certainly the worst product available in the CMS market from a security standpoint, but sadly also the most popular. That means it only faces an even worse time than most, because hackers like popular software as targets, and it's also an easy target.
  6. Is crypto banned there? If you're able to use that, we can take BTC, ETH, XMR, ETN, AEON. I would need the transaction ID and quantity sent to verify it was received, but we can accept it. You can also mine for us using heliomine, but you need a high end PC to produce something meaningful. Earning us $1 or more that way would also qualify you for a tommy account.
  7. Does softaculous actually have the newer version available? Also, is the version you have upgradeable to the latest version offered? If either of these is no, it won't offer the upgrade. If both are yes, it's probably just a bug in softaculous.
  8. There a cron that does these update checks and sends reminder emails. It can take up to a month after the release is published to be notified in my experience.
  9. The file needs to be on the server, not your computer, so the file f:/data4.txt would never be accessible. Upload it to your home folder and point to the copy you uploaded there. It'll be found at either /home/username/data4.txt or /home1/username/data4.txt assuming you put it in the root of your home directory. Also, be aware that that function expects the data only, usually in comma separated form. It won't accept entire queries.
  10. You should be able to just read the file in, then execute all the queries inside in order as one big block of code. They are just plain text after all. We don't allow shell commands except through cron (and those are limited to 2 per day).
  11. Tomcat runs as a different user. Try creating a folder inside your home folder, granting it 757 for its permissions (instead of the default 755), then saving the file inside the new folder. The folders where your Java app saves its data needs "other" write permissions, since Tomcat is not running as you and is not in the same group.
  12. It's waiting in line for some reason. Tommy accounts usually create within minutes assuming load is low (which it is, 4.73 as of this post)... Lets have Krydos look at this.
  13. At this point all of the hacked accounts are supposed to be banned anyway. I'll send you an invite for a new account shortly.
  14. The folder csfun has been manually removed.
  15. It moved to the trash in the file manager just fine for me. If you're sure you want to delete it, just go into file manager in cpanel and empty the trash.
  16. Yeah, high load due to the proxy again. While we don't explicitly ban them, it's not advised to run those here for this exact reason. They almost always cause a suspension for load. Unsuspended again. Please delete the proxy ASAP.
  17. That account was already dealt with here and cannot be unsuspended: https://www.helionet.org/index/topic/33684-suspended-alden/ You never responded to me in that topic so the directory listing was never sent. Do you mean aleden? It has the same email as the banned account, but has never been used since the day it was created and is inactive. I've renewed it for you.
  18. We've had others report that as well. It's usually due to the user being on a public network of some form (free wifi, university/school, workplace, etc.) and there's nothing we can do about it Try using a VPN or the like, sometimes that fixes it, oddly enough. Also, if you're signing up in the middle of the day, all the servers are full anyway since we limit registrations on the two servers that are currently available. You have to try it at midnight UTC to have a chance at getting a slot.
  19. Done. You should now be able to log in and your website should be working again.
  20. You can't. We require all domains to have a root inside of public_html. Similarly, your account's main domain always points to public_html itself, and there is no way to change that. What you need to do is change your main domain to something you won't use (see http://heliohost.org/classic/support/scripts/domain to do that), then add your "real" main domain as an addon domain with ~/public_html/root as its docroot. Note that if you're using a something.heliohost.org subdomain, you can't do this and are stuck with it being your account's main domain.
  21. The specified domains have been cleaned up. Try adding them again now.
  22. Did you just create it? AutoSSL can take up to 24 hours to get you a certificate. Also, be aware that domains with forced SSL redirects will never get a certificate unless you add an exception for the .well-known folder so it can be reached over plain HTTP.
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