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Chief Risk Officer
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Everything posted by wolstech

  1. The folder assets was owned by a non-existent user 8355 and has been corrected. Try deleting the assets folder now. Also, your trash had the same issue (owned by non-existent user 8355). The permissions have been changed on the .trash folder and the contents have been discarded. Try using your trash can again and let me know if it still doesn't work. Also, I made you the owner of the backup file davidbb.tar.gz that Krydos left for you, so you'll be able to delete that now as well if you want the space back.
  2. There's a limit of 4 concurrent connections at a time. You can try something like this in your connection string to limit them. Also, be sure to explicitly close your connections when finished with them. jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/database?max-connections=4
  3. When the account is removed, the domains will go with it automatically. If you get an error about dns records needing removed when adding them back, let us know and we can clean them up for you.
  4. Unfortunately I can't check the reason since it's already been unblocked. If it happens again, let me know and I'll get the reason for you.
  5. Krydos should be able to point you to the files causing the issue. In the meantime, I've blocked your website with an .htaccess file and unsuspended you.
  6. Cloudflare is well known for breaking a lot of things on our service. Please keep in mind the following: DNS Zone Editor - Doesn't work with CFDomains pointed to CF cannot be added to your account - You must set CF up after adding the domain.Subdomains - Requires manual DNS entries be made on CF's website for each domaincPanel on port 80 - Doesn't work with CFWebdisk - Doesn't work with CFMail client configuration - the hostname shown in cPanel will be incorrectFTP client configuration - the hostname shown in cPanel will be incorrectWe do not provide any technical support for CF users. You will be asked to remove CF before we assist if you ask for help. (We can't see what DNS settings users are using if they use CF, and in most cases, the act of removing CF itself ends up fixing the problem...). That said, it can and has been used successfully. In fact, we offer a button in cPanel to set it up. Most issues with DNS that we've seen with CF are fixed by deleting the site from CF, pointing your domain back to us, and letting CF copy the zone records again. Mail and FTP will work if you use the server hostname (e.g. tommy.heliohost.org) instead of your own domain in those clients, and most users don't use Webdisk or cPanel on port 80.
  7. The archive for this account is missing. Krydos somehow finds it usually, but I don't know where he's getting the data from, so I'll have to let him do this one.
  8. @yashrs: You make a good point...200 is an absurd amount of headers to need for a request. Even 100 is quite ridiculous when you consider a typical page request has <20 entries in the header...I suspect he may need to rewrite his code.
  9. That account is not suspended. If you're seeing a suspended page, please clear your cache.
  10. Fixed. When an account gets recreated the space goes back to 1000MB by default. The same would happen if you deleted your account and made a new one. If that happens, just let us know and we can add it back
  11. Discord is best for real-time stuff. An ongoing attack is likely to be discussed in Discord (or possibly a forum help request) first, and assuming it subsides quickly, will never make it to the News forum or other media channels. Planned events such as migrations, server updates, maintenance, etc. are always announced in the News forum, as are unplanned events with an extended impact (extended DoS attacks lasting longer than a day or so, disk failures, etc.) Twitter and Facebook are managed by a bot and will post the same announcements made in the News forum. They aren't manned.
  12. Something/someone was overloading Tommy earlier. It looks like it was a DoS attack, which isn't terribly uncommon...we sometimes get hit with these, usually as retaliation for things like banning someone's phishing site. If it were internal (software malfunction or abusive user), they'd end up suspended, typically within a few minutes. The fact it lasted for hours alone suggests external causes. That's backed up by Tommy's firewall log having a ton of new blocked IPs from China today... Notice all the orange and red betwen 1500 and 2000 UTC): http://heliohost.grd.net.pl/monitor/ During such events, it's not uncommon for connections to fail or for things to randomly hang or crash. If you're logging in using our website, an Invalid Password message will be display if the server is down and cannot be contacted to verify your password (it really should be modified to report that the server timed out verifying the password). The event in question has since subsided and service should have returned to normal. If your account is still not working, please let us know and we'll get it going again for you
  13. I know Krydos was messing with Tomcat on Tommy recently, and if I had to guess, it was cancelled for lack of use. I'll let him confirm that, but if that's the case, no we can't activate it again because someone else has already been given your slot. Tommy is more restrictive when it comes to non-use because we allow fewer accounts over all to keep the server stable. Java service is automatically removed if you have insufficient or no traffic to your Java app for any period of time (more than a few days). For Tommy, this is usually the only way the line gets to move since suspensions/inactivity aren't terribly common on Tommy (as opposed to Johnny, where numerous people end up suspended every day for a myriad of reasons).
  14. I’m not sure if this is possible or not. I suspect a permission issue would be the cause if it’s not. I’ll pass this to Krydos, but is there a reason you can’t just run the sql queries in a php script or something and call the script from the cron? That’s what I do for database maintenance on my systems (though I use MySQL).
  15. Unblocked. It can take up to 10 minutes to be effective. It was for failed cpanel logins. If you use https://heliohost.org/login/ , this won't happen.
  16. It's banned for phishing. HelioHost does not tolerate phishing activity of any type, and permanently suspends any account involved in phishing activity. Per our terms of service:
  17. A different cms will definitely help with the load. Joomla is a common replacement, and Drupal would work as well.
  18. Not really. Unless it's doing video conversion, running Wordpress (known for high load due to poor code), or similar, most sites are fine. Odds are Tommy's load spiked again and you just happened to be at the top of the list at the time. There's a tool for "Account load" in cpanel that can show you where you stand. If you're consistently near 100, you've got a high chance of being suspended during a load spike.
  19. It was suspended for inactivity because you haven't logged in for 30 days. Be sure to log in using either https://heliohost.org/login/ or https://tommy.heliohost.org:2083/ (with nothing after the slash) once every 30 days to keep this from happening. Unsuspended.
  20. Krydos is the one who handles VPS, so he's the one you'll need to wait for to see what he wants to do. He's usually stops by around mid-day. I have no say in VPS sales or pricing. I just know that due to costs associated with the IP it's currently not really economical to offer a $1 VPS.
  21. We accept Skrill, so that's fine. As for price, our smallest VPS is usually $4/month, but he may be willing to go lower (probably $2 or $3) since you only want 15gb of space (be aware that the operating system is going to use most of it...if it even fits). He might also be able to do 1 CPU to lower costs further as well. I do know the IP alone costs $12/year, so we'd have to charge at least $2 to make money on the actual server.
  22. WP is garbage. I've seen WP get accounts suspended with no plugins at all. WP is the only CMS that causes load consistently too. As flazepe said, they keep patching it and have never bothered to actually fix the horrible mess of band-aided legacy code that the thing runs on... We'll let Krydos identify the file, but odds are he's going to list index.php due to WP's design. Unless there's malware or something, the system often can't identify a specific plugin or file that's affected when a user is running WordPress.
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