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Chief Risk Officer
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Everything posted by wolstech

  1. Wiki is outdated (it often is...). Back in the day we used to delete inactive accounts for space reasons, which is what that references, but we eventually just bought a storage appliance and started archiving them instead. We no longer delete accounts for space reasons due to inactivity. For what it's worth, if anybody would know the exact reason, it's Krydos...he is the de facto source of information on these sorts of things...he runs all the servers (except Lily).
  2. Unarchived. Please make sure to log in at https://heliohost.org/login/ at least once every 30 days to keep your account from going inactive.
  3. It's actually on Johnny, and it's archived because you haven't used it in 7 months. Unarchiving...
  4. I had someone else PM me about this upgrade potentially breaking things as well. I agree we should not upgrade to 10. Considering Johnny is meant to be the test server, I feel like it would make more sense to upgrade Johnny to 10 instead and maybe put Tommy on 9.x, especially since 9 is mostly backwards compatible and 10 isn't.
  5. That means Tomcat isn't running. Likely related to this if I had to guess:
  6. It's not suspended for inactivity, it's banned for phishing. .: total 0 drwxr-xr-x. 2 andberry andberry 6 Jul 2 00:06 cgi-bin drwxr-x---. 4 andberry andberry 40 Jul 2 00:51 Chase.com drwxr-x---. 4 andberry andberry 40 Jul 2 00:52 Online drwxr-x---. 4 andberry andberry 40 Jul 2 00:51 Secure01
  7. The .heliohost.us subdomains don't require registration on a registrar at all. You just specify one when you sign up and you get it automatically. If you have a different domain on your account already and want to change it to one of our free subdomains, let us know and we can make that happen
  8. The account vilvoc has been moved to Tommy since you already have an account. Thank you for the donation
  9. That's gmail being gmail. The "a" by itself is in fact valid syntax. https://dmarcian.com/spf-syntax-table/ Without the domain after it, it means "look at the A record for this zone". That said, I'm sure we could modify the default zone tables to omit it or make it "+a:tommy.heliohost.org" or the like instead if it really does fix the issue. Gmail is by far the largest email provider we see. Do you have the rejection messages from Google by chance? I'd love to see what Google is saying.
  10. For that sort of thing, I'd suggest you download something like xampp instead. Then you can just run the program on your computer to take pictures and write documentation for it. Unfortunately the law here in America where we are based requires us to suspend you if you have such content on your account for any reason. If we knowingly allow pirated content to be hosted or fail to remove it upon request of the copyright owner, we're no longer protected against lawsuits. As such, paid software cannot be uploaded for any reason unless you have a license (though you could upload a trial version of a paid product if one is available since these are generally free to use and the trial license may work for long enough to write your documentation).
  11. It's suspended because you uploaded nulled (pirated) software. Pirated software is not welcome here. You have 24 hours from now to either prove you have a license for the software on your account, or to delete the contents of your public_html folder. If we do not hear from you, your account will be suspended again. Unsuspended.
  12. .br is the only paid one I know of that has these issues.
  13. The reason given is I've never seen that before, so we're going to have to let Krydos deal with this one.
  14. We'll need to wait until midnight UTC so the mail counter resets before we can unsuspend this. In the meantime, do you have any idea as to why your account might be sending so many emails?
  15. It's banned for phishing. root@ricky [/home/izone/www/m/berkas]# ls 1491616455-phising_fb.zip index.php root@ricky [/home/izone/www/m/berkas]# unzip -l 1491616455-phising_fb.zip Archive: 1491616455-phising_fb.zip Length Date Time Name --------- ---------- ----- ---- 68 04-17-2013 00:42 nahrub.txt 9814 04-16-2013 22:41 index.php 1122 04-17-2013 00:41 login.php --------- ------- 11004 3 files root@ricky [/home/izone/www/m/berkas]# If you didn't put that there, someone got into your account and did. If you would like a new account, please let me and know I'll send you an invite for a replacement Ricky account.
  16. The best fix for Wordpress is to not use Wordpress. It's notoriously badly written. WP's is well known for terrible performance (especially on Johnny) because of badly it's coded, and the software is also full of security holes (we regularly see users who lose their account because WP got hacked, the hackers usually set up phishing, which earns the account a permanent ban with loss all data). That said, if you really want to use WP anyway, we've been trying out some extensions that let you convert the site to static HTML that runs smoothly and can't be hacked. You can run the actual WP site on our server or on your own computer with something like xampp, then you use a plugin to generate static HTML files that are hosted here. Assuming you don't have anything like a store running on WP, you could give this a try: https://krydos.gitbook.io/heliohost/tutorials/wp2static (it's kind of a beta, so let us know how well it works if you try it).
  17. Invite has been sent to the email on your forum profile.
  18. Build the cron script so it outputs to a browser and can be run by simply hitting the URL of the script. This is a very common configuration that most major PHP programs support. PHP code can be written to be platform agnostic for the most part.
  19. Yeah, that cPanel topic was us asking their support about this exact issue (Krydos basically runs the place). Using HE's DNS service with a domain to register it here has been reported to work for a few other domains, so it probably works with eu.org as well, but its still an extra step. These noncompliant registrars seem to be growing too, insomuch that it's eventually going to get to a point where we end up having to allow remote domains if we want to keep supporting common providers.
  20. The picture is missing here, but we know why it doesn't work. They refuse to set name servers until we have a zone set up for the domain. The problem is that the industry standard is for the registrar to set up first, so cpanel refuses to set up the zone on our server until they announce the name servers... The result is that both ends are stuck waiting for the other one to go first.
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