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Chief Risk Officer
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Everything posted by wolstech

  1. The system doesn't support certain symbols. I don't have an exact list of what is and isn't supported, but I do know single and double quotes as well as spaces are especially problematic. For best results, we recommend users use A-Z, a-z, numbers, and the more common symbols like # @ % and $.
  2. WOW. You're already on Tommy, your quota has been increased to its maximum of 5000MB, and your next login date has been pushed out until July 1, 2022 (13 months). Make sure you log in again starting in July 2022 to avoid an inactivity suspension. Thank you for the generous donation!
  3. The email support is currently only manned by one person (Krydos). Most of our support is through this forum. If you post the donation transaction ID here, I can look it up and apply the gifts to your account
  4. Yeah, he has to verify his specific subdomain when setting such a thing up and it's done in the zone editor. The root domain heliohost.us is a shared domain and cannot be owned or verified by a specific user.
  5. That’ll do it. The standards do say that you cannot have more than one CNAME for a given domain (though multiple A records would’ve been fine).
  6. It’s obsolete with the latest versions of WP. One of our other users has some suggestions for alternative here, though I personally I haven’t used these: https://www.helionet.org/index/topic/43566-the-best-static-cms/
  7. Your account was suspended because Wordpress is causing too much load. I have unsuspended your account, but please try to limit the load you put on our servers as it slows down not only your site, but the sites of all other HelioHost users sharing your server. This is really common for Wordpress. It can cause massive amounts of load even if you're hardly getting any traffic to your site. Wordpress is also incredibly insecure and very easy to hack. We see Wordpress accounts get hacked all the time and usually the hacker sets up a phishing site on your domain. We strongly recommend using any software other than Wordpress. Something that might help is this simply static Wordpress plugin. It will speed up your site, reduce the load you cause, and reduce your chance of getting hacked. If you try it let us know how it worked out for you. If you insist on using Wordpress you might want to consider purchasing a VPS instead. VPS hosting gives you an entire virtual server to yourself, including no load limits, a dedicated IP address, and full root access. Wordpress sites load relatively slowly on our shared hosting, but they will be much faster on a VPS.
  8. I was afraid it was going to be those. The pp.ua and eu.org TLDs are both on the list of domain registrars that are not fully compatible with us. Put simply, these domain do not work right with our name servers because the registrars do not conform to industry standards for DNS configuration. We see issues with these TLDs a lot. If cPanel lets you set the records successfully, our system worked and the issue is on their end for refusing to propagate them. While we don't usually recommend it, the only solution I can think of here is Cloudflare. You could try setting that up using a full zone configuration, let it copy the working records from us, change your name servers to CF's provided ones, then go to CF's site and edit the records you want after it's working. Others have said that these weird providers tolerate CF better than our servers, so it might work well enough to do what you want. Keep in mind though that if you do that, the DNS options in cPanel won't function any longer, and you'll need to manually create DNS records in CF if you do things like add subdomains.
  9. Users are only allowed to have one account. You have two. Which one do you want restored?
  10. He locked this, so I'm not sure it's still needed. @nroxpinc: Do you still need this?
  11. You’re suspended for creating two accounts. Users are only allowed to have one account. Since the other one is still suspended, this one has been unsuspended for you
  12. SFTP does not support the cpanel "additional ftp accounts" you can create. You must use plain ftp on port 21 for those. Unblocked. It may take up to 15 minutes to be effective.
  13. Unblocked. It may take up to 15 minutes to be effective.
  14. I feel like someone else asked for this a while back and it couldn't be done, but I'll let Krydos take a look at it for you.
  15. Our system marked your account suspicious. Normally we would ask for more information from you, but upon reviewing the account, I think phishing is a better classification for this one. Can you explain why your account looks like basically the textbook definition of a phishing account?
  16. (Deleted incorrect post, I misread the error). Did you enable remote mysql in cPanel? That error is an external connection that's being refused, probably because you didn't allow mysql connections for the server static.
  17. Script tags are processed and loaded entirely on the client. This won't be a server issue but rather broken code on your part. More often than not, it'll be because the paths are incorrect. Odds are in your browser if you open the developer tools and watch the page load, the JS files are returning a 404 error.
  18. Unsuspended. Users can also renew an inactive account on their own at https://heliohost.org/renew/
  19. See if it works now. (I tried suspending then unsuspending you again to see if the lock will clear). If it doesn't, let me know and I'll have Krydos look at it for you.
  20. Your account was suspended because Wordpress is causing too much load. I have unsuspended your account, but please try to limit the load you put on our servers as it slows down not only your site, but the sites of all other HelioHost users sharing your server. This is really common for Wordpress. It can cause massive amounts of load even if you're hardly getting any traffic to your site. Wordpress is also incredibly insecure and very easy to hack. We see Wordpress accounts get hacked all the time and usually the hacker sets up a phishing site on your domain. We strongly recommend using any software other than Wordpress. Something that might help is this simply static Wordpress plugin. It will speed up your site, reduce the load you cause, and reduce your chance of getting hacked. If you try it let us know how it worked out for you. If you insist on using Wordpress you might want to consider purchasing a VPS instead. VPS hosting gives you an entire virtual server to yourself, including no load limits, a dedicated IP address, and full root access. Wordpress sites load relatively slowly on our shared hosting, but they will be much faster on a VPS.
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