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Everything posted by Unknown025

  1. I'll escalate your thread so an administrator can get that set up for you.
  2. Your account was suspended for violating our terms of service. @wolstech can provide more details.
  3. If you have your own domain, you can either use HelioHost's nameservers or create an A record pointing to Tommy's or Johnny's IP address.
  4. There's currently no way to add domains yourself using Plesk. An administrator will have to do it for you. I'll escalate your thread so one can help.
  5. I'll escalate your thread so an administrator can look into it for you.
  6. There were some issues with SSL certificates earlier today, all should be resolved by now though. If you're still running into issues, just create a new thread and we'll look into it for you.
  7. Hi there. I've deleted your previous account and sent a new invite to your email.
  8. Glad to hear you figured it out.
  9. Website loads fine for me. Is helioho.st blocked by your firewall or antivirus?
  10. Hi there, thanks for the donation. I'll escalate your thread so an administrator can help you.
  11. What is the name of the domain you'd like to be added?
  12. Domain name changed.
  13. I'm unaware of any alternative methods to PayPal aside from cryptocurrency, but maybe an administrator can comment. Otherwise, it is still possible to get a free account at midnight UTC, though that is understandably pretty late in Russia.
  14. What domain(s) are you looking to use? http://abbasshamshi.helioho.st/ works just fine.
  15. Account deleted.
  16. I'll escalate your request to the administrators. You do in fact still have the domain gonzalox.gonzalox.heliohost.org as an add-on domain and gonzalox.heliohost.org as your main domain.
  17. Have you tried checking the error log? You can find it in Plesk's dashboard.
  18. I'll escalate your thread so an administrator can add that domain for you.
  19. I'll escalate your thread so an administrator can help you out. Python packages have to be installed by administrators currently.
  20. I'll escalate your thread. Is this for VPS9?
  21. Sure, no problem.
  22. If you don't mind bypassinfo.com replacing your current heliohost.us domain, I can set that up for you. Otherwise, I can escalate your post to an administrator.
  23. Hey there. Have you tried checking your junk/spam folder? Otherwise, we'd need to check your email, is it the same as you used to signup for the forums, or a different one?
  24. I'll escalate your request so an administrator can help.
  25. Our administrators are being made aware of the login problems, they're working on it.
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