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Everything posted by Krydos

  1. The domain has been removed as an alias and re-added as a normal domain.
  2. Account ownership has been verified, and your email address has been changed. I resent the Plesk invitation email to the new email address too. Let us know if you need help with anything else.
  3. If you could needfully use this link to set up the needful subscription https://heliohost.org/vps/pay/?code=uA7MJkQdlQ50KBax Once the new subscription is set up I will needful to shut down your VPS for a while to upgrade it, and I will also needful to cancel your existing $4.00/m subscription. Can you please do the needful? PS: I have no idea what "Can you please do the needful?" means, but it sounds hilarious.
  4. Your control panel login page https://fashost.eu.org/ loads for me just fine I also tested SSH and everything is working fine. The load is very low. Everything seems to be working fine. Perhaps it's your internet connection? Is everything working for you now too?
  5. Actually it's not. The -dairy.in domain is hosted on their cPanel account, but the email is for -foods.in. However the -foods.in domain doesn't have an MX record, or any other type of record so it probably expired. @amalgd Do you remember your password? Can you login to SFTP at on port 1342 with username amalgd (all lowercase) and the password you would have logged in to cPanel with? If so create a text file with the contents 9VonwGrS6aTSWqP If you can do the above we can change your email address for you.
  6. There you go root@tommy2 [/home/krydos]# dig +noall +answer -x 2001:470:1:1ee::67 14400IN PTR fashost.eu.org.
  7. The old cPanel account has been cleaned up, and your main domain has been changed. Since you're using Cloudflare make sure you have an A record for and an AAAA record for 2001:470:1:1ee::2002.
  8. Your last rebuild was 3 days ago. Like I said here Due to users abusing our generosity in the past we now only offer 1 free rebuild per month. You will need to wait another 27 days for it to be free, or you can make a $1 donation at https://heliohost.org/donate/ to proceed with the rebuild immediately. Let us know after you make the payment if you decide to go with that option.
  9. Yeah, I have to update the database by hand still.
  10. Since you contributed to the forums by writing up the reviews of all of the different control panels you can have an early free rebuild. There you go root@tommy2 [/home/krydos]# dig +noall +answer -x 86400 IN CNAME 150.subnet144.191.19.65.in-addr.arpa. 150.subnet144.191.19.65.in-addr.arpa. 14400 IN PTR fashost.eu.org. Yes, we plan to eventually.
  11. During the DDoS in early December we moved your account to an alternate IP,, to help keep your website online since the main IP,, was being targeted. Since the DDoS ended a while back the easiest way to fix this is by moving your account back to the main IP which has a valid PTR record. The alternate IP cannot have a PTR record because for mail the A record and the PTR record have to point at each other and nothing else. So tommy2.heliohost.org <==> If I made a PTR record for pointed at tommy2.heliohost.org it wouldn't work because the A record for tommy2.heliohost.org is not set to Anyways, in order to send emails you probably need SPF, DKIM, and maybe even DMARC. If you use an external DNS provider you will have to set those up yourself, but if you're using our nameservers for the domain we can set them up for you. Just let us know the domain you're trying to send emails from. Also I noticed your account has a ton of domains and a lot of them are disabled. Do you want me to delete any of them to reduce the clutter? As we mentioned in this news post Tommy's uptime is suffering because there are too many domains on the server, so we're asking everyone to do their part to help keep the uptime high by letting us know domains they don't need so we can remove them.
  12. The problem is rockcavera.tk was an alias domain, so it transferred to Plesk as an alias domain. However, on Plesk alias domains cannot have subdomains like they can on cPanel. To solve your issue I deleted rockcavera.tk and re-added it as a normal domain (not an alias) and then created the missing subdomain for you.
  13. Krydos

    Domain Cleanup

    Removed. Thanks for helping us keep Tommy's uptime as high as possible.
  14. The domain kumarayush.nom.za has been added to your account. Since you're using Cloudflare make sure you create an A record pointed at and an AAAA record pointed at 2001:470:1:1ee::2002.
  15. Account ownership was verified here
  17. Added, but your domain won't work until you fix your DNS settings. You can do 1 of the following options: Use our nameservers which are ns1.heliohost.org and ns2.heliohost.org Use any external DNS provider, Cloudflare is a popular free option, and create an A record pointed to and an AAAA record pointed at 2001:470:1:1ee::2009
  18. The domain itdo.heliohost.us has been added to your account.
  19. What do you mean by reset? It looks like your subdomain is working and you installed Wordpress: If you want to install something else you can delete Wordpress yourself.
  20. A password reset link has been emailed to you.
  21. The domain has been added. Once you make the one-time $5 donation at https://heliohost.org/donate/ let us know the transaction ID and we can add the additional 1000 MB storage.
  22. Correct, inbound port 5000 is not open, nor do we allow inbound ports like this on shared hosting -- Johnny, Ricky, Tommy, Lily, and Morty plans. You are able to run this sort of script on our VPS plans however, where you get root SSH access, control over the firewall including all inbound and outbound ports, and you have the whole server to yourself. You can see the VPS plans at https://heliohost.org/vps/
  23. The domain ayush.pp.ua has been added to your account as an additional domain.
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