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Everything posted by Krydos

  1. # ./deploy_java ddushan1 server User ddushan1 found. Unable to find file: server.war Java is enabled on ddushan1 Usage: deploy_java <username> <.war file>
  2. Get all of the illegal stuff deleted quickly. Unsuspended.
  3. Deployed. http://ddushan1.heliohost.org/WebApplication4/
  4. Deployed. http://afarias.heliohost.org/netbar/
  5. HelioHost has an affiliate agreement with namecheap.com. If you're in the market for a new domain we highly recommend purchasing it from them. You can get a domain for as cheap as 48 cents per year, and HelioHost can host the website on your brand new domain for you. Click the banner below to use our affiliate link to shop for your new domain. Let us know if you need any help setting your NS records to ns1.heliohost.org and ns2.heliohost.org to get your new domain working.
  6. If you don't view our ads we don't earn any ad revenue from your visits to our site. It's free to whitelist us, and we promise our ads aren't too annoying. Make sure you whitelist heliohost.org, helionet.org, tommy.heliohost.org, johnny.heliohost.org, ricky.heliohost.org, and wiki.helionet.org. Who knows? You might even see an ad for something amazing that you want to check out.
  7. Closing since Stevie has been decommissioned.
  8. Closing this thread since Stevie has been decommissioned.
  9. For those that search and find this thread we now support ASP.NET MVC 5, 4, 3, 2, and 1 on Tommy. Closing.
  10. Closing since Stevie has been decommissioned.
  11. For anyone who finds this thread through a search, mod_wsgi can only be associated with one version of Python at a time. When this post was made mod_wsgi was compiled with python 2.7. On Tommy mod_wsgi currently uses python 3.6.0. Mod_wsgi is not installed on Johnny so you have to use cgi there or move to Tommy. Closing since this thread is three years old.
  12. Your account was on Ricky. Please read: http://www.helionet.org/index/topic/28505-2017-06-21/ http://www.helionet.org/index/topic/28517-ricky-online/ http://www.helionet.org/index/topic/28549-ricky-backups/ An email was also sent to your contact email address explaining the issue. To keep up on the latest news you can like/follow us at: http://www.helionet.org/index/forum/1-news/ https://twitter.com/heliohost https://www.facebook.com/HelioHost.org Let us know if you have any other questions that aren't answered by the above links.
  13. This thread should be solved since we've upgraded all of our servers to much more recent operating systems. If you find this thread by searching and are still encountering the same issue just create a new topic about it. Closing.
  14. Closing since Stevie has been decommissioned.
  15. Closing since Stevie has been decommissioned. If you find this thread by searching python modules can be installed by an admin. Just let us know what server you're on, what version of python you're using and which module you need. Closing.
  16. This error was fixed by editing the password reset and login code. For security reasons we can't explain how it was fixed, but there faulty code did not pose any security risk itself. It just returned a false "invalid login" message when the login information was correct in certain cases.
  17. Closing due to inactivity.
  18. We are no longer planning on installing Django on Johnny at this time. While it is technically possible it would have a lot of conflicts with Ruby on Rails. Johnny is the only server we have that currently supports Ruby on Rails so we're not going to swap it out for Django when we already have two servers, Ricky and Tommy, that support Django. If you want to run Django you'll need to create an account on Ricky or Tommy for now. If you have a compelling reason why you think Johnny needs to have Django too we're willing to listen.
  19. Closing due to inactivity.
  20. There's something seriously wrong with your Barcode.war file. Tomcat has been trying to deploy it for over an hour now... I canceled the deplyment after 90 minutes. Here is the error it gave: FAIL - Application at context path /afarias_Barcode could not be started FAIL - Encountered exception org.apache.catalina.LifecycleException: Failed to start component [StandardEngine[Catalina].StandardHost[localhost].StandardContext[/afarias_Barcode]]
  21. We do offer free signups on Tommy, but they are limited to prevent him from getting overloaded. As a thank you gift for your donation we give you the benefit of getting a Tommy account easily.
  22. You picked the Johnny server which is our experimental server. What this means is Johnny can sometimes experience high load, instability, slow response, and downtime. If you look at our official server monitor at http://heliohost.grd.net.pl/monitor/archive/?2017-06-28 you can see that there was a period of downtime when you posted this topic. Since then the downtime has ended and your website is now working for me http://mabaomsi.heliohost.org/ Is it working for you now too? Since you mentioned downtime on Johnny I want to mention that if you need better uptime we highly recommend transferring your account to Tommy, our production server. There are two ways to transfer your account. The fastest and easiest way is to go to https://www.heliohost.org/donate/ and we will transfer your account for you within a few hours. The other options is to follow the instructions at http://wiki.helionet.org/Moving_your_account Keep in mind that the free Tommy signups open at midnight UTC and have been filling very quickly lately. Last night they filled up in 17 seconds. The night before that it was about 4 minutes. Let us know if you have any questions about transferring your account.
  23. Your URL should look like this lefterov.heliohost.org/cgi-bin/bob.py?n=359897890266&t=test You have a & after bob.py instead of a ?
  24. @lefterov, your topic has been split to http://www.helionet.org/index/topic/28626-python-cgi/
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