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Everything posted by Krydos

  1. Johnny can take up to 24 hours to start using the ssl certificate on your site. How long has it been since you installed it?
  2. Deployed. http://andersof.heliohost.org/andersof_teste/
  3. The restrictive permissions should now be in place again.
  4. Yes, username must be appended to the start of all wars that don't already have it because otherwise no one else could use the name teste. Another user found the best solution was to prename his file username_filename.war and then our system doesn't append a new username_ to the front since it's already there. Either that or you could just use relative paths like our wiki explains.
  5. truedigital.me has been added to your account and should start working in a few hours.
  6. The username cmh is available and I just sent you a new invite.
  7. Is there anything in particular you're looking for in Catalina.out? Since output from all the users on your server all get put into that log file it may contain private information that you shouldn't be accessing. Providing the full log file to you could violate our privacy policy of other users.
  8. pelikaivos.tk is your main domain.
  9. Deployed. http://andersof.heliohost.org/teste/
  10. Just waiting for you to let me know that the account is deleted, or that you don't care about the username enough to change it. Your choice. I can't send you a new invite until the existing account is deleted.
  11. The default limit is 4 simultaneous connections per user.
  12. Well designed code doesn't need that many mysql connections. If each connection is open for a few milliseconds and then immediately closed it's highly unlikely that you would ever see that error. We have plenty of well designed sites that use our hosting that have thousands of visitors per hour and don't complain about that error. There is really no good reason to use persistent connections in this situation.
  13. It should be noted that basically nothing can be seen when using a root symlink on our servers. It's just one of the first thing hackers do when they gain control of an account just in case they can get some information from it and therefore it's a really easy way to monitor for compromised accounts.
  14. Sure. It seems like a lot of work just to change a username, but it's up to you. The reason you couldn't use the username cmh is because your forum account already has the username cmh.
  15. We use mod_deflate on all of our servers, which does the same thing as mod_gzip but better.
  16. Fixed. Yeah, it can take up to 24 hours for a domain to start working.
  17. The only way to rename an account is to delete it and remake it. Is that what you want to do?
  18. Bandwidth from 2017-06-26 to 2017-07-03 = 118.504 MB (so basically no traffic) Most of the load comes from /home/gnd/public_html/index.php (so just wordpress in general) I count 23 plugins. That's probably the problem. Check out https://premium.wpmudev.org/blog/how-to-find-out-which-plugins-are-slowing-down-your-wordpress-site/
  19. Your account was suspended for inactivity, because you haven't logged into your account in the last 30 days. To reactivate your account, please visit http://www.heliohost.org/renew. To prevent this from happening in the future please remember to visit https://heliohost.org/ to log into your account at least once every 30 days. If you are still seeing the Account Suspended page after renewing your account, please clear your cache.
  20. I have fixed the addon domain galeriagranpoder.com, and it should show up in cpanel now. It should start working within a few hours. If you see the queued page be sure to clear your browser cache each time you check.
  21. The main reason we have that in the terms of service is because when Ashoat created HelioHost he was 16 or so and it wasn't legal for him to view pornography let alone host it. Art museums that have paintings like these don't have someone checking IDs at the front making sure everyone is over 18 so I'm going to say these are fine. Something like Hentai that is still drawn, but is intended to be pornographic would not be ok. Thanks for asking!
  22. It sounds like you're talking about heliohost.org/classic/ there. That site was created in like 2007 or something and we have no intention of updating it or upgrading it at all. Maybe try creating it again at Let's Encrypt. Does it work without the forum. subdomain?
  23. There you go https://www.sslshopper.com/ssl-checker.html#hostname=dargusmaximus.pro
  24. Make sure your scripts have permissions 755 in order to be executable.
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