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Everything posted by Krydos

  1. Cgi scripts won't execute in public_html/bin unless you use .htaccess to make it executable. Everything is executable by default in cgi-bin. Here is the error you're getting: [/home/strayer/public_html/cgi-bin]# /usr/bin/python app.py Traceback (most recent call last): File "app.py", line 3, in <module> import web ImportError: No module named web You can get this error yourself by running a cron with the command /usr/bin/python /home/strayer/public_html/cgi-bin/app.py and that error will be mailed to your contact address. Just be aware that you can only run 2 cron jobs per day. Since Johnny is pretty new python is pretty much stock. You can request modules by posting on these forums. Also /usr/bin/python is Python 2.6.6 which apparently isn't supported anymore and web can't be installed. I recommend using /usr/bin/python3.6
  2. I didn't close them before. They're closed now.
  3. Fixed. See https://www.helionet.org/index/topic/28870-mysqli-fixed/
  4. There you go http://hrce.tk/
  5. 1272973 luigi123_sb luigi123_sourcebanssb_bans Sleep 775 NULL 1291622 luigi123_sb luigi123_sourcebanssb_bans Sleep 959 NULL 1332235 luigi123_sb luigi123_sourcebanssb_bans Sleep 959 NULL 1333861 luigi123_sb luigi123_sourcebanssb_bans Sleep 959 NULL Sleeping for 13, 16, 16, and 16 minutes. Close the connections and the error goes away.
  6. What kind of python app is it?
  7. It sounds like you have some sort of google android proxy enabled. See if there are any settings like that? I don't have an android phone so I can't be a lot of help with that.
  8. That's really odd. Do they show the same external IP?
  9. Well, contact VPNEasy and ask them if you can have an IP address that doesn't change, or use a proxy that doesn't change your IP constantly.
  10. The IP the router gives you is likely something like That is an internal private IP that only works with computers connected to your router. Your external IP is what matters and you can see that at https://www.heliohost.org/ip.php If this number keeps changing then cpanel is going to think that someone session jacked you and is trying to log in as you so it disconnects you. This is a security feature. There's many different types of proxies, but the basic idea is you connect to the proxy, and the proxy connects to cpanel for you. Since the proxies IP doesn't change cpanel doesn't log you out, and the proxy doesn't care that your IP keeps changing.
  11. You either have to find a way to keep that last digit from changing or use a proxy.
  12. Ask your ISP to stop changing your IP.Use a proxy.
  13. Set your nameservers on your dedekvaa.tk domain to ns1.heliohost.org and ns2.heliohost.org and we can take a look for you. If you would prefer not to change your nameservers you'll need to contact cloudflare for support on this issue.
  14. Yeah, we can add it, but like I said we're not going to recompile apache again right now.
  15. Apparently mbstring is not enabled by default. This will take a apache/php recompile on Johnny to add. Since Johnny's sitting at ~80% uptime for the last week, and we've already recompiled apache/php twice in the last week it's going to be a while before we compile it again. So one option is to change all the references of mb_strlen() to strlen() until the next Johnny apache recompile. The other option is I checked Tommy and PHP 5.4, 5.5, 5.6, 7.0, and 7.1 all have mbstring enabled.
  16. Are you still blocked? It can take a few minutes to start working again and you posted really quickly after wolstech unblocked you.
  17. I'm not sure why bdistler's code isn't working, but here's an alternative that works: RewriteCond %{REMOTE_HOST} !^123\.123\.123\.123 RewriteRule ^(.*)$ - [L,R=403] Change that to your IP and it will show forbidden to everyone except for you. http://olsenalways.win/
  18. Only one .war can be deployed per account at a time.
  19. The code here https://www.helionet.org/index/topic/28805-dropdown-with-mysql-tables-names-of-a-database-as-options/?p=131382 is tested and works fine on Tommy.
  20. The php I posted above was the expansion of the psuedocode that you didn't understand What is your sql query?
  21. It's just psuedocode. <?php // however you get your username variable $username = "maicol07"; // load database values require 'config.php'; // connect to database $con = new mysqli($db_host, $db_user, $db_pass, $db_data); if ($conn->connect_error) die("Connection failed: ".$conn->connect_error); // perform query $sql = "show tables like $username_"; $result_tables = $con->query($sql); // start dropdown select echo "<select>"; // for each table in database while ($row_tables = $result_tables->fetch_assoc()) { // store the name of the table we're working with $table = $row_tables["Tables_in_$db_data"]; // perform query $sql = "select data from $table"; $result_data = $con->query($sql); // for each value in the column data while ($row_data = $result_data->fetch_assoc()) { // store the value of this row of data $data = $row_data['data']; // create a dropdown entry echo "<option value='$data'>$data</option>"; } } echo "</select>"; This code is untested.
  22. You could do queries in a while loop. show tables while (another table) { select * from table }
  23. Well, the show command only loads the tables that start with the username, and then the select tags display the names of the tables which start with the username_ bit. Maybe I'm not understanding what you're trying to do?
  24. Closing due to inactivity.
  25. Yes, the invite for that transaction ID was sent.
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