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Everything posted by Krydos

  1. Does logging in from constantly cycling dynamic IPs work any better now?
  2. Alright, I'm done testing. You can change your Tommy cpanel password back, and you can also change your luigi123_sb mysql user password back to what it was before. Here's your tested script: <?php $db_host = "localhost"; $db_user = "luigi123_sb"; $db_pass = "bestpasswordever"; $con = new mysqli($db_host, $db_user, $db_pass); if ($con->connect_error) die("Connection failed: ".$con->connect_error); $sql = "select * from information_schema.processlist"; $result = $con->query($sql); while ($row = $result->fetch_assoc()) { $command = $row['COMMAND']; if ($command == "Sleep") { $mysql_id = $row['ID']; $con->query("kill $mysql_id"); } } Put this somewhere in public_html and make sure you set the password for luigi123_sb properly. Even if your mysql user is at the max open connections this command will still function. It will scan through all of your open connections and if their status is sleeping it closes them. You can execute it manually by visiting the page in your browser or I can set up an external cron to run every 5 minutes or something. Hopefully this helps.
  3. I'm going to change the password on your cpanel account to test this. Don't panic. I'll post in this thread when I'm done and you can change the password back.
  4. 150 is a no. I've got an idea. How about I write a script to kill the broken mysql connections every few seconds that this buggy software opens and never closes? Want to try that? I'm not going to let your account hog the entire server's worth of mysql connections without even transferring any data for hours. That's completely ridiculous.
  5. Our servers use MySQL not MariaDB so I'm not sure how you're getting that error.
  6. The domain ileren.be is not hosted with us. If you wish to host it on our servers you will need to set your nameservers to ns1.heliohost.org and ns2.heliohost.org.
  7. Deployed. http://wilgil.heliohost.org/Zaxxon/
  8. Deployed. http://brassatom.heliohost.org/brass-db-one/
  9. Deployed. http://escrit.heliohost.org/escrit_plataforma/
  10. That .war file cannot be deployed because java is not enabled on that account. To request java on your account please visit https://johnny.heliohost.org:2083/frontend/paper_lantern/java/index.live.php Once that page says that java is enabled make another post requesting your .war deployment. Keep in mind that since you picked the Johnny server the wait to receive java is quite long. If you would like to have java enabled on your account sooner we recommend transferring your account to Tommy where the wait to receive java is only a few hours.
  11. Logging in to the forum definitely doesn't update your last login date.
  12. How about you ask whomever it is that wrote the software how many simultaneous open mysql connections it needs?
  13. A few months ago a user scanned for all of the domains that were pointed to ns1.heliohost.org and ns2.heliohost.org but weren't currently hosted and added about 100 domains that didn't belong to him to his Tommy account. He was permanently suspended for being an attempted domain thief, and we kept all the domains on the suspended account so he couldn't just create a new account and do it all again. I wasn't sure if you'd want no2now.com created as an alias domain or an addon domain so I just cleared it up so you can add it to your Johnny account yourself. Let us know if you need any help with anything.
  14. There you go http://allera.mx/
  15. Deployed. http://rajesha1.heliohost.org/FINTECH-PROJECTS/
  16. That updated your last login date. Was there another way you were logging in that might not have triggered the update?
  17. What happens when you try to add that domain to cpanel?
  18. Your last login date has been manually set to 2017-07-10. Please log in the way you were before and I'll check if it counted towards updating your activity.
  19. Johnny tomcat was having some issues so I undeployed all of the .war files to fix it.
  20. Logging in at https://www.heliohost.org/login/ should update your last logged in date even if you don't continue to cpanel. If you think that wasn't happening I would appreciate your help testing it. I could manually set your last login date to a week ago, and then have you log in the way you have been to check if the last logged in date updates itself. If there is a bug in the system it would be nice to get it solved so it doesn't cause a problem for anyone else. We would like to minimize the number of suspensions if at all possible, but we also need a way to detect if the account is no longer being used. Thanks.
  21. Deployed. http://llou21.heliohost.org/roadangel/
  22. Deployed. http://brassatom.heliohost.org/brass-db-one/
  23. How many open connections does this software think it needs? If I increase the max open connections and the software just sits with that many more connections open it just degrades the performance of everyone else on the server even more and you'll still get the error.
  24. Have you read the latest news? https://www.helionet.org/index/topic/28956-tomcat-java-reset/
  25. ma...bd@gmail.com The first 6 characters matched your username...
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