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Everything posted by Krydos

  1. Your account is on Ricky. See http://www.helionet.org/index/topic/28505-2017-06-21/
  2. Deployed. http://xsimo.heliohost.org/JavadocIndex/
  3. It's working now. Be careful with web proxies though. They cause a lot of load and have a tendency to get people suspended.
  4. If your script is running on the server, such as if you install phpmyadmin on your account in public_html then use localhost as the host name. If you're connecting to the server remotely then use johnny.heliohost.org
  5. This is what the inactive page looks like: http://sdlkjfh2.heliohost.org/cgi-sys/inactivepage.cgi Was it not this message? Actually, now that I look at it closer it looks like some inactive sites on Johnny were getting the suspended message instead of the inactive message. Thanks for pointing it out.
  6. It's working for me http://azhrhasa.heliohost.org/
  7. There you go https://vaninf.heliohost.org/test/url.jsp
  8. Source: https://forums.cpanel.net/threads/what-is-cpanelsolr-how-did-it-get-installed.599303/#post-2426495
  9. You can pick your own version of php at https://tommy.heliohost.org:2083/frontend/paper_lantern/multiphp_manager/index.html However, php 5.2 reached end of life in 2011 which is well over 6 years ago. When software reaches end of life that means they no longer release security patches so any vulnerabilities that anyone has found over the last 6 years could be used against any software running on that ancient of php and potentially used to root the entire server. Therefore it is extremely unwise to run php 5.2 at all, and especially unwise on a shared server. Likewise php 5.3 reached end of life 2 years and 10 months ago. The oldest version of php we support is 5.4. Perhaps while you are updating the domain on your licenses you can also download a less ancient version of their forum software?
  10. Is the phpinfo.php file 644 permissions?
  11. Deployed. http://iaconweb.heliohost.org/iac-web/
  12. Your username for that paypal transaction is actually juanch0 which was archived for inactivity since the last time you logged in was 2017-03-24. There you go http://juanch0.heliohost.org/
  13. There you go http://sds.heliohost.org
  14. Installed. Seaborn requires tkinter, and tkinter requires a GUI. The only way you're going to get a GUI is if you go to the data center and hook up a monitor to the server. Are you sure this is what you need?
  15. Solr is already enabled for all accounts on Tommy.
  16. There was an account named niandu on Johnny but the last time it was logged in was 2017-01-01, which was six months ago. Johnny v2 was really unstable so we rebuilt him in March and he's been a lot more functional since then. What is the paypal transaction ID of your donation and I'll send you a new Tommy invite?
  17. The first thing I noticed is Johnny only support .NET 3.5 and lower. Tommy supports .NET 4.6 and lower.
  18. Java cannot be enabled on suspended accounts. Please post at http://www.helionet.org/index/forum/81-suspended-and-queued-accounts/ first to get your account unsuspended.
  19. Java cannot be enabled on suspended accounts. Please post at http://www.helionet.org/index/forum/81-suspended-and-queued-accounts/ first to get your account unsuspended.
  20. Johnny also only has one version of PHP to pick from: 5.6. I suggest you choose Tommy to do your vbulletin experiments on. If someone was to want to run paid forum software on our servers this is certainly the server they would want due to the high uptime. Let us know if you encounter any errors and we'll do our best to solve them. It would be nice to be able to say that we support well known forum software like vbulletin out of the box without a lot of tweaking.
  21. Enabled. Go to https://tommy.heliohost.org:2083/3rdparty/phpPgAdmin/index.phpSelect your database.Click SQL button.Near the bottom click Choose File.Locate the .sql file on your hardrive.Click execute.
  22. We don't have a lot of (legal) vbulletin users. People don't usually host $250 software on free hosting.
  23. Send an email to https://www.mail-tester.com/ and they will tell you exactly why your email is considered spam.
  24. If it's an old version of vbulletin it may be beneficial to use an old version of php. Both Ricky and Tommy offer 5.4, 5.5, 5.6, 7.0, and 7.1. That's why I asked what version of PHP you were using.
  25. Deployed. http://photostream.tk/PhotoStream/
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