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Everything posted by Krydos

  1. The php I posted above was the expansion of the psuedocode that you didn't understand What is your sql query?
  2. It's just psuedocode. <?php // however you get your username variable $username = "maicol07"; // load database values require 'config.php'; // connect to database $con = new mysqli($db_host, $db_user, $db_pass, $db_data); if ($conn->connect_error) die("Connection failed: ".$conn->connect_error); // perform query $sql = "show tables like $username_"; $result_tables = $con->query($sql); // start dropdown select echo "<select>"; // for each table in database while ($row_tables = $result_tables->fetch_assoc()) { // store the name of the table we're working with $table = $row_tables["Tables_in_$db_data"]; // perform query $sql = "select data from $table"; $result_data = $con->query($sql); // for each value in the column data while ($row_data = $result_data->fetch_assoc()) { // store the value of this row of data $data = $row_data['data']; // create a dropdown entry echo "<option value='$data'>$data</option>"; } } echo "</select>"; This code is untested.
  3. You could do queries in a while loop. show tables while (another table) { select * from table }
  4. Well, the show command only loads the tables that start with the username, and then the select tags display the names of the tables which start with the username_ bit. Maybe I'm not understanding what you're trying to do?
  5. Closing due to inactivity.
  6. Yes, the invite for that transaction ID was sent.
  7. There you go http://olsenalways.win/test.aspx
  8. Please post the following information: Your cPanel usernameYour main domain
  9. The config.php is a common way to separate the $db_host, $db_user, $db_pass, and $db_data variables from the code. If you have 15 different php files they can all include config.php to load those database variables, and if you change the password for example you only have to change it in one place. It's good programming practice to do stuff like this. In this case the config.php would look like: <?php $db_host = "localhost"; $db_user = "maicol07_user"; $db_pass = "bestpaswordever"; $db_data = "maicol07_db"; Change line 11 to $sql = "show tables like '$username_%";
  10. @bdistler, oh cool, I didn't even know there was an option for that in cpanel. Thanks for pointing that out.
  11. We already have mod_deflate installed which does the same thing, but works for all file types not just php files. Put something like this in your .htaccess to enable it <IfModule mod_deflate.c> AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE text/text text/html text/plain text/xml text/css application/x-javascript application/javascript </IfModule> You can test your pages to see if it's enabled properly by using a tool like this http://www.whatsmyip.org/http-compression-test/
  12. It's already in there http://krydos.heliohost.org/71/phpinfo.php
  13. It takes a few hours for the email address change to go through sometimes.
  14. PHP files need to be permissions 644. You phpinfo.php file was 664. There you go http://wardracs.heliohost.org/phpinfo.php
  15. Yeah, we can install python modules for you. Just let us know: Module name (webob)Python version you're usingServer that you're on
  16. Not really. You can install ruby gems yourself through cpanel. If you need a particular version of python or some module installed let us know. The idea behind requesting java and requesting mono is it takes a lot of server resources for each account that those are enabled on so we want only the people who actually need it to have it active.
  17. It should work on 5.6. Are you sure you aren't using 5.5 or something else? Ah, figured it out. The error isn't our server at all: Source: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/11680709/file-get-contents-give-me-403-forbidden That particular website has some protection against people using file_get_contents on it. If you use curl with good headers you can get the data from them without them knowing it's not a real browser. That wouldn't stop them from figuring out that the requests are coming from a server not a real persons IP address and if they're really zealous about not having their data scraped they could always block our IP...
  18. Yes, mysqli is functional on Tommy.
  19. This might help. https://stackoverflow.com/questions/1390607/how-could-i-change-this-mysql-to-mysqli
  20. Yes, you can select a single IP to allow access from or you can allow access from all IPs. Enabled.
  21. Which version of php are you using? That's because you hadn't requested aspx access yet. There you go http://meraj.gq/test.aspx
  22. Source: https://www.helionet.org/index/topic/28813-johnny-backlog/ As the news says we recommend switching to mysql instead of mysqli temporarily or switching to Tommy where mysqli is working.
  23. You've actually got all the permissions correct and files created properly and everything. Very impressive! The 500 error is because the python module webob isn't installed. www is actually a symlink to public_html, and symlinks always have 777 permissions.
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