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Chief Executive Officer
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Everything posted by Krydos

  1. I looked at the email addresses that were sent to, and the subject lines of the sent emails. It's really just looks personal use for a couple people to me. I'm going to bump you up to 100 sent emails per day.
  2. Maybe I interpreted your message wrong. My impression of your posts makes me think that you're looking for loopholes to be able to send more emails than you're allowed to, or that you knew you were sending too many emails but you didn't expect to get caught, or you're implying that our system is broken, or something along those lines. I went through the logs for you. Looks like they're all from either Tom, which I assume is you, or Liza. I think between the two of you too many emails were sent on one day, and the limit was exceeded. Quite a few of the emails have multiple recipients, which as was explained above counts as multiple emails. If you send 1 email to 2 people our system counts that as 2 emails, etc. As far as I can tell nothing on our end is broken and none of the emails you sent look suspicious to me.
  3. The problem is really just tomcat. My guess is someone's deployed .war is going haywire. Tommy v2 currently has about half the number of java enabled accounts, and yet tomcat is using like 300% more memory than Tommy v1 was using. I'm in the process of writing some tools to monitor java memory usage, and we might be requiring some java users to switch to a VPS if they want to continue hosting their servlet.
  4. Yes, your existing domain can be switched to point to your VPS. Email on a VPS can be a little tricky if you don't know what you're doing. I recommend either using a panel on your vps, or keeping your free hosting account at the same time. If you keep your free hosting account you can use cpanel to check and manage your emails. If you install a panel on your VPS it will make email much simpler for you. A popular free panel is Vestacp. You could also install cpanel on your VPS, but it costs $15 per month so most people go with a free panel. Yeah, the VPS starts as a blank OS, so you can install apache and mysql and whatever you need. Installing a panel like Vestacp makes this easier for beginners because you can use a browser to manage your sites. Personally I prefer to just use ssh to do everything. Panels are nice, but they take a lot of memory and you'll have better performance without them installed. Vestacp also has some odd quirks like magically installing nginx even though you picked apache and then neither works until you uninstall one or the other. We recommend using apache because it's the same that Johnny, Ricky, and Tommy use, and that way you don't have to change any of your files to migrate your website. Nginx is nice, but you'd likely have to rewrite some stuff to make it work on your existing site.
  5. I'm working on making Tommy more stable. It's a balancing act because we want to allow as many accounts as we can, while still keeping performance reasonable.
  6. What postgresql username do you want to have remote access to what postgresql database? As far as a connection string it depends on the language you're using. For php running on the server it would look something like $dbconn = pg_connect("host=localhost dbname=systemcr_database user=systemcr_user password=secret123");
  7. There you go https://krydos2.heliohost.org/cgi-bin/modules37.py
  8. Django is fully functional without the command line. The wiki article he linked doesn't require any shell access on the server. You basically just copy/paste the code in and it will work. Django on our servers run through wsgi which means you don't need to worry about ports or starting and stopping processes. It starts the process automatically when someone requests the page. Also keep in mind that since you picked Ricky Django runs on python 2.7. If you'd rather use Django on python 3.7 you need to pick Johnny or Tommy. Honestly though, I think you would be better off with a VPS https://www.heliohost.org/vps/ since you're already comfortable with the command line.
  9. I think that would run with the base VPS model for $4 per month. 1 GB memory, 50 GB storage, and 2 cpus. It's really easy to upgrade later on if you need more performance too.
  10. Yeah, I probably started it and then wandered off and forgot about it like usual.
  11. Your backup is named expopro.tar.gz and it's located in your home directory.
  12. The problem was a combination of some high memory usage abuse, and abusing tomcat which also results in high memory usage.
  13. You're on Tommy now, but your domain likely won't work because you're using cloudflare.
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