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Chief Executive Officer
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Everything posted by Krydos

  1. Marking solved as he's suspended for violating our terms of service for having more than 1 account. He's also been blocked from calling or texting our phone number because he called me 6 times between 3:23am and 6:02am and left 5 completely unintelligible voicemails. He's also been banned from Facebook for spamming the same request on 5 different random unrelated posts, and sending dozens of private messages to our page as well. He's also been blocked on whatsapp for calling me an unknown number of times. I just uninstalled the app and went back to sleep at around 4am after several calls. Easily the most annoying person I've ever encountered in my 12 years of volunteering for HelioHost.
  2. Remote access enabled.
  3. There aren't even any files at /home/nakssoft/public_html/
  4. The default ssl page works on Johnny and Tommy, but Ricky broke and there are literally too many accounts on the server to change the default ssl page anymore. When I try to change the default it errors out because the account list is simply too long for the server to be able to handle it. We were scheduled to rebuild Ricky last February or March 2020, but due to covid we had to delay those plans because it wasn't safe for our staff to travel to the datacenter to do the required Ricky upgrade. We finally got that in person maintenance done a few days ago which gives us the ability to do the long overdue Ricky rebuild. It should hopefully be complete in the next few months, and it will fix many things such as the default ssl page.
  5. It was a server wide error, not your error. Another user broke tomcat, and as soon as java access was removed from their account your .war deployed without errors. Thanks for letting us know about it.
  6. Deleted.
  7. Have you updated winscp when this started happening, or is it the same version that used to work?
  8. What is the database name, and what is the database user?
  9. There you go http://nic.se.ke/test.jsp
  10. Sometimes you can go months without bots finding your wordpress install, but as soon as they find it they just start spamming it to bruteforce the login and spamming it with exploits to try to hack it. Both cause massive load.
  11. Remote access enabled.
  12. When the firewall says "SSH logins" it actually means SFTP. They use the same login system, but obviously SSH is disabled.
  13. Remote access enabled.
  14. Authentication failed sounds like a wrong username or password. Did you change your password recently and not update your ftp client?
  15. Invite sent. For future reference, the fastest way to get support is to post on these forums, and then wait patiently. I work on threads based on the oldest last post first. So each time you bump your thread you move yourself to the bottom of the todo list. Other admins may work on threads in the same way.
  16. Unarchived. If you want a backup you can create one yourself by logging in to cpanel and clicking the backup button.
  17. We got this email:
  18. Ok, after a bit of research for you I think this is the line you need SetEnvIf Authorization "(.*)" HTTP_AUTHORIZATION=$1 I found that line here https://ember-docs.kekalainen.me/installation/web.html#web-server-configuration The SetEnvIf directive is available for use in .htaccess https://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.4/mod/mod_setenvif.html#setenvif So try putting that line in your .htaccess file and see if it works.
  19. Here is your error: [Fri Jan 01 19:50:26.891443 2021] [core:error] [pid 44741] [client] AH00124: Request exceeded the limit of 10 internal redirects due to probable configuration error. Use 'LimitInternalRecursion' to increase the limit if necessary. Use 'LogLevel debug' to get a backtrace., referer: https://wmenezes.heliohost.org/ That's usually caused by an error in your .htaccess. For instance is page1 redirects to page2 and then page2 redirects back to page1.
  20. You can host the contact form on our servers too. This is the just the first result that came up https://code.tutsplus.com/tutorials/create-a-contact-form-in-php--cms-32314
  21. You're on Tommy now. I have also increased your storage to the maximum, and you don't need to log in to cpanel to keep your account active until 2021-06-28. Let us know if there is anything else we can help you with. Thank you so much for your donation!
  22. Unarchived.
  23. I've never tried any of these, but I found this article https://www.maketecheasier.com/best-static-website-cms/ Static sites will load much faster, and are much harder to hack. You'll need some sort of scripting language to do a contact form, you can't make those static, but they aren't too hard to implement. Let us know if you try any of these options and how it works out for you.
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