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Everything posted by Krydos

  1. One other thing. While I was transferring your wordpress sites I noticed some signs of hacking. It looks like they were trying to do some php injection. Since they were able to create directories and files there's a good chance they have access to a lot of your site. This isn't surprising to me in the slightest. It's part of the reason we so strongly recommend not using wordpress. You might want to keep an eye on that. It was on the main rapidenglish.eu site.
  2. Is it still giving the same error when you tested it again?
  3. Alright, I think it's done. The reason the redirects weren't working last night is because I hadn't enabled mod_rewite yet. I got that fixed now. I moved lessons.rapidenglish.eu and floydn.co to the VPS, and set up ssl and everything. I also emailed you the instructions to log in to ssh if you want to. You can also use those same credentials and the same port to log in with an SFTP client such as filezilla to upload files, etc. Let us know if you have any questions. EDIT: Oh, one thing I wanted to warn you about. The way certbot consolidates ssl certificates you may get some false warnings about ssl certificates expiring in 3 months. This is because the old certificates only covered some of your domains, and the final certificate that it is running now and will autorenew covers all the domains with one certificate. So the temporary certificates that I was using for testing will not renew because they were temporary but you still might get scary sounding emails about them. You can use this tool to see how many days your certificates have left. Certbot should automatically renew them when they get to less than 30 days. https://www.sslshopper.com/ssl-checker.html#hostname=rapidenglish.eu https://www.sslshopper.com/ssl-checker.html#hostname=floydn.co
  4. Sorry about the delay. I was really busy all day today, and then there were a few other VPS emergencies I needed to take care of before I could start transferring your sites. I stayed up pretty late to get your VPS started, and one of your domains transferred. What I've done so far Created the VPSInstalled Ubuntu 20Downloaded and installed all the latest updatesInstalled apacheInstalled php 7.4Installed mysqlTransferred the rapidenglish.eu domain to the vpsInstalled ssl on the rapidenglish.eu domain and set it up so it will autorenew so you don't need to worry about itCopied for your files from Tommy to the VPSCopied your database to the VPSYou can see the progress at https://rapidenglish.eu/ It still needs some work, but you can start fiddling with it if you want. The login/register button might work. Not sure. The lessons subdomain isn't set up yet, and that redirect doesn't seem to work for some reason. I also haven't even begun setting up the floydn.co domain. It's 3:50am right now though and I can't think straight anymore. I'm headed to bed. I just wanted to make some progress for you before I went to sleep. EDIT: I'll get your credentials to you tomorrow to log in to SSH and upload files via SFTP, etc.
  5. I have verified the transaction. Thank you very much. I'll get the VPS set up for you and your domains transferred to it immediately.
  6. I'm really not sure why it's giving that error. That's exactly the same way I've set up dozens of reverse dns before and they all work. For example here is the reverse dns section from mail-tester.com on an email from Cody: And you can see that reverse dns is set up exactly the same way: # dig +noall +answer -x 1054 IN CNAME 4.subnet0.153.71.64.in-addr.arpa. 4.subnet0.153.71.64.in-addr.arpa. 14400 IN PTR maicol07.it. # dig +noall +answer -x 58277 IN CNAME 5.subnet0.143.19.65.in-addr.arpa. 5.subnet0.143.19.65.in-addr.arpa. 13757 IN PTR cody.heliohost.org.
  7. And as usual, the reason https://www.heliohost.org/reset/ didn't work is because the password was terrible '{"metadata":{"command":"passwd","version":1,"reason":"Sorry, the password may not contain the username for security reasons.","result":0}}'
  8. Some extensions are available to be installed on shared hosting, but apparently this one is not available. It's supposed to be included in postgresql-contribs package, which is installed, but it's not in there. It looks like Luigi is correct, you'll need a VPS for this.
  9. There you go # dig +noall +answer -x 86400 IN CNAME 4.subnet0.153.71.64.in-addr.arpa. 4.subnet0.153.71.64.in-addr.arpa. 14400 IN PTR maicol07.it.
  10. The load bars are indicators of how much load your account is doing averaged over the last day in comparison to the other accounts on the server. If it says 100 that means your account is causing more load than any of the rest of the accounts on the entire server. If someone causes a lot of load and passes you your bar will go down. If you cause more load than someone else your bar will move up. Some of the other admins want to ban Wordpress entirely, but I think some people are able to use it without issues. There are literally hundreds of wordpress installs on our servers and only maybe 1 or 2 get suspended each day. HelioHost is used quite a bit by people who have no idea about webhosting, and want to try it out for free. Unfortunately Wordpress is so well known that it's literally the only thing that some of these people have ever heard of so of course they install it. As long as you're on Johnny or as long as you don't really get any visitors to your site it's not a problem, but if you're on Tommy the threshold to get suspended is much easier because we want to keep Tommy as close to 99.9% uptime as possible. On Johnny load isn't as big of a deal and we don't suspend nearly as many people so the uptime is only around 92% right now. The way I see it, Wordpress is like the kid's Mattel version of a website. It's really easy, everyone has heard of it, and you play around with it and you learn a few things. Hopefully as you become more knowledgeable you're finally ready to graduate to some sort of grown up software, or better yet write your own code. I'll admit it. Even I installed wordpress like 10 years ago when I barely knew anything about webhosting. The website was online for about 3 days and I hadn't told anyone the url or anything yet and it got hacked. That's when I started asking myself, "What on earth could be so wrong with this software that it could get hacked so quickly and easily?" Here we are 10 years later and really nothing has changed.
  11. I don't even see a myproject directory on your account. Did you change the name or delete it?
  12. Yes, I will personally move your sites to the VPS and make sure they function if you subscribe for at least a month of VPS for $4. You can set up a subscription to automatically pay $4 each month with this link https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=WBBVMFNPL2MUA
  13. Backing up from Wordpress is only useable if your domains are functional. Since you chose option #2 cPanel works, but your domains don't work. This is intentional. This is what was offered to you. This is what you picked. You picked option #1 moving to Johnny first which would allow your domains to continue functioning, but that didn't work for you either since your sites require too many server resources to even run at all apparently. The only other option is #3 which is we delete wordpress for you. I did offer to move your sites to a VPS for you, but there has been quite a few insults since then so I'm sort of regretting offering, but I guess if you can try to be calm I'll keep that offer on the table. You can pay via paypal by sending $4 to admin@heliohost.org. Let me know the transaction ID and I'll move your account and all of it's domains and everything over to the VPS for you. You can then use whatever plugin or whatever you want to make the backup, or you can continue using the VPS for as long as you want. I want to reiterate though that it definitely isn't required to get a VPS to get your backup. You've been perfectly capable of getting a full backup for the last 5 days, you have just refused to for some reason.
  14. Discord.py on Ricky's python 3.6 has been updated to 1.5.1 https://krydos1.heliohost.org/cgi-bin/modules36.py
  15. Right, maybe you should insult us some more in addition to overloading our servers. Surely that will help things. We gave you 4 warnings that your site was causing too much load, and you ignored them all and didn't change anything. What were we supposed to do just let you cause high load and downtime for our thousands of other users forever? It's not just you on this server. This is our best server and the way we keep it the best is by preventing sites like yours from using more than their fair share of server resources. I think 4 warnings that you're causing too much load is more than enough especially since it seems like you didn't change a single thing to reduce your load. I guarantee you that every web host out there knows that Wordpress is a heap of garbage, but most just keep quiet and try to make extra money off it like the good businessmen that they are. There's a reason so many hosting companies offer special "Wordpress hosting". It's to keep all that trash software corralled on its own server away from everything else. The reason "Wordpress hosting" costs so much more than regular hosting is because Wordpress uses so much more resources. I don't have anything personal against wordpress, but it's shocking if you actually look at the numbers and realize how bad it is. Other HelioHost admins want to ban wordpress entirely, but I allow wordpress if people really want to use it. We just strongly encourage people to find better software. I just logged in to your account to confirm that account backups are still working. If you need help creating or restoring a backup please let us know.
  16. The zip extension has been installed on Tommy's php 5.4. https://krydos.heliohost.org/54/phpinfo.php
  17. It will probably be fine. It kind of depends on the content of the captions though I suppose.
  18. We tried option #1, and you didn't like it. So now we're trying option #2. Would you like to switch to option #3? The last time I looked at it wordpress was still there so I thought we were waiting on wdbvsm to backup his sites still. I looked at it just now and wordpress is still there. I was under the assumption that he would delete wordpress when he was done backing it up.
  19. It might be that you have port 2083 blocked. If port 2083 is blocked you still might be able to connect to cpanel using the insecure button at the bottom of the page, but then a hacker could intercept your data because it's not encrypted. We recommend finding a way to enable port 2083. It sounds like you forgot to create the .htaccess file.
  20. Make sure you whitelist @heliohost.org emails. We send you a warning email several days before your account goes inactive, and then another email when your website is taken offline. If you get those emails delivered to your inbox it makes it easy to remember to log in and keep your account active.
  21. It's after midnight UTC now so I unsuspended your account.
  22. Did you enable SPF and DKIM like I suggested? Sometimes when you have those disabled mail services don't even put the mail in the spam box. They just delete it.
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