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Everything posted by Krydos

  1. I don't think some people realize that stealing is illegal. They just see billions of anonymous people on the internet, and they think they're entitled to take money from them.
  2. Ok, I changed the owner of the files. Does it give that error now?
  3. There are many reasons to switch to a VPS if he wants to other than being able to create his own extensions on his postgresql databases. Some that come to mind quickly in this situation are, you can install the latest version of postgresql instead of the ancient 9.2 that cpanel provides, faster, more database storage, more secure, and hundreds of other reasons too.
  4. That only prevents getting blocked in the firewall for failed cpanel logins. You can still get blocked for SFTP or IMAP or POP3 or SMTP, etc.
  5. Don't worry. We can get this all working. I just don't know how wordpress works so I have no idea which directories need what permissions until you post the error. Try it now and let me know if there are any other errors.
  6. There you go http://jackitec.heliohost.us/jackitec_itec/
  7. While I was creating extensions on someone else's postgresql database I figured out a way to install uuid-ossp. I went ahead and successfully created it on both of your databases for you. Sorry I couldn't figure it out the other day. I was really surprised when it didn't work.
  8. You must be thinking of something else. Hstore is just an alternate way to store data for a postgresql database entry if you don't want to make a whole new column for it. The postgresql extensions postgis and hstore have been created on the database wambachr_osm.
  9. I have unsuspended your account. The reason you were suspended is because your account was found to have $200+ software on it. Pardon our skepticism, but the chances of someone paying $200+ for software and then using free website hosting is incredibly unlikely. Please keep in mind that nulled software is copyright infringement and is against our terms of service. You have 24 hours to either prove you have a legal license to run invision power community software, or remove the nulled software. Failure to do one or the other will result in a permanent suspension. Thanks for understanding.
  10. I went to your website and registered for a new account. The website said it sent an email, but there is no record of it in any of the logs. I recommend disabling cloudflare and see if that fixes the issue. There isn't really anything we can do to help you other than make random guesses while cloudflare is enabled.
  11. I changed the permissions of the storage directory to 777. This allows owner, group, and other to read, write, and execute files in the directory. I also saw that you had this same migration plugin installed on your other two wordpress installs so I changed the permissions of those directories. I really don't mind running commands like this for you, but if you want to learn how to do it yourself just let me know and I can explain. There is a possibility that other directories will need to have their permissions changed as well. Your SFTP credentials are the same username, password, and port 22 that you use to log in to SSH. Here is what your settings would look like in Filezilla I googled not being able to install plugins and it asking for ftp credentials, and found that it is probably a permissions issue as well. I changed the permissions of the /wp-content/plugins/ directory to 777 for each of your three wordpress installs as well. Let me know if you're still not able to install plugins.
  12. The module mailparse 3.1.1 has been installed on Tommy's php 7.3. https://krydos.heliohost.org/73/phpinfo.php
  13. Remote mysql is disabled by default for security reasons. Have you enabled remote mysql by clicking the button labeled "Remote Mysql" in cpanel and then entering your ip address or putting % to allow all ips to connect?
  14. You're on Tommy now. I have also increased your storage to 3000 MB, and you don't need to log in to cpanel to keep your account active until 2021-02-20. Let us know if there is anything else we can help you with. Thank you so much for your donation!
  15. Do you still need mailparse if ioncube isn't available?
  16. You were actually violating two of our terms of service. You have more than one account, and your second account was created using a temporary email address. Don't worry. I suspended the second account so you don't appear to be violating our terms anymore. It looks like your site is working though. Do you still need help?
  17. I fiddled with it and made a few changes for you http://visucasu.heliohost.us/ The main problem I saw is it looked like you were half following a guide to make your webroot a django app, and you were half following a guide to make a django app in a subdirectory. I flipped a coin and went with the assumption that maybe you wanted it set up as your webroot. It also needed a module named folium installed, and about a dozen other small changes. Now it's throwing a file not found error which I suspect is because it's trying to access /media/shp/basin.geojson instead of /home/braux/public_html/media/shp/basin.geojson. You should be able to take it from here.
  18. I contacted our isp to ask them if they see anything wrong on their end, and they double checked everything for me. They said their servers are properly configured, and so are ours. They said that it looks like that mail tester is caching old data. We either need to wait for the cache to expire on mail-tester.com or contact mail-tester support and ask them to restart their local caching dns server. To embed an image directly in your post so it doesn't have to be clicked to be viewed host your image on your server or use an image hosting service like gyazo or imgur. Then link the image url using bbcode like this [img=https://example.com/image.png]
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