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Everything posted by Krydos

  1. # /usr/local/python3.10/bin/pip3.10 install mastodon ERROR: Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement mastodon (from versions: none) ERROR: No matching distribution found for mastodon Are you sure about the module name?
  2. We have received quite a few false positive malware reports for our website. The reason is because of the Arc.io CDN that we've been using for the last few years. When we started using it we were getting about $500 per year which is a great source of income for a non-profit, and the little blue dot in the bottom left corner was no where near as annoying as regular ads. In the last year we've made less than $15 from it though, and most antivirus programs and malware programs now report the CDN as malware. We've decided that it is no longer worth it. We can probably get more than $15 per year from donations from people who would have otherwise avoided our website due to the false malware report. There is no way to know how many people have found our website, but decided to use a different hosting provider because of this issue. We've contacted the antivirus and malware detection companies plenty of times, but they won't fix the issue on their end. One of our VPS customers can't even pay for his VPS because his computer refuses to even open our payment page, and he can't figure out how to turn off his antivirus or whitelist our website. Thanks for all the money over the years, Arc.io, but the time has come to move on. If you use an antivirus or malware product that reports our website is bad please submit another false positive report for us now that Arc.io is gone, and hopefully we can get this mess cleaned up together. Thanks!
  3. Maybe the fly.io was having some issue resolving domain names or something. Glad you got it working. Marking as solved.
  4. I was just pretty busy yesterday so I wasn't able to get fully caught up on the forum. I work from oldest to newest so each time someone bumps their thread it moves it to the bottom of the todo list. Therefore, the spammiest people, and the people who think their issue is the most important get handled after everyone who is patient and doesn't post constantly.
  5. Try using as the host on fly.io instead of johnny.heliohost.org.
  6. The reason rf6.co:8083 doesn't work is because you're using Cloudflare proxy. If you look at the A records https://dnschecker.org/#A/rf6.co you can see that they aren't your VPS ipv4. If you want to access Hestia on a domain it needs to be an A record pointed directly to You can still use Cloudflare DNS, you just need to turn off the proxy part.
  7. The extension imagick is already installed on Johnny's PHP 8.2 https://php82.krydos2.heliohost.org/
  8. Your subscription has been canceled and you won't be charged again. Thanks for using our VPS service.
  9. By "my API" do you mean "remote MariaDB access" or what language is your API written in? What port is your API using? SSL over 443? Http over port 80? Remote MariaDB on port 3306?
  10. I found this App 24494 output: Desenvolvido por Isaac Magno App 24494 output: API Online na porta 3003 App 24494 output: Error: secretOrPrivateKey must have a value App 24494 output: at Object.module.exports [as sign] (/home/tobiasdb.heliohost.us/node_modules/jsonwebtoken/sign.js:111:20) App 24494 output: at createJWToken (/home/tobiasdb.heliohost.us/src/services/authenticationServices.js:193:14) App 24494 output: at Object.login (/home/tobiasdb.heliohost.us/src/services/authenticationServices.js:214:19) App 24494 output: at runNextTicks (node:internal/process/task_queues:61:5) App 24494 output: at processImmediate (node:internal/timers:437:9) App 24494 output: at async login (/home/tobiasdb.heliohost.us/src/controllers/authenticationController.js:41:24) Maybe this will help? https://stackoverflow.com/questions/58673430/error-secretorprivatekey-must-have-a-value
  11. What does the error log say when you try to post data?
  12. It's interesting that this mysterious other account that you claim to have no knowledge about logged into their account using the same browser as you. The account sccart has been unsuspended, and tarkesh7 has been resuspended.
  13. Which PHP version are you using?
  14. I found this link for changing the main domain for Hestia. https://forum.hestiacp.com/t/how-to-edit-main-domain/3250 They suggest just creating the new domain, and deleting the old domain I guess.
  15. Are you trying to connect to Johnny on that port 3000?
  16. You'll need to contact Cloudflare support for assistance configuring their system. I don't work for Coudflare so I have no access to their systems.
  17. Yeah, that's fine. Just let us know the usernames for both accounts after you create the second one. We just have to put an exception into the multi-account detection system to allow for 2 accounts rather than 1.
  18. It should already be white listed. Are you getting an error trying to connect?
  19. Mail service has been re-enabled on your account. Try to keep your sent emails below 50 per day, or if you need to send more than 50 emails per day we will need justification and some additional information from you about the emails you send.
  20. Unsuspended, and your eu.org domain has been added to your open0 account. If you need any of the files from bca you can download the full backup from https://heliohost.org/backup/
  21. Your rebuild has been started and you should have just gotten an email about it being ready. If you want we can install the control panel for you.
  22. Remote access enabled. Use host and port 5432.
  23. Keep in mind you can monitor your own load at https://heliohost.org/dashboard/load/ so it won't come as a surprise if you get suspended.
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