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  1. I hate to start off being a pain but it appears that I am having an issue logging in. I'm pretty sure I used the same password I signed up with - I copied and pasted it. But, it spit at me and said it was incorrect. I went and reset it, it did the same thing. I figured I'd better stop there and check the forum. I did. I noticed that too many attempts will make it angry. So, I'm not going to keep trying. My account is "kgiii" and I just signed up today, it says it's complete, and all that jazz.
  2. Hello, I'm having some serious issue here, I can't login to my cPanel (Johnny) account even though I entered right password for my account. It kept saying invalid. can any of the staff look into this problem? Thank you.
  3. I can't log in im cPanel because I always get the log in error. Sometimes it says it is because I change my IP and says try to log in again. I do it and ger the same message. I tried to reset my password but I don not even get the email back. The error is similar to http://www.helionet.org/index/topic/21502-the-login-is-invalid-problem-at-heliohost-cpanel/ and http://www.helionet.org/index/topic/14697-solved-invalid-login-at-heliohost/ My username is ramiro and my domain ramaven.heliohost.org
  4. I'm having the same issue like this guy: http://www.helionet.org/index/topic/14697-solved-invalid-login-at-heliohost/ I already tried password reset, but the login shows "The login is invalid" error message. Thank you in advance.
  5. Hey, So I can't login to my phpMyAdmin account. I'm using the same login information that I use for my cPanel and its just not letting me in. I keep getting the #1045 Cannot log in to the MySQL server error. I don't recall changing anything, not that I think I have access to change anything like that. Thanks. username: hmaal domain: maalstudios.heliohost.org server: johnny
  6. Hello! I seem to be having trouble logging in to my CP. I went through the reset, and finally got in on the third try but then it kicked me out and now I *really* can't get in anymore. Any help is appreciated! Thank you! username: melzilla domain: melia.heliohost.org server: stevie
  7. Sir, I've lost my cPanel password. For these reason I'm trying to reset my password, all steps are ok but when I click on the link which was sent to my email by cPanel, I'm getting the following error:
  8. Hello, I've been trying to login to the stevie cpanel for 1 hour already. Every time I try the password reset, it doesn't do a thing... The first 2 times it actually sent an email containing the reset code. When I finally got to resetting the password, the script gave me the most useless password ever made... The cpanel login doesn't even accept it. Can you please reset my password to something normal so that I can work again with the cpanel? My domain: orbitalgravity.heliohost.org Thanks
  9. Hello. I created an account on HelioHost with the same username as here, and after 24 hours my page is up. So when I tried to go to the C-Panel, it gave the error, "The login is invalid" So the first thing I did was to press the reset password button, but that didn't send any emails to me. So out of luck, I found the account deletion page, and I entered my login details and then it worked. I got a suspended page on my site. Which was verrryyyy weird cause I couldn't log in. So I found the reactivate page and entered my login details. It worked. My page was up again. (I did not upload any content yet, as I've been only here for 24 hours.) Now, the problem is. I can't login. I can use the 'login into c-panel' on the homepage, and it will recognize my account (Reason I know it recognizes my account is because of the next sentence.) and take me to the c-panel Johnny login. (I have a Johnny account) Thanks, Sadra.
  10. I'm trying to loin to cPanel but it says "Authenticating then", "The Login is invalid". I'm 99.99999999999999% it's right. I tried resetting the password but never received the email. Is there a short term problem and I should just give it some time?
  11. Hello everybody, first, thanks to heliohost for the hosting service, i created a new account on stevie server with the domain name: http://sd.heliohost.org/ and i already uploaded my frontpage to the FTP and everything is fine! but unfortunetly since few hours i am trying to create a new postgreSQL database but the connexion to phpPgAdmin is not possible with my root login and password! How can i fix that please! Thanks for your help! --------------------------------- Smart Decisions
  12. (I think I post this to the right place) I know the rule about logging in within 30 days or your website will be deactivated. However, I've been logging in for a month now, and yesterday I got an email telling me that I needed to reactivate the website(which I did) but it said the last time I logged in was April 10th, but I just logged in last three days ago to check email and things like that...is there a specific place I need to go when I login so it knows I'm on? Thank you for taking the time to read this.
  13. as you can see i cannot get into my account and the cpanel password reset is not working i click the link to confirm my code but it keeps requesting for a code? plz help
  14. For several times now my current password is inaccessible and when I forget password the new password that is auto generated doesnt get accepted by the login. Now when I forget password the reset password email doesnt even get sent to my email anymore. Can anyone help me with this? Thanks in advance.
  15. Dear Support, My hosting account at HelioHost has been suspended for inactivity. I have tried to log in but all what I got was: "Login Attempt Failed!". I also couldn't reset password because of following: Password change cannot be completed: Account is currently suspended! Please contact the billing/support department. How can I get an access to my HelioHost account? My domain: rich.heliohost.org My cPanel login: getrich Thanks in advance.
  16. Hey guys, I recently signed up my website - www.atf2rg.com on heliohost. It has been bought at intuit and I decided to change the hosting to heliohost. I edited the nameservers today and just wanted to check out the cpanel.. As far as i remember my login was atrg but it says username not found. anyway to recover username using the email provided or something? if yes, please help me. If resetting is not possible, delete that account. I will sign up again. I signed up on Johnny and the email used was technogeared007@gmail.com
  17. I'm working on a login script but once I publish our site it says that there was an error on the following code: <?php //We start sessions> session_start(); Please help!
  18. Can anyone help me to do it ~~ I try for so long but still can't do it -> Chat with me : hoang8595@yahoo.com.vn or Post it here tks so much
  19. First, I only have one web hosting account! In other words, I just recreates my account.. It would be better to review my creation history that listed below: First registration, is on Johnny. But I move my account to Stevie. Now, I try to recreate my account in Stevie hoping the mild AJAX error would be fixed. And note that the password that I've used on all of those (re)creation have 18 characters, all alphabets are in lower case, and have two numbers. Here is the problem, every after the creation of my account, I always use Password Reset to get my password because all of my login attempts without resetting my password were always failed. Why it's happening?
  20. I have just started using Heliohost, I have moved from another hosting service and want to migrate my content and scripts to Heliohost. It seemed simple enough until it tried logging on (yes, I did wait until my account was activated, yes I did use the correct password and yes I did try to reset my password (9 times)). When I entered my login details, into the page based login screen, it simply asked for them again in a seperate dialog box. This happeded every single time that I tried to sign in except for twice and even then I was unable to log into the Ubuntu FTP client using the details specified in the cPanel information. Right now I could look really stupid, not being able to login, is it just me or is there a problem? web adress: pleexperiserv.heliohost.org server: Johnny
  21. I got a login script code but when add it it says: "Cannot select DB" You can find the whole code http://www.phpeasystep.com/phptu/6.html. Here it is: &--#60;?php $host="localhost"; // Host name $username="schimpfk"; // Mysql username $password="**PASSWORD**"; // Mysql password $db_name="test"; // Database name $tbl_name="members"; // Table name // Connect to server and select databse. mysql_connect("$host", "$username", "$password")or die("cannot connect"); mysql_select_db("$db_name")or die("cannot select DB"); // username and password sent from form $myusername=$_POST['myusername']; $mypassword=$_POST['mypassword']; // To protect MySQL injection (more detail about MySQL injection) $myusername = stripslashes($myusername); $mypassword = stripslashes($mypassword); $myusername = mysql_real_escape_string($myusername); $mypassword = mysql_real_escape_string($mypassword); $sql="SELECT * FROM $tbl_name WHERE username='$myusername' and password='$mypassword'"; $result=mysql_query($sql); // Mysql_num_row is counting table row $count=mysql_num_rows($result); // If result matched $myusername and $mypassword, table row must be 1 row if($count==1){ // Register $myusername, $mypassword and redirect to file "login_success.php" session_register("myusername"); session_register("mypassword"); header("location:login_success.php"); } else { echo "Wrong Username or Password"; } ?&--#62; I changed my password!
  22. Hi. I've experienced invalid login so I requested a password reset thinking I must've made a mistake creating my password. My username is "ausoir" and the temporary password was given when I entered the confirmation code that was sent to my email. However, the website still says that the login is invalid, even with the fresh temporary password.
  23. 1. changed password, gor brute force screen. reset password cpanel 2. set up email got brute force screen when returning home 3. Tried all routes - brute force lock out. Wait 10 mins try 30 mins try 6 hours try ALL lead to Brute Force screen. user name dudez Is this sophisticated enough? How do I change username to dudez135? Been at this for 3 days now domain http://irishsecure.com Tried in IE Firefox Safari Chrome Opera it is not the browser, Changed nameservers to heliohost 24 hours ago (Windows 7 32 bit) Tried in Firefox Opera same result (Ubuntu Linux) Site regestration was at http://freehosting.com
  24. Hi All, My first Post as I'm new to helionet community. I have a few questions to ask : 1) Johnny is asking me for Login again and again, and even after entering the right password he's doing the same. So I can't enter my cPanel. Yesterday all was good. Cummon Johnny whats the matter, don't you like the new member ? 2) Yesterday When I tried using SFTP but the port was not 22 and so I guess Filezilla couldn't log me in. After many tries I went for FTP i.e. port 21. ( Also I guess Johnny had a down time at that time coz FTP didn't respond to my login, after half an hours time I could get in for the First time ). So my question here is how to connect to SFTP. 3) MIME, I have a few images in JPG format but the logs says, 404 File Not Found. I checked MIME handlers and all seemed Good, there was an entry for JPG JPEG & JPE. So whats here now? ( Note: PNG is shown withour any problem ). I will be adding a font MIME handler too I need that if I face problem there I'll post it, however Right now JPG is an issue. Thx Buddies for Listening to me and Also in Advance for Replying
  25. I couldn't access my account on johnny.. i couldn't login to cpanel . or thru' FTP too.. MY user name is : jeecare . I have tried password reset . but the activation code which came in the email having no reaction. Nothing comes. Its urgent for me.. i din't have backup also..
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