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Chief Risk Officer
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Everything posted by wolstech

  1. Delete your account here: http://heliohost.org/home/support/scripts/delete Wait 24 hours, then sign up on Stevie. Domains on Stevie usually set up within 24 hours of registering, and the uptime is much better (around 99%).
  2. Delete the users and recreate them. Then reassign them to your databases.
  3. You're supposed to use NS records pointed to ns1.heliohost.org and ns2.heliohost.org. Once you do that, everything else will configure itself. Using an A record will cause a lot of functionality to not work without extra manual configuration on your main domain, and is not supported at all on addon/parked domains.
  4. Johnny accounts can take up to a week for the domain to start working.
  5. The headers already sent error is because setcookie() is just like the header() function. You can't use it once output has been sent. In your case, that output is being sent by whatever is on line 13 of db.php (the output is probably an error of some sort since DB classes don't usually produce screen output unless they're not working properly). The session_destroy() error is because you didn't start your session. You have to initialize it using session_start() before you can destroy it.
  6. You were suspended for high server load, and when I unsuspended you, you were immediately suspended for inactivity. Your account has been unsuspended and renewed.
  7. It should show in cPanel on the left side. I tried to look it up for you, but your account's domain isn't currently hosted with us so I can't.
  8. That query won't find the user if the password is wrong. I generally do two queries, one to find the username, then one to check the password. That way I can tell if the user doesn't exist or if their password is just wrong. Other than that, the issue may be with the num_rows being on the end. What class is $db an instance of? In all the examples I've seen, the normal mysqli class doesn't let you put num_rows on the end like that. I usually see something like: $somevariable = $db->num_rows; though if($db->num_rows > 0) { /* Do Something */ } might be better for your use.
  9. Do not bump posts. We work from the bottom up, so bumping puts you last in line. Moved to customer service.
  10. Some things to look at: ($err !== false ? '<div class="error">'.$err.'</div>' : null); This is likely why it's broken. You need to use an IF statement. The ? : format requires PHP 5.4, which is not available on Stevie (which has 5.3.8). You will need to go through your code and rewrite these as IF statements. The conditional should also be != not !==. I personally would use !empty($err) instead. if(empty($uname) || empty($pass) || empty($uname) && empty($pass)) $err .= $t['er_login']; No need for the "empty($uname) && empty($pass)" part in these IF statements. As soon as one of them is empty, it's true, and the other one doesn't matter. md5(input($_POST['pass'])); Use SHA1. You also should salt your passwords.
  11. The start of line and end of line are not required. Also, it's easier to check for the presence of bad characters as opposed to making sure they're all good. <?php $nick = "TEST33%"; if (!empty($nick) && preg_match("/([^a-zA-Z\d_-])/", $nick)) { echo "Invalid characters"; } else { echo " It's good. "; } /* Produces output: Invalid Characters */ Change the first line to a valid name and it will produce "It's good" instead.
  12. If you want to only allow a single - or _ symbol as the input, use an IF statement instead. There is no "range" for symbols in a regexp, and you'll probably have to escape a bunch of them with a \ since some are modifiers in regexps. Regexps really are most useful when doing complex searches/pattern matching or when you need to accept large ranges like a-z or 0-9, as opposed to a few allowed characters. An IF like this would be easier if a single - or _ should be the only thing allowed: <?php if ($input = "_" || $input = "-") { //Do something } else { //Error message } ?>
  13. It means your regular expression is incorrect. Can you post that line of code so I can see the expression in question?
  14. Escalating so they can be fixed for you. These database are invisible: realtori_1, realtori_SQL, realtori_wordpress
  15. Headers must be sent before any output (text, HTML, even an error) is sent. Once you send some type of content, you cannot use the header function. Whatever is on line 52 of fnc.php sent some form of output. I'd expect to find either an echo statement, part of the page body or an include that points such, or a broken line of code that's producing an error. You need to make sure your header function is called before that line of code runs, otherwise normal HTTP headers are automatically sent along with the output.
  16. That's probably right. I have 3 sites in my account and use around 120. Webspace goes a lot further than you think. That meter also doesn't update immediately, so if you change something, it can take an hour or so to show your new usage.
  17. Go into cPanel, go to Parked Domains, and add rulepm.com as a parked domain. Then wait 24-48 hours for it to take effect. That should make both rulepm.com and rulepm.heliohost.org show the same website so you'll be able to use either domain.
  18. Split and escalated from http://www.helionet.org/index/topic/23650-mysql-database/
  19. Split post from other user...http://www.helionet.org/index/topic/23677-invisible-mysql-database/
  20. We dont block any email providers that I'm aware of, though some providers are known to have blocked us in the past. Also, their server might require authentication to use (most do), though a timeout isn't usually an indication of bad credentials. Yandex could have blocked us since our servers are often abused for spam and phishing. Even though we remove the abuse quickly, it can take time to be unblocked. I'll escalate it to verify we aren't blocking anything.
  21. It may already be taken. Try another one. Also, make sure you use only lowercase letters and numbers in it. No symbols, no spaces, no capital letters. What is the username you're trying to use?
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