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Chief Risk Officer
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Everything posted by wolstech

  1. Nodejs is not supported. We only support technologies that host through apache. Nodejs is a standalone own server.
  2. That error doesn't appear for me in cPanel, and MySQL is working fine for me. Try logging out and in again. As for the lost database, we probably don't have anything. The data loss would be from the MySQL crash yesterday. InnoDB looks to have died again. InnoDB is extremely sensitive...just look at it wrong and it crashes, while we have never lost MyISAM data in our 10 years in operation. I'll escalate this to see if Krydos happens to have backups of the innodb databases for some reason, but odds are we don't have anything to restore.
  3. It's related to yesterday's database server crash. InnoDB broke again. Escalating.
  4. That requires InnoDB support, which is read only on Stevie due to damage from the crash earlier today. As a result, you can't install that right now. The InnoDB database engine, while nice for its advanced features, is quite unreliable and crashes if you so much as look at it wrong. It also has a habit of taking all your data with it when it goes. InnoDB has crashed 6 times in two years, each resulting in significant data loss. On the other hand, MyISAM is much more stable and has never lost any data in the ten years we've been in operation. I'd recommend using software that can use MyISAM database tables (you'll need to do some research, if I remember right phpBB and SMF were the two big ones that could do this easily). If you don't wish to do this, wait until the server is repaired, then install xenforo. Just make sure you make database backups frequently, as you will likely need them the next time the database server crashes.
  5. There was an active phishing site on your account at the time it was suspended. We can't show you the contents because doing so would give you access to the data collected by the phishing site. Very often, legitimate accounts that get suspended for phishing occur because of a security hole or weak/compromised password. A hacker exploits these to get in, and once that happens, they either send spam or (as in this case) phishing sets up shop on your account. We then catch it (or someone reports it), and the account gets suspended. Please create a new account.
  6. Looks like InnoDB might have crashed again... Escalating.
  7. Stevie's MySQL was down for a few hours earlier. It appears to be working now.
  8. This is what our server sees: http://bybyron.net/php/tools/dns_records.php?domain=thesisadviser.com&rec=NS As long as that shows CloudFlare records, you will get an error. It's when our server finally sees the ns1.heliohost.org and ns2.heliohost.org out there that it will work. Make sure you remove all other NS's as well (don't add them alongside CF). I'll escalate this, however Krydos will likely want you to change them again, allow it to fully propagate (which will cause several hours of downtime), then try again. If it still doesn't work, we'll need the exact error you're receiving so we can diagnose it (there are a few things that can cause a domain to not add that are not related to the nameservers, however those are moot unless the NS records are set since the system won't even try without them set).
  9. SGN is an active account on Stevie, so you should be able to use it just fine. If you need the password reset, let me know.
  10. Integrated CloudFlare support is supposedly planned for Tommy when he finally comes around, but that's likely a few months off, and even then it may not be in the initial roll-out since we'll be more focused on missed security holes and broken features. If you change the NS, immediately add, and change back, its unlikely most would ever notice the downtime anyway. Our server will see the record change immediately after you change it because it checks the registrar/root DNS directly, but most users would never see the changed records because of cached DNS at other providers and their PC. If users do see something, it'll be the Queued page for the duration of cache life. I would also like to see the NS requirement dropped, but I doubt it will happen. Checking A records seems reasonable to me, but Krydos likely has a reason why this wasn't done...I suspect ease-of-use since the same NS work for all of our servers, whereas A records would need to be set according to the server you sign up on, and we'd spend a lot more time troubleshooting issues.
  11. Seeing Stevie is the only server we have that's available, you don't have much choice right now But if you could pick, I would leave it on stevie anyway. Stevie is fast and stable, if a little dated. My production site is on Stevie and have few issues with it. Johnny when he was around was down all the time. Tommy isn't released yet, but will be similar to Stevie performance wise when it becomes available.
  12. While we're waiting for Krydos, I'll add my input. Looking at the account info, it was registered from a different IP range from your posts. You're reporting from Tucson Arizona (or somewhere nearby), the phishing account was registered by someone in Argentina. Doesn't mean much nowadays though due to VPNs and the like. The odd part is that phishing account has both of your domains on it, so whoever is responsible for it probably either watched that specific domain for some reason, or is scraping DNS for new domain registrations and sets up phishing at the targeted host whenever possible.
  13. The error is in Application.php, not in the file you posted. Assuming the file Autoloader.php doesn't exist in your application's Zend folder, I won't be surprised if the issue is the script needing a newer version of ioncube. The version of ioncube on Stevie is ancient (and PHP is as well, 5.3.8). I'd recommend finding a program that doesn't require ioncube. An open source program will be infinitely more flexible if you ever want to expand/customize it (ioncube's main use is to prevent doing this), and will not have dependencies like this either. If you really need to run this one, I'd suggest waiting for Tommy to be released (whenever that may be, likely a few months). That server will have up to date software.
  14. Unfortunately I cannot write your code for you (both because I don't know the environment and data being passed to this program, and because we generally do not provide coding assistance except for troubleshooting compatibility with our servers). If you have trouble developing it though, feel free to ask questions. This site on PHP's website should get you started on how to handle your data, assuming your data is XML: http://php.net/manual/en/book.simplexml.php
  15. I assume you want the value between the <servergenre> and </servergenre> tags. Explode breaks a string up into an array using the first argument as the delimiter, and is not the right function for this (though with some creativity and the trim() function, it could probably be made to work) Seeing that the format of the source data is likely XML, look up PHP SimpleXML. It makes it much easier to get any value you could possibly want with very little effort. This is the example page: http://php.net/manual/en/simplexml.examples-basic.php
  16. I see you figured it out IMAP is a common cause of this. Your account has a limit of 6 processes running, and if IMAP is hogging them all for email, PHP doesn't have room to run. You just have to tell your devices to check your mail less often.
  17. That account is suspended for Phishing. For security reasons, phishing accounts cannot be unsuspended, backed up, or deleted. You will need to create a new account and restore any backup you may have. Please be aware that you will not be able to reuse any domains on your suspended account, and will need to pick a new username. We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused.
  18. I'm seeing queued on my PC but not my iPad (where I posted from earlier). Not sure why. Cache is cleared and used 2 different browsers, and I can't get it to work on another PC either. My iPad shows an entirely different result ("Website under Maintenance") instead of a queued page. If you just added it today, give it 24 hours to resolve.
  19. The account sgn likely doesn't work because you just signed up (in fact, it says you signed up tomorrow...10/16/16, but it's 10/15 here). Give it 24 hours. Tommy is not yet available to the public, so your account cannot be moved. As for the sgscl account and the disk space issue, escalating.
  20. I get a 404 here. That likely got lost in the Cody move or the site upgrade.
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