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Chief Risk Officer
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Everything posted by wolstech

  1. That link is the wrong one. That’s for file manager, and it also doesn’t count your login for inactivity either. Use https://tommy.heliohost.org:2083/ , then go down to the “Software” section and select “Softaculous Apps Installer”.
  2. Im not sure honestly since I never looked into it. I imagine the default site for a dedicated IP would be related to something like the order of stuff in the Apache config though. Krydos would know.
  3. That domain is working. If you still see the queued page, please clear your cache. If that does not help, try another device with a different internet connection (like a cell phone on its data plan).
  4. Port is different if on Johnny or Ricky. 1342 is the tommy port, 1373 is Johnny, and I don’t remember Ricky’s at the moment...
  5. The wiki software is causing that redirect most likely. Try moving the index and htaccess out of the wiki folder and see if it continues. The site shown by the ip is not always the one on your main domain. Mine is and it gives me the content of https://si3.raxsoft.com/ Thats a subdomain of an alias that I have (though oddly that happens to be the most used thing on my account, Im fine with it). Also, your dedicated ip can be used for FTP as well. I had to use mine for this during the outage on Friday. If you had it enabled beforehand (cP wont work to enable it) remote MySQL can be used over it too I believe (I didnt, so I used ssh and command line tools though that wont apply for non-admins).
  6. Yeah, it has a limit per day like Tommy. It resets at midnight UTC (not PST).
  7. It's archived. Escalating to have it restored.
  8. If it never finishes deploying, there's two reasons for it, but odds are good that the war failed at this point. Krydos can check the logs. Escalating.
  9. It's archived. Escalating to have it restored.
  10. It would be an IPv4 address (our servers don't support IPv6 as far as I know, I've never seen an IPv6 address associated with anything from HelioHost). I don't see any reason why we can't accept the money from multiple transactions. Do you have the transaction IDs of the donations?
  11. Tommy has been unblocked and is now working properly.
  12. Tommy has been unblocked and is now working properly.
  13. Yep, seems to be unblocked now. Marking solved.
  14. There's no new information to report right now. Updates will be provided when they become available.
  15. Wait Krydos has to contact our provider and ask them to unblock us. I already banned the phishing user and emailed him to let him know this happened.
  16. No, we don't require a donation to fix this. The server's shared IP got blocked because someone hosted a phishing site on it. The $12 dedicated IP is only an optional thing you could get to prevent you from going down in the event of a future provider block (these blocks are rare on Tommy, this is only the second one this year). I already banned the phishing account, but we're waiting for Krydos to contact our provider and get it unblocked.
  17. No it's not, because it's cost-prohibitive to do so. Our provider charges us $12/year per IP, and each IP is good for one account by definition (otherwise it'd just be another shared IP...). If we gave IPs to just accounts that have been around since 2016, it'd cost us more than ~$1500/year just for IP addresses. Anyone can get a dedicated IP by paying the $12 though (we don't mark the prices up, we only ask of you what our provider asks of us). If you want one, please donate $12, then post the transaction ID and the username of the account that should get the IP.
  18. It got blocked by our provider because somebody set up a phishing site on it. I banned the phishing, but now we have to wait for Krydos to contact them and ask to be unblocked. See https://www.helionet.org/index/topic/30456-cpanel-broken-tommy-null-routed/ The server itself is actually in perfectly good condition. As an aside, if you get yourself a dedicated IP, these incidents don't affect your site (cP will still break, but your website will stay up for your visitors).
  19. It's likely null routed. There were warnings in the abuse mailbox when I woke up today about an Apple phishing site setting up shop on Tommy. Usually that's a Johnny thing, quite rare to see a Tommy account do this. I've banned the account, but Krydos probably needs to contact HE. Escalating.
  20. Escalating. Ricky has had quite a bit of red on HTTP lately: http://heliohost.grd.net.pl/monitor/
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