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Chief Risk Officer
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Everything posted by wolstech

  1. wolstech

    a few questions

    The form was removed because it did not work for most people (declined cards). We're working on a replacement. You can donate by PayPal in the meantime and post your transaction ID for an invite. If you're using your own domain, a queued page indicates your account has deleted successfully. We do not offer phone support since there's nobody to take phone calls. We have no staff or office (we're all volunteers that work remotely in our free time). As for email support, when did you send the email to support@heliohost.org? If you can tell me the time it was sent, and a partial email address it was sent from, I can get a root admin to look into why this didn't post like it should have.
  2. WAR files don't deploy or run inside your account, so they are not visible to the user who owns the war and they can't access your folders (though they might be able to access your files if you change the permissions on the folder it needs to be writable by the public.)
  3. You're on Johnny, which is known for being unstable and having frequent downtime due to being overloaded. Johnny is meant as an experimental server and is for users who want an account as quickly as possible and don't care about uptime or performance. If you need fast, reliable hosting, you need to delete your account and sign up for tommy or Ricky instead. Also, I don't recommend .tk domains for large websites. Freenom, the company who manages them, has been known to cancel domains for getting too much traffic.
  4. That means you're on Johnny. Johnny does not support any php version other than 5.6, so you cannot switch versions if you're on that server. You'd need to delete your account and sign up for Tommy or Ricky. Free Sign ups for those servers open at midnight UTC every day and fill quickly, or you can donate to receive a tommy account.
  5. OK. Now that it shows in addon domains, you'll need to wait the 12 hours (it usually takes less than that), then clear your browser's cache and it should work. Please let us know if it hasn't started working by tomorrow and I'll have someone else take a look at it for you.
  6. That's a known issue on Johnny. Try going into subdomains and create the subdomain shareshort.shareshort.heliohost.org. After that, check in the Addon domains list again and see if its there.
  7. Can you see it in the Addon domains list in cPanel? If not, it partially added (common for Johnny accounts).
  8. Did you just add it in cPanel today? If so, you need to wait up to 12 hours for it to start working.
  9. He's getting blocked for failed POP3 logins. That's usually what happens when a phone or mail client keeps trying to check mail with an invalid username or password. I'd recommend he remove his HelioHost email from his mail client and re-add it, making sure the username and password are correct. Unblocked.
  10. @mrj: Bailey can post it down in the dev board (there's a hidden forum we use for development stuff). If Bailey agrees, I can add you to the list of users who can see that board.
  11. You're on Johnny (well, were, your account appears to be waiting in line for deletion), which is famous for poor performance and uptime. He's meant as an experimental server, not for hosting a production website. If you need a server that's actually going to perform well, you'll need to sign up for Tommy or Ricky at midnight UTC when signups open (or you can donate and we'll give you an account on Tommy as a thank you gift). As for your Internal Server Error, that's usually caused by one of four things: PHP file permissions (PHP files must be 644, they upload as 664 and you need to change them, Apache/suPHP does not accept files that are writable by the group), invalid .htaccess files (try renaming it so it's ignored), broken code, or invalid shebang lines (for Python/other CGI scripts). Moved to customer service.
  12. Could be. Loops should always contain extra logic to make sure they won't get stuck forever in the event of a failure. Have logic to check all of your results from connections/queries/etc., If you want it to retry, add a counter that increments on failure. If it fails too many times, it just logs the failure and exits.
  13. It was due to high load. You've been unsuspended.
  14. Indeed appears to be working now. I emailed Krydos about it, so he probably saw that and got it fixed. Now I'm curious as to what caused the failure...the little bit of data I can see on the monitor suggests possibly a DDoS (which might make sense as retaliation considering I spent an hour deep diving in the admin tools and busted ~50 phishing accounts last night, some were on Tommy...)
  15. I'll just rename it to HelioHost Software Development seeing that we're working on multiple projects now...
  16. Tommy domains should start working within minutes of being changed. Ricky can take up to 2 hours, and Johnny can take 12 hours.
  17. Your account was suspended for causing high server load. I have unsuspended your account, but please try to limit the load you put on our servers as it slows down not only your site, but the sites of all other HelioHost users sharing your server. If you still see the suspended page, please clear your cache. If you need help figuring out why your site is causing such high load let us know and we can try to help. If the high load is simply because your site is getting a lot of traffic you might consider trying paid hosting from our partner starting at only a cent for the first month. https://www.heliohost.org/partners/hostgator
  18. Unblocked. We recommend you sign in using https://heliohost.org/login/ so this doesn't happen. It appears your issue was that you were trying to sign into Ricky's cPanel using the https://ricky.heliohost.org:2083/ link when your account is on Tommy. If you want to sign in directly with a Tommy account, you need to use https://tommy.heliohost.org:2083/ instead.
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