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Chief Risk Officer
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Everything posted by wolstech

  1. Alright. Krydos will grab the logs and post them when he can.
  2. Should be localhost for the host name. Username and password are whatever you set in cpanel when you created the database user (make sure you granted the user permissions to the database). Also, be sure you didn't mess up the username or DB name, all of your database users and database names start with cridus10_ Finally, when naming your WAR file, be sure you name it with your username in front (e.g. cridus10_something.war) so the context paths are correct. If you don't, it won't be able to find any resources like CSS files that are bundled with it.
  3. Moving so Krydos can check for a backup.
  4. It keeps causing load too quickly and getting suspended again. I don't want to keep unsuspending it, because each time it causes load, it just makes everyone else's sites slow or go down. I'll let Krydos identify the file so you know exactly what to fix before we unsuspend you. If need be we can also rename the offending files to disable them for you.
  5. We have to get them and post the relevant portions since they're shared with all users and consequently contain sensitive information about other user accounts on Tommy. Please note that the Tomcat version on Tommy differs from that of Johnny (Tommy has 8.5, Johnny had 7.0) as well, so if you build for Tomcat 7.0, it's possible that's the cause. Moving so Krydos can look at it for you and post the logs.
  6. They were lost during a crash a while back. We tell everyone not to use InnoDB because we've had such bad experiences with it (its stupidly sensitive to improper shutdowns destroying the data, usually colo power outages or servers crashing due to load). We've lost InnoDB data more times than I can count. On the other hand, we've never lost MyISAM data in our 13 years of operation. We may have a backup, but no guarantees. What was the name of the database?
  7. High load again. Your software is using too many resources. If you don't know what's causing it, let us know and we'll be happy to help you find the problem. Unsuspended.
  8. You're on Tommy now. Thank you for the donation. If you see a queued page or a 404 error, please clear your browser cache and flush your OSes DNS.
  9. Were they InnoDB tables? If so, what we're their names?
  10. It is ESXI. Eddie contains Tommy and Cody. Odds are high that it's just a dead battery in the server. The servers did lose power a few weeks back during an HE outage and it probably lost the time then. To my knowledge, the clock on Eddie isn't actually used for anything beyond ESX internal functions/logs, since the VMs set their clock over NTP, hence why it's gone unnoticed until now.
  11. No actually. It will be an extension of Tommy that provides more features, not a replacement for Tommy. A "Tommy+Lily account" (if we call it that, depending on how it's implemented) will actually be comprised of two parts, a Tommy account and a Lily account. Users will never really see the Lily account though. They sign into Tommy and use Tommy's cPanel, but Apache will be pointed to IIS as a reverse proxy (like Tomcat is when you enable Java). There will be a different FTP location for files since they need to go on a different server. Many of the options in the Tommy account's cPanel will disappear when you have Lily enabled. For example, you'll lose Multi-PHP, Java, Python, Perl, File Manager, FTP sub accounts, and Softaculous support entirely. At some point we'll likely add options in there for Lily, like tools for managing the additional database server.
  12. You can think of it like the Java support. You'll be able to request IIS-behind-Apache, just like you can get Tomcat-behind-apache now. There will be a few extras on Lily though, like another database server. I'm also looking into whether I can do Ruby on Rails through IIS, which would let us finally upgrade Johnny's ancient software.
  13. cPanel itself is what institutes the 18 character limit, not us, so I'm surprised it works. It's possible they've removed the limitation though considering the docs I'm looking at are from 2015. Were you signing in on https://heliohost.org/login/, or at https://johnny.heliohost.org:2083/? The first method tends to act weird at times with Johnny accounts since it relies on the server verifying the password. If the server is overloaded and timed out verifying your credentials, it will say the password is incorrect even when it's not. The second tends to be more reliable for many.
  14. Actually, the issue we see with complex passwords is usually to do with their length, not having symbols. How long was the password? Our system cannot accept passwords over 18 characters.
  15. I just looked, and it's not a problem with the monitor either. The clock is actually set to July 31, 2015 for some reason on that server...I'd set it, but for all I know Krydos intentionally has it set back for some reason (I personally maintain a server running old software for someone where the clock has to be kept behind intentionally, no later than 1/19/2014 or it breaks).
  16. It must be something that can run through our cPanel/Apache instance of Tomcat, so it'd need to be a WAR. We don't allow custom daemons or other standalone applications that run their own server.
  17. I moved it. It was in the "how you can help" board. When I move stuff, I don't usually comment unless I'm also responding to the user...
  18. Nothing's free in life. It costs us $571/month to simply exist, which we subsidize with ads and donations. We often end up eating the remaining costs because most months, this service doesn't pay for itself. The "free" companies that offer reseller services (Byet et. al.) aren't actually free either, they just take part of the proceeds as the payment. It's the main reason why they limit what you can offer on your service's free plan and require you offer paid plans. They wouldn't make anything otherwise.
  19. It won't even respond to SSH for me. I've emailed Krydos about it.
  20. Same here. First time I saw loads that high I asked the same question
  21. Seeing that the load shot through the roof, I wouldn't be surprised if it just crashed due to load.
  22. That account cannot be restored because it was deleted for disk space. An invitation has been sent to the email address on file for that account so you can create a new one. We apologize for any invconvenience this may cause.
  23. (Meant /s as in silent installation)
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