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Chief Risk Officer
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Everything posted by wolstech

  1. You'll need a VPS for that. We don't allow opening inbound ports on the shared hosting, and whether a binary would even run would also depend on whether it's built for the right platform. https://heliohost.org/vps/
  2. Added. Non-authoritative answer: agriglowbiotech.com text = "v=spf1 ip4: ip6:2001:470:1:1ee::2009 ~all" agriglowbiotech.com text = "google-site-verification=7NBJ1soWVWT76hs2le6Rq0RDwbd5r-zeXw3fl8a0PB8" > There should be an HTML verification method as well though.
  3. Requests and beautifulsoup4 are already present but older versions (whether we can update without breaking other users, I don't know), and python-docx needs to be installed. Krydos can do this.
  4. Domain karvp.helioho.st has been added. It can take up 2 to hours to work.
  5. The account chene5365 has been unsuspended. It may take a few minutes before it works.
  6. You're suspended for having more than one account. Which account do you want to keep?
  7. We don't have an account under that email address.
  8. The subdomain webmail.ookma-kyi.tech is not hosted here. I'm getting a broken cpanel login page when I visit it. Since you're using CF, please turn off the proxy feature (the "yellow cloud") and make sure the DNS points to our IP, then try again.
  9. Domain added. It can take up to 2 hours to work. To manage the content, simply edit the st4lwplf.helioho.st site and both domains will update.
  10. Are you saying you just want a single subdomain of your domain (main.st4lwolf.org) added to your account while the root (st4lwolf.org) is hosted elsewhere?We can do that. You can just create an A and AAAA record for main.st4lwolf.org (on whatever DNS server you already use) to point the one subdomain to our servers. That way the main.st4lwolf.org subdomain will be hosted here, but the root st4lwolf.org won't. Do you want me to add the domain? If so, do you want it to be an alias (show same content as) st4lwolf.helioho.st, or do you want it as an addon (separate website) on your account?
  11. Unsuspended. It may take a few minutes to start working.
  12. If you don't understand the above, having 2 email addresses does not make you 2 people. By one per person, we mean one account per human being.
  13. You're suspended for having more than one account. Which one do you want to keep? (You can have two websites on one account, so if you need them merged, let us know).
  14. @MoneyBroz Your solution won't work because it only captures one file, and points it to the wrong place anyway. Even if you fix the target, a user visiting /someotherfile.html won't be redirected using that code. For .htaccess, I think you'd actually want one of these (both should be placed on the old domain's web server): To carry the request to a new domain (e.g. olddomain.com/somefile.html becomes newdomain.com/somefile.html) RewriteEngine On RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^olddomain.com$ [NC,OR] RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^www.olddomain.com$ RewriteRule (.*)$ https://newdomain.com/$1 [R=301,L] Or to ignore the requested page and send everything to the homepage of the new domain: RewriteEngine On RewriteRule ^(.*)$ https://newdomain.com/ [R=301]
  15. Account has been reset. Please check your email for a link to start over.
  16. If it has a certificate that was just installed, it takes up to 2 hours to take effect. You may also need to clear your cache.
  17. Do you mean you want it reset (start over)?
  18. That only freed up 178MB (the only February backups were in the admin and volledig folders, others only contained March and newer), but its enough that I can unsuspend it now so you can clean it up yourself. Unsuspended.
  19. Your account is over quota due to a folder called vpsbackups that takes up the whole 1000MB. Combined with logs and such, the account ran out of space. Do you want me to delete the contents of this folder so you can access your account again? Or would you like to buy more space ($5/1000MB to a max of 6000MB)? Either way you're going to have to adjust or disable these backups so it doesn't fill up again, though a larger account means you can keep more of them at a time.
  20. Krydos has already cancelled your VPS per your email request. Thank you for using your VPS service. https://helionet.org/index/topic/59794-hh781337-re-heliohost-vps95-jesfaj7/?do=getNewComment
  21. Added. Please make sure DNS is set up properly either by pointing the name servers to ns1.heliohost.org and ns2.heliohost.org, or by setting A and AAAA records pointed to the IPs shown in Plesk. As of now, this domain is not hosted with us, and will be disabled automatically in the future if DNS is not set up. It may take up to 2 hours to work.
  22. Account opan has been reset. Please check your email for a link to start over with a new account. If you need any of the data from your current account, a backup from before the reset is available at https://heliohost.org/backup/
  23. You were suspended for high load due to using too much memory (you used 104GB, the limit is 100GB per day). You can monitor your load here: https://heliohost.org/dashboard/load/ Please fix the issue quickly. Unsuspended.
  24. Do you want me to just reset the account instead? That'll delete the entire account and reinvite you to make a new one.
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