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Chief Risk Officer
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Everything posted by wolstech

  1. Yes it is. Supposedly the ddos from Johnny moved there because we took Johnny down for maintenance...
  2. The ddos that was hitting Johnny for the past 3 weeks is now hitting tommy instead since Johnny was taken down for maintenance.
  3. The ddos that was hitting Johnny is now hitting tommy instead since we took down Johnny for maintenance.
  4. It's intentional due to planned maintenance. Please see https://www.helionet.org/index/topic/33812-johnny-maintenance/
  5. It's intentional due to planned maintenance. Please see https://www.helionet.org/index/topic/33812-johnny-maintenance/
  6. Please refer to https://www.helionet.org/index/topic/33812-johnny-maintenance/
  7. Never mind. Within minutes you almost brought Tommy down again. Lets have Krydos figure this out. That red and orange on the monitor for Tommy was caused by your account: http://heliohost.grd.net.pl/monitor/
  8. So I did some playing around with this...first there was a user I unsuspended earlier that was causing massive load on the server. He's been resuspended. Yeah, that's what I found too. That site is extremely bloated. Whatever forum software you're using is the reason for the slowness. Chrome measured 8.5 seconds for one page for me. I would consider that fast for a site of that size, but overall, yeah its very slow. Some of the heavier forum softwares (IPB and Xenforo) are known to perform very poorly on shared hosting services such as ours simply because they do a lot of processing on every page and pull down a ton of assets and scripts as well. I'm not sure what you're actually running, but it needs to be leaned up a bit if you want it to be fast. For comparison, my own basic website running a CMS loads in ~2 seconds. A static HTML page loads in 1 second. https://www.raxsoft.com/raxccm/index.php I have a bunch of web applications hosted on the backend too, they're blazing fast as well. I've been here for 7 years and wouldn't have stuck around if the performance was as you're describing. I've seen at all at this point...especially considering I basically work here too. The only recommendation we have is to change your software or purchase a VPS so you have a server to yourself. It's not our server, it's what you're running. If you want to buy a VPS, we recommend this service: https://heliohost.org/partners/vps
  9. Now that's some high load. Please take care of it quickly. If this happens again or if you don't know the cause, let me know and I'll have Krydos identify the file since that amount of load is ridiculous. Unsuspended.
  10. Yeah, his site is working just fine for me as well. Something's wrong with his internet connection or the like.
  11. The account was disabled and archived in preparation for a server repair. We're archiving all accounts on Johnny so they can be restored after the repairs are completed to prevent data loss. The repairs aim to fix a memory issue that Johnny is facing, and in the process may also finally mitigate the DDoS that Johnny has been facing for the past several weeks. If you don't wish to wait for these repairs to be completed, donors can have their archive moved to Tommy and restored there, or you can abandon your account and sign up on Tommy or Ricky for free when registrations open at midnight UTC.
  12. This cannot be unarchived at this time due to preparations for a server repair. We're intentionally archiving all accounts on Johnny so they can be restored after the repairs are completed. The repairs aim to fix a memory issue that Johnny is facing, and in the process may also finally mitigate the DDoS that Johnny has been facing for the past several weeks. If you don't wish to wait for these repairs to be completed, donors can have their archive moved to Tommy and restored there.
  13. That should be installable for you, and since you donated, we'll probably also move you to Tommy anyway if you want. I'll let Krydos do it since he's the one who will know about the Python stuff.
  14. Unblocked again. It's your devices that are causing this, so make sure you remove all of your HelioHost accounts from all of your devices, including cell phones/tablets/PCs/etc.
  15. The domain mdnath.com has been cleaned up. Go ahead and try again now.
  16. The domain needs to be cleaned up. I'll do it when I'm at a pc in a little while.
  17. Moving an account is for donors only. Please provide a transaction ID. To move for free, delete your account, then sign up again at midnight UTC when registration opens. Also Ricky doesn't have Java. Are you sure?
  18. Does it support cuda? I can't find much on that card, other than that it's some kind of hybrid mobile card (these usually don't work well). The miners are built for desktop cards that suppprt cuda 8 or newer. Also, the official nvidia drivers must be used, not the generics built into the os.
  19. Weird...I know this gave me trouble too, and it ended up being to do with my login code and the cookie. Have you added a var_dump($_SESSION); right below the session_start() on a few pages to confirm that the variables are indeed not transferring? (If they're not, you'll see the contents of session on one subdomain's pages at the top, but array(0) { } on the other subdomain's pages. Have you cleared your cookies since adding the session cookie code? If not, do so and retest. Finally, make sure you don't use an incognito window for testing (it should work in this just fine if you use links to navigate between subdomains, but typing a new URL or opening a new tab or window to change the subdomain can clear an incognito window's cookies, a lot of things that most assume would carry over in a regular window don't in incognito mode).
  20. (XID 6s92re) A DNS entry for toptechexpert.cf already exists. You must remove this DNS entry from all servers in the DNS cluster to proceed. The domain toptechexpert.cf has been cleaned up. A new invite has been sent to you
  21. That's from November 2017...your account likely expired due to age. Accounts that aren't being actively logged into at least once a month go inactive after 30 days, become archived shortly thereafter, and are eventually deleted for disk space. Please sign up again.
  22. You account is on Johnny, which has been experiencing an ongoing DDoS attack for the past several weeks. As a result most sites on that server either don't load at all, or load extremely slowly. The only fix at this time is to move to Ricky or Tommy, both of which are not affected by the attack.
  23. Sound like a code issue of some form. My login system is sso.raxsoft.com with webapps.raxsoft.com and si3.raxsoft.com hosting the apps and they all work fine. You are checking some index of $_SESSION in that if statement right? That array is the only variable that persists across pages.
  24. See https://www.helionet.org/index/topic/33789-my-website-is-not-working-mad2018/
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