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Chief Risk Officer
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Everything posted by wolstech

  1. That account does not exist. When was this account last working?
  2. I've gone ahead and removed/reinstalled the certs on all of your domains for you. Also, I fixed an issue with your main domain's IP configuration as well. Please give it 2 hours then clear your cache. If the SSL is still not working after that, I'll have Krydos take a look at it.
  3. I wonder if it's to do with the DDoS mitigation that was applied recently... I'll take a look at it in a few minutes.
  4. Have you waited at least two hours after installing the certificate?
  5. The backup is currently restoring on Tommy. Assuming it goes well you should be able to log in when it finishes and your domain should go live in the next 2 hours.
  6. Sure. Since I have an actual Plesk backup from July 3rd for your account, I'm checking to see if we can just restore your backup onto Tommy vs. just reinviting you and you restoring data manually. I've asked about this possibility in a staff channel...if we can restore the backup directly it'll be a lot less work for you
  7. As of the latest update, the hard disk rebuild failed. Krydos is looking into whether it can be recovered, but that is going to take quite some time assuming its possible. The good news is in your specific case, we had backed your account up on July 3rd for an unrelated reason, so you can download your backup to restore to how it was 2 weeks ago if needed. Many of our users are moving to Tommy for the time being, and VPSes are also an option.
  8. I don't think the 2019 Tommy had RAID, so the disk dying just killed the server. Johnny's data was on a RAID1 volume (a mirror), but we're still trying to get the new disk to rebuild now that it's been replaced. If it ultimately refuses to rebuild and/or the second disk in the mirror dies, it's functionally the same as all of the other disk crashes we've had...
  9. wolstech

    Sparkie Reboot

    Sparkie is a vmware ESXi server. The -ie names are all physical boxes, the servers with -y names are VMs living on the -ie boxes. The physical boxes have various data stores made up of groups of disks. In Sparkie's case, there's 3 groups of disks forming 3 datastores (DS1, DS2, DS3) that store the VMs and virtual disks. The disk group that held DS2 is what failed. DS2 only contained the virtual disks for the /home and mysql/pgsql data partitions for Johnny, so Johnny broke. DS1 and DS3 are fine, which is why there isn't a more severe outage. The other virtual servers on the Sparkie hardware are working normally. Those include Lily (Windows hosting), Cody (an account management server), and VPSes rented by customers. Ricky was ultimately done away with due to the cPanel license being revoked. It ran for a while afterwards without a control panel until we transferred all the accounts off it, then we retired it. We currently don't have a Plesk license to rebuild it.
  10. It was indeed high load. The memory went through the roof on your account for several hours before we suspended it. Please fix this issue quickly and make adjustments so this does not happen again. Unsuspended.
  11. That IP address is null routed due to an ongoing DDoS attack. Your account was likely moved to a different IP address to restore service during the attack, or soon will be if it has not already. Please check in Plesk to see what your new IP address is, and try using that address instead of the .77 IP. You may also want to try using the host name of the server: tommy2.heliohost.org if neither of these work, I'll escalate this to Krydos.
  12. Krydos should be able to cancel the subscription on this so it won't renew automatically, but you can finish using the month.
  13. Disk was indeed bad. We had a tech at our datacenter visually check the server and one of the two disks in the array that supports Johnny's user data volume had a failure light on. That has been replaced and I believe the RAID is cloning from the remaining disk at the moment (the datastore that failed was a mirror/RAID1).
  14. Main domain moved and subdomains added. It can take up to 2 hours for everything to start working. If you get a multiple account suspension once Johnny is back, just let us know and we'll reverse it. The system might do that automatically.
  15. Johnny is experiencing hard disk issues and is down for the time being. See https://helionet.org/index/topic/61310-more-johnny-issues/
  16. wolstech

    Johnny Databases

    If it goes like previous failures did, probably backups where possible followed by a rebuild again...
  17. You're not suspended...I did add a bunch of domains recently for you and none have SSL support, so this is probably why you're seeing that message. Domains that are unconfigured or domains that are accessed over SSL without SSL support enabled show a suspended page on Lily. The suspended page is set as the default web server page on Lily due to how suspensions in IIS work (IIS doesn't redirect suspended domains...it treats them as if they're not added at all), a side effect of this is that domains that aren't configured show as suspended. On Plesk you'd see the "Default server web page" instead. This should be fixed.
  18. We were seeing apache errors that listed your domain as the cause so the dosprn.com domain was removed to allow apache to restart. Removing a domain removes all subs automatically. That said, we have since discovered that the server your account is on (Johnny) has additional file system corruption due to what we think is hard disk failure. It is currently down for maintenance while we attempt to recover it. Once we successfully recover the server, I can add these domains back for you.
  19. You were suspended for having more than one account. That said, we cannot unsuspend you at this time because server the account is on is down for maintenance.
  20. Johnny is currently down for maintenance due to what we believe is a hard disk issue.
  21. It is indeed load...again. This is your second time for load in the past 2 months, and you've had your email service disabled twice for sending too many emails as well. What steps have you taken to correct the issue so this doesn't happen a third time?
  22. Can you please go through this list and provide only the ones that need to be installed? The list of modules already present on Johnny is available at the link below. https://krydos2.heliohost.org/pyinfo/info3.10.py Note that we typically won't install anything that would require a GUI or terminal to use (we don't allow SSH access), anything that makes the app host its own server/listen on a port (we don't allow custom incoming ports), or anything that, if updated, would break other users' code. If any of these modules meet these conditions, a VPS is needed.
  23. To avoid potentially notifying actual abusive users (e.g. phishers, copyright infringement, etc.), we intentionally don't send emails when accounts get suspended (the lone exception to this being inactivity suspensions, which we do send reminders for) Anyway, your suspension is because you ran out of disk space because your Apache logs for timerestart.ga had ballooned to over 1GB. I deleted the logs for you, unsuspended you, and configured log rotation so your logs won't exceed 50MB. If you wish to keep more logs, you can do that in Plesk under Logs->Manage Logs->Log Rotation.
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