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Chief Risk Officer
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Everything posted by wolstech

  1. wolstech

    Weird Forum

    At this point I'd bet the database needs to be re-migrated because the content has gone stale. We have several months worth of posts and new users on the old one that will disappear otherwise...
  2. Are you on Windows? If so, make sure you save the file using unix-style line endings before uploading (notepad++ and many other tools can do this). The cPanel editor is converting the endings when you edit and save, which is why editing it fixes it.
  3. Your account has been moved to Tommy. Thank you for the donation
  4. wolstech

    Weird Forum

    That's the test site for a forum upgrade that we haven't released. It's real, but unmonitored with exception to the email support section. It was built using an older version of the database, but anyone who's been here for more than 6 months or so probably has an account on it. It was supposed to be private, but we had it unhidden for a while and Google indexed it in the meantime.
  5. That's why, I can only process the ones from regular PayPal. Krydos will do this when he gets a moment,
  6. Was this through the gofundme? I cannot find that transaction ID in Paypal.
  7. You've been moved to Tommy. Thank you for the donation
  8. They do this if they are set to run too frequently. Users are limited to two executions per day, so if you only have a single job, it can't run more often than once every 12 hours. If you have two jobs, they can each only run once a day, etc.
  9. /usr/bin/python3.7 /home/pgarcia/telegramMaGbot.py This is the file Krydos says is the problem, which means that bot is your issue. It's way too heavy to run here. You need to either optimize its code to make it less memory hungry, buy a VPS to run it, or get rid of it.
  10. I’m not sure it’s worth installing this because the server is supposed to be getting rebuilt this coming Saturday...
  11. Are you able to use PHP 7.3? That version already has intl installed. http://krydos2.heliohost.org/73/phpinfo.php If not, I'll have Krydos install this.
  12. Unblocked. Make sure you're using only your cpanel username (not email address!) and password when logging into SFTP.
  13. You can use any method here: https://www.heliohost.org/donate/ Once you donate, post the transaction ID of your donation here and we'll get it moved for you.
  14. You have to uninstall and delete the expired certificate (this is only the case when the expired cert is not from AutoSSL, since you used ZeroSSL it's a required step to make the server replace it), then it can take up to 24 hours to get one from AutoSSL, then once you get one you have to wait an additional 2 hours for apache to restart. You already have the certificate, so if it's not working yet, give it a few hours and clear your cache.
  15. Cloudflare only caches static content...since WP produces dynamic pages it won't do much of anything. JConverter was discontinued years ago. It was for the old 1.x/2.x series Joomla that's long out of support. The only product that does this on 3.x is CMS2CMS, which is not free from the looks of it. You can copy/paste the content across though so you can reuse what you've written.
  16. Unblocked. It may take up to 10 minutes to be effective.
  17. That sort of material is against our terms of service because our provider prohibits us from hosting it. For educational purposes, you could accomplish this on a local server, you shouldn’t need something public for this use.
  18. Unblocked. It can take up to 10 minutes to take effect.
  19. You're one of few who still use WP on Tommy. Many of (if not most) Tommy users who have WP have been suspended for it at some point. WordPress is the number one reason people get a suspension on Tommy and Ricky (on Johnny, the leading cause is phishing). The majority of our users willingly remove Wordpress (or in a few cases, they've converted it to static HTML) once they learn how bad it is. I'll unsuspend you this time, please fix or remove WP as soon as possible. If you get suspended a 4th time, we'll move you to Johnny until you get rid of WordPress, then we can always move you back to Tommy once you switch to something else. Unsuspended.
  20. What do you plan to use this account for?
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