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Chief Risk Officer
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Everything posted by wolstech

  1. He was trying to install Drupal. That said, I do development as a hobby, database and related code design really vary by program. I usually do a separate INSERT per record when bulk inserting because a foreach or while loop is usually involved and it's much easier than doing string concatenation to build one, however if you're using something like prepared statements, I believe it assembles a single statement and executes it. I can say though that if the number of records to be inserted is massive, a single query with multiple VALUES statements is faster in my experience. I used to be against using constraints in my older code, but now use them quite heavily in my modern apps. Not only does it make for a cleaner DB, it also simplifies code, and eliminates the need to code in tedious things like update/delete code for multiple tables (the ability to CASCADE or SET NULL on a constraint means you can just run a single UPDATE or DELETE on the parent record and let the database server worry about updating/removing other lines that reference it, the desired action of course depends on what you're doing).
  2. I don't believe anybody has gotten an invite or account for Plesk yet. We've been focused on data center maintenance lately since that had to be done while Ashoat was in the area.
  3. Users are currently not able to set up new websites due to the Plesk migration. You'll need to wait until the migration is completed for your server. We have no ETA as to when this work will be completed, though I can say Tommy will be the first server completed..
  4. You can have the email with that link resent from this page: https://www.heliohost.org/backup/
  5. You mean a .SQL file? These are included in the back up, if you extract the backup, the mysql folder inside contains these files. They're in the exact same format as the ones produced by PHP my admin.
  6. I specifically said when I unsuspended it that: See Jenova's post for that information.
  7. They're included in your account backup: https://heliohost.org/backup/ If you made a bunch of changes and need something more recent, you can upload PhpMyAdmin to your account via FTP, log into that, and export the databases from there.
  8. @SeekierActually it is possible. The control panel won't work, but since it's not archived and already exists, the account can be unsuspended so the site is up at least. We can suspend and unsuspend still, we just can't unarchive, delete, or create. The username is munny, the other two accounts don't exist. Unsuspended.
  9. You will need a VPS for this. The shared hosting does not support custom server processes/daemons nor do we allow custom inbound ports on shared servers, so the “listen for connections” part is impossible.
  10. We have a substantial number of shared hosting users who are donors but bought a VPS due to the server not working, so there's a decent overlap between "large shared host donor" and "VPS user" at the moment. Many of those will likely go back to shared hosting when it's available again, both because of the cost and because a VPS involves a good amount of work to configure and maintain.
  11. When we say "soon", we mean "we're working on it with no specific timeline." "Soon" has historically been anywhere from "tomorrow" to "end of next year" for us, though this one I'd imagine is actually sooner rather than later since I can see the build log and he's pretty far along on putting together the basics.
  12. It's not even available yet, and when the beta is available, users cannot request it (though you can opt out if offered it). The users who are selected are based on total money a user has donated over the past year.
  13. We are not able to make changes to accounts like this at this time. You'll need to wait until Plesk is available to modify your site.
  14. Krydos is the one who handles VPS issues. Escalating.
  15. Try importing them into a mail client as a .eml file. Those files might not be perfectly .eml compliant, but they should meet IMF (RFC5322) which is the standard that mail servers use to pass mail to each other. That standard is a superset of .eml (it's the "parent" of .eml, the .eml format itself has additional rules beyond the standard though), so it might work well enough to read them.
  16. Unsuspended. Be aware though that you won't be able to log into the account since cPanel's license is revoked. You can use FTP to access files if you want though. Also, email won't work. You'll need to wait until the Plesk migration before you have a control panel and working email again.
  17. Looks to be nemonemo. It got suspended for inactivity a month before before cpanel died.
  18. Either there’s a confing issue, or possibly the new port is blocked in your own firewall (it happens…) Escalating to Krydos…
  19. The mail should be accessible via FTP in the ~/mail folder as a file. There should be a folder for your domain with subfolders for your mailboxes, the /new and /cur folders in there will have your messages in plain text format.
  20. 1. This could be normal, or could be an issue. You'd need to look at logs to know. 2. Could be a bunch of things. Hacking attempts is one of them. It's completely normal to see this, just means the firewall is doing its job. 3. Yes. If you don't need remote access for a specific user, you could change the part after the @ to localhost so only stuff running on your VPS can log in using that account. 4. We don't have one, we used whatever came with cpanel.
  21. That would work, but it's not really a good alternative because it can't run on the server directly. HTTrack also tends to archive a lot of junk beyond the intended site as well.
  22. I believe Java and Node are going be available on Johnny and Tommy as they always have.
  23. You can always post a question, it's just that if we don't know or don't have time, you may not receive an answer.
  24. It's a combination of Krydos being extremely busy with the rebuilds and none of us knowing the answer. None of the mods and admins here use Hestia so unless some random other user who uses it knows, the odds of getting an answer are slim. Krydos knows a little about it and is a linux expert, but I've never used it myself and only have the documentation and the contents of the posts to go on, especially considering I'm a Windows guy. For awstats, many of us including myself have used cpanel's preinstalled implementation of it, but we've never installed it or configured it ourselves, so once again we have little to no experience with what you're trying to do.
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