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Everything posted by AverageJoe

  1. So who do you choose, mc.shits or good food girl? Edit: or Aushvitz girl?
  2. Could you show me how to do the same for my site? awsomejoe23.heliohost.org username is awsomejo
  3. Yea, sept she will be mad becuase we'll have to make it quick as I hear the scene isn't very long. (don't want to miss the gore).
  4. So where are you going to settle?
  5. Lucky, did you get to get many video games?
  6. Omg the take out chinese one was great.
  7. Yes but what would be the point(for us). The whole point of a credit card is to buy something directly from the bank, therefor bypassing the withdrawal fee. So if he were to implement credit cards, then he would also implement a withdrawal fee. I don't know about you but I like it just the way it is.
  8. Man you are old, I never played anything older than PS1. Got to say though sometimes the older games can be quite entertaining.
  9. Yea, I like that song. I also like Give it away, Suck my kiss, and scar tissue.
  10. Screw you me and my girlfriend will sneak in and re-inact them.
  11. Well a lot of people in the military get posted in other countries, just wondering why you decided to move, thats all.
  12. Is it gory and wary. I like war movies, especially when they have good battle scenes.
  13. Finally someone with a good taste of music, which song was your fav?
  14. I hope you enjoy it. It really is a great site. You might want to check this out if you want to start off with a few extra helions http://www.helionet.org/index/index.php?showtopic=2301
  15. Looks like djbob has to register for the ones above. P.S. I put in a good review for all three djbob listed.
  16. How do you disable automatic ad placement?
  17. If they say you get something for free, which is marketed and sold for money, then you know it's a rip-off. Exspecially if the item is like 300 dollars.
  18. I like their newer and older songs, they have really soften up though.
  19. make sure check them all out, their great.
  20. Yes the add-ons are great, but IE just sucks. So many flaws.
  21. .listening to the prank phone calls collected HERE! Seriously some of them are sooooo funny i was hurting and couldnt breathe. my favourites would be Arnie's and Jack Nicholson but pretty much all of them are great....!!! Heres some more, not using celeb voices and some borderline racist, or at least making fun of highly strung racist rednecks (Check out the Mr Bergis calls!) http://www.ebaumsworld.com/tags/prank-calls/ What you think? Mr Bergis calls! http://www.ebaumsworld.com/2006/07/mrbergis-nascar.mp3
  22. Yes, that is to keep you on the forum. P.S. there are no credit cards.
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