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Everything posted by AverageJoe

  1. I don't think the govt. did any of it. If they were to get caught, well then......
  2. Gimp ftw. I love gimp, never tried photoshop, but Gimp does just fine.
  3. No, I think you nailed it on the money, I thought about that, just didn't connect it to the whole parallel universe thing. I started the post thinking in an infinite universe their must be infinite everything. Since their is not infinite life on Earth theiir must be life out their. Thats my opinion anyways. P.S. just thinking, that their would be civilizations out their with infinite intelligence. In an infinite universe their must be a civilizations dumber, smarter, and just as intelligent as us. Their also must be civilizations smarter, dumber, etc. than them. So if yo really think about it their are infinitely dumb civilizations out their to. I just hope we discover the civilization with infinitely hot girls first.
  4. A googleplex (a google is a 1 with 100 zeros behind it, a googleplex is a 1 with a google zeros behind it).
  5. Go here and click on plans. It will provide you with the options and links to obtaining your plan. Please feel free to ask if you have any more questions, Joe Edit: just fot what you were saying sorry. go to www.[your website].heliohost.org/cpanel EX awsomejoe23.heliohost.org/cpanel
  6. Thats great, whats it going to be like? I can't wait!
  7. Pete and repeat were sitting on a boat, Pete falls off. Who is left?
  8. Its free when you get a web hosting package. They can cost anywhere from 250 H per month, or free if you agree to let them ad a nifty advertisement poster at the top!
  9. So you found another server?
  10. O, how do you buy them? Or are they not sold?
  11. Yes hope that Helio is here to stay. I also hope that they can expand, I would like it if the forums were more active. I have tried to give helionet a good review on many websites. Are you'all still looking for a new server still?
  12. It's prob a bad idea, id you use it to buy a domain and don't pay it back then that will cause them alot o trouble.
  13. I think my parents would be a little upset with me, I mean it's only $63 million.
  14. Do you think their is life out in space? I think so, I mean the the universe is infinitely big so therefore their most be infinite everything, including life.
  15. Yes I love astronomy, Black holes are so interesting. So what do you want to talk about?
  16. K, just used to copying and pasting, sorry. But anyways that is I have heard may christains try to talk it down because they know it makes their belief even more likely.
  17. Do you think this is a good one or should I go with phbb or something loke that?
  18. Always remember to plan ahead! Only in America!
  19. I love to see a dude get socked in the face one good time. I used to box but I don't think I could do UFC. That stuff is sick nasty, I love it!
  20. LOL, I'm the beholder full all. Long live tanning beds! I hate tan lines.
  21. I think he was implying that he was glad that the down time was caused by this and not just that Helionet was messing up. I'm just glad its back up.
  22. Why do old people use Viagra? So they don't role off the bed at night.
  23. I downloaded this, will it help any?
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