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Everything posted by AverageJoe

  1. There are some idiots that, dispite all the modern technology we have, still persist to put their "faith" in old fables. Here is a link to a bunch of idiots who still think the Earth is flat! Now I know that they can debate it by saying that "it is obvuos that the Earth is flat" yet they can not give any proof. So either reply with some evidence to prove the Earth is flat or of something else like this. I think ther are people out there who don;t believe the holocaust ever happened.
  2. This is an interesting subject, as Americans we are oil hungry so war in the middle east would allow us to obtain more oil, allowing our big corporations to improve their profits. Then again they did attack us. Whether or not it was a good idea to go to war in the first place can never be proven, since you don't know the alternative outcome. Thou I i can say that the war now is a drain our nations economy, and has put in a debt that we are not sure if we can get out of. A high ranking, retired, F.B.I official has announced that we may be heading in a depression, and that our resent economic prosperity is coming to an end. Now whether this is because the growing economic of China, or the debts from the war in the middle east I'm not sure but, it is quite disturbing to know that by the time I'm an adult that America could very well be a poor nation, instead of the rich glorious nation that we know today. To find out more about our growing troubles with china visit my site here and check out my article on china.
  3. Well it all comes done to logic, What is the probability of you being fake? Not much. If you were fake why would they care to try and make you fell that you aren't? I rally don't care I like life as it is now.
  4. O, so it's just plain old advertising. That is retarded, I'd just assume to go to walmart.
  5. Post your fav band/songs/place to d/l here I like sublime, chili peppers, sugar ray, and third eye blind. Songs, what i got, I've seen better days, every morning, pinch me(really good), One week(also good). Limewire.
  6. Just d/l it. it's pretty good, thanks for the recommendation!
  7. O.K. The ad has disabled my admin panel for my phpBB forum(awsomejoe23.heliohost.org/forum), I would like to request an ad removal. My hosted domain is awsomejoe23.heliohost.org. My cpanel username is awsomejo
  8. Yes but if you want to make a good review for helionet(even if its to get helions) then it must mean you like helionet. So it's not scewing with the results, it's showing the members where they can spread the word of helionet. And make a quick buck on the side.
  9. Why, you would have to drive forever to get anything.
  10. Where in the world would I find a video game manufacturer?
  11. Cool I'll check it out. Any other good war movie suggestions?
  12. No, like what do you have to do to make the beginner games.
  13. I live in a medium city. There just seems to be so much in the city. I don't want to live in the city per say, just close to it to go out to eat at, shoping, etc.
  14. I that case it would be doggystyle with the european, dont care what the other girls face looks like, she wuold crush my be. That is to much cushin for the pushin.
  15. I may be wrong, who knows djbob! We'll just have to wait for him to explain it to us.
  16. Nope I think that I was too young at the time. Whats it about?
  17. they serve hamburgers, hotdogs, and BBQ. It's all made fresh to order, so its the best. What do they use to make games?
  18. Sweet, souds good. Gore, war, politics, nudity. Thats the best.
  19. Cool that sounds nice, I want to live in a BIG city when I grow up.
  20. Thats cool, my parents own a restaurant so I get to eat a lot, I can relate. I have just gotten in to computers though, so I have been mainly learning programming.
  21. Was it mostly war scenes or politics?
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