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Everything posted by AverageJoe

  1. LOL I'm glad you like it. Now what do you think a black hole is?
  2. Yes a law of physics causes it to happen. Such as a ball falls to the Earth this is because the law of gravity causes it to happen. Laws are like your superior being, as we find out we find out how the universe works then we make it a law. We know the ball will not fall up because of the law. Now when you respond please respond with some evidence that supports your theory, and no something that just discredits mine, then I will be impressed. P.S. check out my website awsomejoe23.heliohost.org/cms Do you have one? I hope so.
  3. O.K. I see now, around 3-4 we begin to make our own decisions, thats the age we first learn to lie. I think that our decisions are influenced by a combination of our character and upbringing. It is a fact those with drunk dads are more likely to (unconsciousnessly) be or marry drunks. Same goes with parents who do drugs and who cheat. The girl may not marry a drunk per say, but the she guy marrys will probably turn out to be a drunk, even if it's twenty years before it happens.
  4. Well they have found out that when a asteroid impacts Titan it heats up water which would provide the best possible conditions for life to happen.
  5. Yes that was it. It really made me think. I've wondered if my whole life was a show, and if the internet/media is just a bunch of people feeding me info to think I live in the real world.
  6. Obviously you are 100% correct, but don't ask me to just give me yes or no answers if you are not willing to answer them yourself. HAHA For the most part yes but in physics we have found that some things do tend to happen at random.
  7. I think it was Twisted Metal. That game rocked!
  8. I think a customer to customer help section would help you deal with helionet problems more efficiently. That way we can also help out with simple how to questions.
  9. No Now answer this, what if a insane person kills someone for for no reason, does it have a cause? yes or no?
  10. O.K. but provide me with some evidence when you post. Not just some gut feeling.
  11. What evidence have you provided me with? If that didn't have quotes around it, then it would be the most intelligent thing you have said because it's right. So what do you want me to answer about? That mumbo jumbo is called evidence, which you still have yet to provide. No
  12. You are the hardheaded one to think that some thing created the universe when there is indisputably evidence that that a thing did not create the universe. You want me to understand the concept then please provide me with some evidence. The only thing you have been able to provide for me is that I should be able to somehow feel that a supreme thing created the universe.
  13. Me too, and remember to spread the word where ever possible. I have a link on many of my signatures in forums. It usually helps if you write that HN gives gives free domain names next to the url
  14. Physics is the way things work. Maybe there are other universes are out of our universe. I could always think like you, and in that case, We are a drop of water that a big giant dude made so that he could just so he could watch us(I would of just gotten a T.V) to see what we do. So lets think outside of the box here. what is outside of the box? Just a god, or a place with unlimited candy? O, and I'm sure Santa lives in the north pole to.
  15. O, but the contrary, the big bang was made from a big bang, and that big bang was formed from earlier big bang. Same answer, just mine is suggested by science and fact, yours is suggested from folklore and gut instinct.
  16. It was caused, I think, by the placing of Helionet on a site that reviews web hosting sites. You can put a good word in for helionet here http://www.free-webhosts.com/reviews/HelioHost.php
  17. Right back at ya buddy. My "supreme power" is physics. What caused the big bang is is the repulsion of atoms, think of it like a very big supernova. "it's obvious that it's way too hard for you to understand if i put it any other way"
  18. I told you these reasons Now if you are trying to ask me where the when the universe first began, my answer is the same answer as to the your answer to when was god created, it was always there. Heck yes.
  19. Wow, your understanding now, not a person but a process(big bang) could have very well of caused it. Good job. A plethora of matter repulse each other, creating the big bang. Thanks you pretty much summed it up for me. I'm beating around the bush, you haven't shown me one piece of evidence, just that you have a gut instinct.
  20. O.K your not a die-hard Christian, that gains you some respect(a lot). So you just believe in a god, your not Muslim Jewish, etc.? I know I am! I came from a contracting universe that also came from a big bang, its a cycle, the universe contracts due to gravity until it has so much density that it is contained in a finite point, at this point the nuclear binds can no longer hold together the repulsion of the molecular objects and has a "big bang" that is like a massive supernova( which we have proven) and continues to expand until gravity takes over. So I believe the universe has always existed instead of some guy who was always here for infinity and just decided to make the universe a few billion years ago. So in conclusion, my answer is
  21. Good points! Water rains on the rock, the rock erodes. No one eroded the rock. A bacteria splits. no one made the new bacteria. The tides rise and fall. No one makes this happen. So no [bleeped!] people make things, but some things(like a mountain, or the universe) were not made by anyone. Now stop beating around the bush and reply to my last post. Also TELL ME WHAT YOU BELIEVE IN
  22. So you your not monotheistic, you think their is an infinite amount of gods? What do you believe in? You still have not answered this question. Um, no I believe that that that is a process in the expanding and contracting of our universe ( its proven our universe is expanding and contracting). The big bang is just a reference of the time in which the universe had contracted to an a finite point, and then began rapidly expanding due to a "big bang, hence the name. P.S. really what are your beliefs, it's really hard to debate against some one when you don't know what you're trying to prove.
  23. WOW, we agree on something for once. What did god come from? Make sure you "think back far enough." And what is outside our box, and who created that? Did god just appear out of thin nothing? So what exactly is your belief? outside Now answer my question, did God just spontaneously generate?
  24. And yours does? My beliefs may all not be proven but, and your right they will never be 100%[/b] proven neither will other things. let me give you a list of things can not be proven, [1]Whether or not the sun will rise tomorrow. [2]Whether our Earth will orbit around the sun tomorrow. [3]You are human. [4]Your dad is your dad. [5]Electricity will travel through metal. [6]Whether or not we have genes. We just use deductive reason to prove these. Deductive reason- is the kind of reasoning in which the conclusion is necessitated by, or reached from, previously known facts (the premises). If the premises are true, the conclusion must be true. This is distinguished from abductive and inductive reasoning, where the premises may predict a high probability of the conclusion, but do not ensure that the conclusion is true. For instance, beginning with the premises "All ice is cold" and "This is ice", you may conclude that "This is cold". Deductive reasoning is dependent on its premises. That is, a false premise can possibly lead to a false result, and inconclusive premises will also yield an inconclusive conclusion.(wiki)
  25. I think there is a movie with Jim Carrie were he is in a huge dome that simulates the real world, all the people, including his wife were actors.(He grew up their) and the corp. aired his life, that got me to thinking. That or you could just be saying that to make us think our life was real, though I think its highly unlikely.
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