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Everything posted by AverageJoe

  1. Once again sorry about the double posting but it won't permit me to post this many pics in one post. please post to help out, even if its only a comment. Joe This is how you do the YMCA
  2. Is this is why we had the down time? Do you think you will be able to purchase another server? I hope so because Helionet is the best!!
  3. I love lunch, hate Spanish. All my teacher does is speak Spanish, why can't we learn a useful language like chinese.
  4. Well if light doesn't have mass then how come it can't escape the gravitational pull of a black whole. why does the Earths gravitational affect its path.
  5. When can we expect the periods of down time to stop?
  6. Yes, the answer is four! =duck :D :D
  7. O.K. I didn't know what you meant by that at first. I also used to be very confused until I had learned that believing in science is also a faith. Well do you know your what your specific beliefs are now? It would be very helpful to know what I'm debating about: cult religions, major religions, or a combination of the two. I must add though that I don't consider Christianity a bad thing, it helps many people do the right thing. P.S. I formed my opinions by reading debates such as these so to all the noobs out there, you should know that neither side of any case of this matter can be proven 100% wrong or right(EX:God doesn't exist can't be proven with evidence. Evolution can be made very likely due to evidence, but there is no way to go back in time and prove it) so it really is all about what you believe in, and when you make up your mind make sure that you stick up for what you believe in.
  8. wave-particle duality of matter, light simultaneously exhibits properties of both waves(energy) and particles(matter). The precise nature of light is one of the key questions of modern physics. The theory of relativity states that the closer objects come to the speed of light, the more massive(more matter, maybe denser would be an more appropriate word) they become. A photon is matter, so therefore it becomes infinite. Is the universe infinite, I'm not sure on that one(recent evidence has come to the conclusion that the universe is expanding so I'm kind of unbiased about that subject at this time) but in that case to go the speed of light you would have to convert all the matter in the universe to. So if you wanted to convert your mom into your fuel to go faster, you could travel the speed of light.
  9. Do I need multiple web pages to make a forum? How can I go about doing this for free? Thanks P.S. how can i make my signature shorter with out changing it??
  10. Blond bus drivers maybe? Make sure your girlfriend's dad doesn't own a plane before you break up with her. Heres a real [bleeped!] Heres a real man. Heres a good funeral home ad. Why use the toilet when you can use your car.....
  11. There are 2 ducks in front of 2 other ducks. There are 2 ducks behind 2 other ducks. There are 2 ducks beside 2 other ducks. How many ducks are there?
  12. Thank you, I went on the vacation for the weekend so I just got to use the new forum. It's great! It's so much more organized, and allows a larger variety of discussions. I love the debate forum.
  13. MICHAEL JACKSON'S GREATEST HITS (Thanks to RangerJim93) Volume 1 Side One 1. Reach out and TOUCH Someone 2. Hey, there, Predator 3. Touch Me Once, Touch Me Twice, Touch Me Once Again 4. The Best Toys are Little Boys 5. The WACKO Touch Side Two 1. Theme from Peter Pervert 2. He TOUCHED Me 3. He Let His Fingers Do the Walking (In Private Places) 4. Come Open My FLY With Me 5. Theme from Woody The Pecker Volume 2 Side One 1. Feeler 2. Put Your Hand in The Pants of Michael Jackson 3. Peter Pervert 4. The Boy Who Made Me Throw Up 5. Beat it and Eat It Side Two 1. Full Moon at High Noon 2. I'm Dropping My Drawers Over You 3. I'm A Pervert 4. I'm Queer, I'm Not All Here 5. Groping the World THE BEAST (BEST) OF MICHAEL JACKSON Side One 1. It Was Masturbation 2. Feelings 3. Dance of the Pedophiles 4. Molesters' March 5. That Queer Old Feeling Side Two 1. Meat Beater's Lament 2. Jack Off Jive 3. Those Roving Fingers 4. NUTcracker Suite 5. Peter Pervert's Theme Michael Jackson and Pee Wee Herman are have come out with a new video called... "I'll beat it for you." Q: Which chips does Michael Jackson like to munch on? A: O'Boysies. Q: Did you hear about Michael Jackson's latest record? A: "Feel the World." Q: Did you hear about Michael Jackson's latest song? A: "Don't let your son go down on me." Rumor has it that Michael Jackson is in Switzerland undergoing cosmetic surgery on his pecker. Then the description the California Justice Dept got from the little boy won't fit anymore. Another rumor has it that he's finally going all the way and changing gender entirely. Michael Jackson first wanted to look like Diana Ross, then a white person, now he wants to be A ROMAN CATHOLIC PRIEST. Q: What's Michael Jackson's favorite nursery rhyme? A: Little Boy Blew. Knock, knock. Who's there? Little Boy Blue. Little Boy Blue who? Michael Jackson. Q: What did Michael Jackson tell the little boy? A: "The way you make me feel, it really turns me on!" Q: What did Michael Jackson say when a boy in a car mooned him going down the road? A: "I'll be there!" If you play thriller backwards, you can hear Michael confessing all the names of the boys he touched. That's why it is 14 minutes long. Q: What is Michael Jackson's favorite gospel song? A: "And then he touched me" I just bought a new car stereo... When you shout out "Soul", it plays soul music. When you shout out "Rock", it plays rock music. Some kids ran in front of my car, and I shouted "[bleeped!] kids!", and it played Michael Jackson. Q: Why does Michael Jackson have a tough guy reputation? A: He has licked every kid possible. Michael Jackson's found a way to stymie that L.A. search warrant: He's invited Lorena Bobbitt over. Q: What did Michael Jackson say to Lorena Bobbit? A: "SILLY Bobbit! Dicks are for KIDS!" Q: What do Michael Jackson and Miss Bobbit have in common? A: They both played with little wieners. Q: Why did Michael Jackson get food poisoning? A: He ate a nine year old wiener! Q: Did you hear Micheal Jackson was found dead? A: He got food poisoning from an 11 year old wiener. Q: Why did Michael Jackson get kicked out of the school cafeteria? A: Because he ate all the kids' wieners. Q: What does Michael Jackson call a circumcision? A: Foreplay. Q: What do Michael Jackson and an xbox have in common? A: Both get turned on by kids!!! Q: What do Michael Jackson and Santa Claus have in common? A: They both leave little boys' rooms with empty sacks. Q: What do Michael Jackson and Dr. Spock have in common? A: They both know how to rear a child. Q: What do Michael Jackson and Michael Jordan have in common? A: They both play ball in the Minor League. Q: What's the difference between Michael Jackson and Michael Jordan? A: One is in the Minors, the other is into Minors. Q: Why's Michael trying out for the NBA? A: He's a crack shooter. Q: What's the difference between Michael Jackson and Neil Armstrong? A: One was the first man to walk on the moon, and the other f***s little boys. Q: What does Michael have in common with NASA? A: It's been 25 years since his first moon landing. It was reported the other day that Michael Jackson wants to be one of the first civilians to travel into space. A spokesperson for NASA said, "We're fine with the idea but the only problem is Jackson insists on coming back". Q: What is Michael Jackson's favorite holiday? A: Christmas because he gives the well behaved kids a special gift... Q: What does Micheal Jackson eat after his Chrismas dinner? A: An under eight. Q: Where's Michael going on holiday? A: He's off to Tampa with the kids. Q: Why were Michael Jackson's pants so small? A: They belonged to somebody else. Q: What do Michael Jackson and Walmart have in common? A: They both have small boys pants at half off! Q: What do Michael Jackson and Walmart have in common? A: They both wait 3 months after the child is born to give piercings. Q: Why did Michael Jackson go to K Mart? A: He heard they had small boys pants half off. Q: What does Michael Jackson think of when he sees a boy in a McDonald's suit? A: A happy meal. McDonald's is bringing out a new "Michael Jackson Burger"... It has 35 year old meat inside 5 year old buns. The new burger at McDonald's is called the McJackson. It consists of matured beef between two fresh white buns. Q: Why does Michael Jackson not like eating at Taco Bell? A: Because he doesn't want to think outside the bun. Q: What did Michael Jackson order at the Chinese restaraunt? A: Sum Yung Boy! Q: What do Michael's rear and an LA jail have in common? A: Both hold the juice. Q: Why are Michael Jackson's pants so small? A: Because they aren't his! Q: Why does Michael Jackson want to move to Ohio? A: He heard there's a Youngstown there. Q: What's Micheal Jackson's Chinese name? A: Melikeemyoung. Q: Did you hear that Michael Jackson was taken to the Emergency Room? A: He was choking on a small bone! Q: Did you hear about the new McDonalds McJackson sandwich? A: It's a 35 year old slab of meat between two 12 year old buns. Q: What do Michael Jackson and a Big Mac have in common? A: They're both 30 year old meat between 10 year old buns! Q: How many times does 12 go into 35? A: Ask Michael Jackson. Q: What's 6 + 46 + 5? A: A threesome with Michael Jackson. Q: Why does Michael Jackson like twenty eight year old boyfriends? A: Because there are twenty of them! An engineer, a lawyer and Michael Jackson are all asked the same question, "What is 2+2?". The engineer says, "Well, it is almost 4, but never actually reaches it." The lawyer says. "Hm, case files seem to say it is 4." Then they looked at Michael figuring he would get it wrong, then he said, "That's easy! The age of the boys I like!" Q: How many Michael Jacksons does it take to screw in a light bulb? A: None. Michael Jackson only screws little boys! Q: Why isn't all the controversy bothering Michael? A: He doesn't mind reaching bottom. Q: What's soft and brown and sometimes found in little boy's diapers? A: Michael Jackson's hand! Q: What's the worst stain to try and remove from little boy's underpants? A: Michael Jackson's makeup. Q: What's white and in Michael Jackson's pocket? A: His other hand. Q: Did you hear about Michael Jackson's toaster? A: The bread goes in brown, and comes out white.
  14. Well its true if Microsoft becomes a monopoly, which it pretty much is, it will force its code languages upon us, forcing us to use them or other outdated software systems. EX: Microsoft doesn't like a particular coding language that is used by most alternative OS/software, so it makes it incompatible with its OS/software, therefore the majority of the world no longer supports it either. So Microsoft does't have to go with the best, just what makes it more money.
  15. Light as you know is a combination of matter and energy, and as you also may know when they reach the speed of light their mass becomes tremendous. The reason why they say that we can't travel the speed of light is that when you reach the speed of light, your mass becomes infinite. Well the problem with our mass being infinite is that it takes infinite amount of energy to move infinite mass, and there is not infinite energy in the universe. So therefore we could not obtain the speed of light with a thrust powered ship of some sort, we would have to be formed into energy and then we could travel that fast. Unfortunately if we could actually form ourselves into energy then we would have to figure out how to undo that process so that we are the some as we were at the starting point. Joe
  16. Sorry, I just love debates with Christians, I sometimes get carried away. Well not from god, the bible says that god made Adam and Eve out of dust, not evolution. Now some questions I have for you. Do you believe that god said let there be light and the sun appeared? Why does God allow events like Katrina to happen? If god was so perfect, why did he create everything to be imperfect. If god controls everything, why would he send his only son down to Earth for the sins that he made us do? If god is all powerful why doesn't he make it to where we can"t sin?
  17. See ya later alligator(informal English) LOL
  18. I saw stranger than fiction today, that was pretty good.
  19. O.K I pretty much know most of html now, so I'm looking to expand my horizon. What language do you need to know to make a forum or something where people can post on my site? Is the language all you need to know? Thanks, Joe
  20. For the younger readers, one of my old favorites is skinny bones. It was a great book, Funny to!
  21. I like blue, it is the color of the sky and always means something gook is going to happen. It just puts you in a good mood. Green is also used in many casinos though, it seems to attract people who would like to get some good money and quick. Blue on the other hand is a big no no in the gambling industry, it seems to attract people who are happy and glad with their life.
  22. There was probably some sort of gas supply, and with those tremendous forces, it could have easily ignited. and the plane might not have wasted all of its combustible fuel during the impact of the tower.
  23. Thats obvious, when the simply move out, turn 18, or decide to stick up for themselves. Or at least that is what I think the the question was about, you need to make you questions a little clearer.
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